The NCAlgebra Suite

Version 6.0.3

J. William Helton

Mauricio C. de Oliveira

with earlier contributions by Bob Miller & Mark Stankus


NCAlgebra is distributed under the terms of the BSD License:

Copyright (c) 2023, J. William Helton and Mauricio C. de Oliveira
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
    * Neither the name NCAlgebra nor the names of its contributors may be
      used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
      specific prior written permission.



This work was partially supported by the Division of Mathematical Sciences of the National Science Foundation.

The program was written by the authors with major earlier contributions from:

Considerable recent help came from

Other contributors include:

The beginnings of the program come from eran@slac.

1 Changes in Version 6.0

1.1 Version 6.0.3

  1. Fixed NCGrad for tr functions.

1.2 Version 6.0.2

  1. Fixed bug in NCPolyMonomial in lex order.

1.3 Version 6.0.1

  1. Fixed SparseArray Mathematica bug affecting NCFromDigits.
  2. NCGB has been completely deprecated. Loading NCGB loads NCAlgebra and NCGBX instead.
  3. Fixed NCRationalToNCPoly bug with expression exponents.

1.4 Version 6.0.0

  1. NCAlgebra is now distributed as a paclet!

  2. Changed cannonical representation of noncommutative expressions to allow for powers to be present in NonCommutativeMultiply.



  4. Tests must now be run as contexts: e.g. << NCCORETEST` instead of << NCCORETEST

  5. NonCommutativeMultiply: new functions NCExpandExponents and NCToList.

  6. NCReplace: new functions NCReplacePowerRule, NCExpandReplaceRepeated; NCExpandReplaceRepeatedSymmetric; NCExpandReplaceRepeatedSelfAdjoint; new option ApplyPowerRule.

  7. NCGBX: NCMakeGB option ReduceBasis now defaults to True.

  8. NCCollect: new function NCCollectExponents.

  9. MatrixDecompositions: functions GetLDUMatrices and GetFullLDUMatrices now produces low rank matrices.

  10. NCPoly: new function NCPolyFromGramMatrixFactors. NCPolyFullReduce renamed NCPolyReduceRepeated.

  11. NCPolyInterface: new functions NCToRule, NCReduce, NCReduceRepeated, NCRationalToNCPoly, NCMonomialOrder, and NCMonomialOrderQ.

  12. New utility functions SetCommutativeFunction, SetNonCommutativeFunction NCSymbolOrSubscriptExtendedQ, and NCNonCommutativeSymbolOrSubscriptExtendedQ.

  13. The old C++ version of NCGB is no longer compatible with NCAlgebra version 6. Consider using NCGBX instead.

  14. No longer loads the package Notation by default. Controlled by the new option UseNotation in NCOptions.

  15. Streamlined rules for NCSimplifyRational.

2 Changes in Version 5.0

2.1 Version 5.0.6

  1. NC and NCAlgebra are now Contexts
  2. NCMatrixExpand moved from NCDot to NCReplace
  3. Added SetCommutativeFunction
  4. Added tr operator
  5. Tests fixed to work even if a-z are not defined as NC globally
  6. More tests for CommutativeQ
  7. Compatibility with Mathematica 13.0.0

2.2 Version 5.0.5

  1. Improved documentation
  2. Bug fixes. Thanks Igor Klep!

2.3 Version 5.0.4

  1. First implementation of NCPolyGramMatrix and NCPolyFromGramMatrix.
  2. Improvements in NCReplace.
  3. Several bug fixes and improvements. Thanks Eric Evert!

2.4 Version 5.0.3

  1. Restored functionality of SetCommutingOperators.
  2. Improved implementation of CommutativeQ for arrays.

2.5 Version 5.0.2

  1. NCCollect and NCStrongCollect can handle commutative variables.
  2. Cleaned up initialization files.
  3. New function SetNonCommutativeHold with HoldAll attribute can be used to set Symbols that have been previously assigned values.

2.6 Version 5.0.1

  1. Introducing NCWebInstall and NCWebUpdate.
  2. Bug fixes.

2.7 Version 5.0.0

  1. Completely rewritten core handling of noncommutative expressions with significant speed gains.
  2. Completely rewritten noncommutative Gröbner basis algorithm without any dependence on compiled code. See chapter Noncommutative Gröbner Basis in the user guide and the NCGBX package. Some NCGB features are not fully supported yet, most notably NCProcess.
  3. New algorithms for representing and operating with noncommutative polynomials with commutative coefficients. These support the new package NCGBX. See this section in the chapter More Advanced Commands and the packages NCPolyInterface and NCPoly.
  4. New algorithms for representing and operating with noncommutative polynomials with noncommutative coefficients (NCPolynomial) with specialized facilities for noncommutative quadratic polynomials (NCQuadratic) and noncommutative linear polynomials (NCSylvester).
  5. Modified behavior of CommuteEverything (see important notes in CommuteEverything).
  6. Improvements and consolidation of noncommutative calculus in the package NCDiff.
  7. Added a complete set of linear algebra algorithms in the new package MatrixDecompositions and their noncommutative versions in the new package NCMatrixDecompositions.
  8. General improvements on the Semidefinite Programming package NCSDP.
  9. New algorithms for simplification of noncommutative rationals (NCSimplifyRational).
  10. Commands Transform, Substitute, SubstituteSymmetric, etc, have been replaced by the much more reliable commands in the new package NCReplace.
  11. Command MatMult has been replaced by NCDot. Alias MM has been deprecated.
  12. Noncommutative power is now supported, with x^3 expanding to x**x**x, x^-1 expanding to inv[x].
  13. x^T expands to tp[x] and x^* expands to aj[x]. Symbol T is now protected.
  14. Support for subscripted variables in notebooks.

3 Introduction

This User Guide attempts to document the many improvements introduced in NCAlgebra Version 6. Please be patient, as we move to incorporate the many recent changes into this document.

See Reference Manual for a detailed description of the available commands.

There are also notebooks in the NC/DEMOS directory that accompany each of the chapters of this user guide.

3.1 Installing NCAlgebra

Starting with Version 6, it is recommended that NCAlgebra be installed using our paclet distribution. Just type:


for the latest version.

In the near future we plan to submit paclets to the Wolfram paclet repository for easier updates.

Alternatively, you can download and install NCAlgebra as outlined in the section Manual Installation.

3.2 Running NCAlgebra

In Mathematica (notebook or text interface), type

<< NCAlgebra`

to load NCAlgebra.

Advanced options for controlling the loading of NC and NCAlgebra can be found in here and here.

If you performed a manual installation of NCAlgebra you will need to type

<< NC`

before loading NCAlgebra.

If this step fails, your installation has problems (check out installation instructions in Manual Installation). If your installation is succesful, you will see a message like:

NC::Directory: You are using the version of NCAlgebra which is
found in: "/your_home_directory/NC".

In the paclet version, it is no longer necessary to load the context NC before running NCAlgebra.

Loading the context NC in the paclet version is however still supported for backward compatibility. It does nothing more than posting the message:

NC::Directory: You are using a paclet version of NCAlgebra.

3.3 Now what?

Extensive documentation is found at

and in the distribution directory

which includes this document.

You may want to try some of the several demo files in the directory DEMOS after installing NCAlgebra.

You can also run some tests to see if things are working fine.

3.4 Testing

There are 3 test sets which you can use to troubleshoot parts of NCAlgebra. The most comprehensive test set is run by typing:


This will test the core functionality of NCAlgebra.

You can test functionality related to the package NCPoly, including the new NCGBX package NCGBX, by typing:


Finally our Semidefinite Programming Solver NCSDP can be tested with


We recommend that you restart the kernel before and after running tests. Each test takes a few minutes to run.

You can also call


to perform extensive and long testing of NCGBX.

If you performed a manual installation of NCAlgebra you will need to type

<< NC`

before before running any of the tests above.

3.5 Pre-2017 NCGB C++ version

Starting with Version 6, the old C++ version of our Groebner Basis Algorithm is no longer included. Consider using NCGBX.

4 Most Basic Commands

This chapter provides a gentle introduction to some of the commands available in NCAlgebra.

If you want a living analog of this chapter just run the notebook NC/DEMOS/1_MostBasicCommands.nb.

Before you can use NCAlgebra you first load it with the following commands:

<< NC`
<< NCAlgebra`

If you installed the paclet version of NCAlgebra it is not necessary to load the context NC before loading other NCAlgebra packages. A dummy package NC is provided in case you would like to keep your NCAlgebra work compatible with previous versions.

4.1 To Commute Or Not To Commute?

In NCAlgebra, the operator ** denotes noncommutative multiplication. At present, single-letter lower case variables are noncommutative by default and all others are commutative by default. For example:


results in




both result in 0.

One of Bill’s favorite commands is CommuteEverything, which temporarily makes all noncommutative symbols appearing in a given expression to behave as if they were commutative and returns the resulting commutative expression. For example:


results in 0. The command


restores the original noncommutative behavior.

One can make any symbol behave as noncommutative using SetNonCommutative. For example:


results in:


Likewise, symbols can be made commutative using SetCommutative. For example:


results in 0. SNC is an alias for SetNonCommutative. So, SNC can be typed rather than the longer SetNonCommutative:


results in:


One can check whether a given symbol is commutative or not using CommutativeQ or NonCommutativeQ. For example:


both return True.

WARNING: Prior to Version 6, noncommutative monomials would be stored in expanded form, without exponents. For example, the monomial


would be stored as

NonCommutativeMultiply[a, b, a, a, b]

The automatic expansion of powers of noncommutative symbols required overloading the behavior of the built in Power operator, which was interfering and causing much trouble when commutative polynomial operations were performed inside an NCAlgebra session.

Starting with Version 6, noncommutative monomials are represented with exponents. For instance, the same monomial above is now represented as

NonCommutativeMultiply[a, b, Power[a, 2], b]

Even if you type a**b**a**a**b, the repeated symbols get compressed to the compact representation with exponents. Exponents are now also used to represent the noncommutative inverse. See the notes in the next section.

4.2 Inverses

The multiplicative identity is denoted Id in the program. At the present time, Id is set to 1.

A symbol a may have an inverse, which will be denoted by inv[a]. inv operates as expected in most cases.

For example:


both lead to Id = 1 and


results in a.

WARNING: Starting with Version 6, the inv operator acts mostly as a wrapper for Power. For example, inv[a] internally evaluates to Power[a, -1]. However, inv is still available and used to display the noncommutative inverse of noncommutative expressions outside of a notebook environment. Beware that inv[a**a] now evaluates to Power[a, -2], hence certain patterns may no longer work. For example:

NCReplace[inv[a**a], a**a -> b]

would produce inv[b] in previous versions of NCAlgebra but will fail in Version 6.

WARNING: Since Version 5, inv no longer automatically distributes over noncommutative products. If this more aggressive behavior is desired use SetOptions[inv, Distribute -> True]. For example

SetOptions[inv, Distribute -> True]

returns inv[b]**inv[a]. Conversely

SetOptions[inv, Distribute -> False]

returns inv[a**b].

4.3 Transposes and Adjoints

tp[x] denotes the transpose of symbol x and aj[x] denotes the adjoint of symbol x. Like inv, the properties of transposes and adjoints that everyone uses constantly are built-in. For example:


leads to






Likewise, tp[tp[a]] == a and tp for anything for which CommutativeQ returns True is simply the identity. For example tp[5] == 5, tp[2 + 3I] == 2 + 3 I, and tp[B] == B.

Similar properties hold to aj. Moreover


return co[a] where co stands for complex-conjugate.

WARNING: Since Version 5 transposes (tp), adjoints (aj), complex conjugates (co), and inverses (inv) in a notebook environment render as \(x^T\), \(x^*\), \(\bar{x}\), and \(x^{-1}\). tp and aj can also be input directly as x^T and x^*. For this reason the symbol T is now protected in NCAlgebra.

A trace like operator, tr, was introduced in v5.0.6. It is a commutative operator keeps its list of arguments cyclicly sorted so that tr[b**a] evaluates to tr[a**b] and that automatically distribute over sums so that an expression like

tr[a**b - b**a]

always simplifies to zero. Also b**a**tr[b**a] simplifies to

tr[a**b] a**b

because tr is a commutative function. See SetCommutativeFunction.

A more interesting example is

expr = (a**b - b**a)^3

for which


evaluates to

3 tr[a^2**b^2**a**b] - 3 tr[a^2**b**a**b^2]

Use NCMatrixExpand to expand tr over matrices with noncommutative entries. For example,


evaluates to

tr[a] + tr[d]

4.4 Replace

A key feature of symbolic computation is the ability to perform substitutions. The Mathematica substitute commands, e.g. ReplaceAll (/.) and ReplaceRepeated (//.), are not reliable in NCAlgebra, so you must use our NC versions of these commands. For example:


results in




results in


Use NCMakeRuleSymmetric and NCMakeRuleSelfAdjoint to automatically create symmetric and self adjoint versions of your rules:

NCReplaceAll[tp[b**a]+b**a, NCMakeRuleSymmetric[b**a -> c]]


c + tp[c]

WARNING: The change in internal representation introduced in Version 6, in which repeated letters in monomials are represented as powers, presents a new challenge to pattern matching for NCAlgebra expressions. For example, the seemingly innocent substitution

NCReplaceAll[a**b**b, a**b -> c, ApplyPowerRule -> False]

which in previous versions returned c**b will fail in Version 6. The reason for the failure is that a**b**b is now internally represented as a**Power[b, 2], which does not match a**b. In order to make rules with exponents work in Version 6, they to be first modified by the new command NCReplacePowerRule as in

NCReplaceAll[a**b**b, NCReplacePowerRule[a**b -> c], ApplyPowerRule -> False]

For convenience, when the option ApplyPowerRule is set to True, NCReplacePowerRule gets automatically applied by all NCReplace family of functions. In this way,

NCReplaceAll[a**b**b, a**b -> c]
NCReplaceAll[a**b**b, a**b -> c, ApplyPowerRule -> True]
NCReplaceAll[a**b**b, NCReplacePowerRule[a**b -> c], ApplyPowerRule -> False]

all return the more familiar result


in Version 6.

WARNING: NCReplacePowerRule and the option ApplyPowerRule may not work with the most exoteric replacements. See, for example, the note in section Inverses.

The difference between NCReplaceAll and NCReplaceRepeated can be understood in the example:

NCReplaceAll[a**b^2, a**b -> a]

that results in



NCReplaceRepeated[a**b^2, a**b -> a]

that results in


Beside NCReplaceAll and NCReplaceRepeated we offer NCReplace and NCReplaceList, which are analogous to the standard ReplaceAll (/.), ReplaceRepeated (//.), Replace and ReplaceList. Note that one rarely uses NCReplace and NCReplaceList.

With Version 6 we introduced NCExpandReplaceRepeated, NCExpandReplaceRepeatedSymmetric, and NCExpandReplaceRepeatedSelfAdjoint, which automate the tedious process of successive substitutions and expansions that may be required to fully simplify expressions. For example, consider the expression

expr = a**b^2-b^2**a

and the rule

rule = a**b -> a - b

for which

NCReplaceRepeated[expr, rule]

results in the expression

(a - b)**b - b^2**a

Note the presence of parenthesized terms resulting from the rule substitution. It is clear that after expanding

NCExpand[NCReplaceRepeated[expr, rule]]

to produce

a**b - b^2 - b^2**a

there are still terms that could be affected by the original replacement rule, that, if replaced again,

NCExpand[NCReplaceRepeated[expr, rule]]
NCExpand[NCReplaceRepeated[%, rule]]

would ultimately lead to a simpler expression

a - b - b^2 - b^2**a

This successive expansion and substitution process is automated in

NCExpandReplaceRepeated[expr, rule]

which produces the final expression

a - b - b^2 - b^2**a

in one shot.

See also the Sections Polynomials and Rules and Advanced Rules and Replacement for a deeper discussion on some issues involved with rules and replacements in NCAlgebra.

WARNING: The commands Substitute and Transform have been deprecated in Version 5 in favor of the above nc versions of Replace.

4.5 Polynomials

The command NCExpand expands noncommutative products. For example:




Conversely, one can collect noncommutative terms involving same powers of a symbol using NCCollect. For example:




NCCollect groups terms by degree before collecting and accepts more than one variable. For example:

expr = a**x+b**x+y**c+y**d+a**x**y+b**x**y
NCCollect[expr, {x}]




NCCollect[expr, {x, y}]



Note that the last term has degree 2 in x and y and therefore does not get collected with the first order terms.

The list of variables accepts tp, aj and inv, and




Alternatively one could use


to obtain the same result. A similar command, NCCollectSelfAdjoint, works with self-adjoint variables.

There is also a stronger version of collect called NCStrongCollect. NCStrongCollect does not group terms by degree. For instance:

NCStrongCollect[expr, {x, y}]



Keep in mind that NCStrongCollect often collects more than one would normally expect.

WARNING: In Version 6 the commands NCExpandExponents and NCCollectExponents expands and collects exponents of expressions in noncommutative monomials. For example








NCAlgebra provides some commands for noncommutative polynomial manipulation that are similar to the native Mathematica (commutative) polynomial commands. Some of the next commands required the loading of the package

<< NCPolyInterface`

which provides an interface between NCAlgebra and the low-level package NCPoly.

For example:

SetCommutative[A, B]
expr = B + A y**x**y - 2 x
vars = NCVariables[expr]




NCCoefficientList[expr, vars]
NCMonomialList[expr, vars]
NCCoefficientRules[expr, vars]


{B, -2, A}
{1, x, y**x**y}
{1 -> B, x -> -2, y**x**y -> A}

Also for testing


will return False and


will return True.

Another useful command is NCTermsOfDegree, which will returns an expression with terms of a certain degree. For instance:

NCTermsOfDegree[x**y**x - x^2**y + x**w + z**w, {x,y}, {2,1}]

returns x**y**x - x^2**y,

NCTermsOfDegree[x**y**x - x^2**y + x**w + z**w, {x,y}, {0,0}]

returns z**w, and

NCTermsOfDegree[x**y**x - x^2**y + x**w + z**w, {x,y}, {0,1}]

returns 0.

A similar command is NCTermsOfTotalDegree, which works just like NCTermsOfDegree but considers the total degree in all variables. For example:

For example,

NCTermsOfTotalDegree[x**y**x - x^2**y + x**w + z**w, {x,y}, 3]

returns x**y**x - x^2**y, and

NCTermsOfTotalDegree[x**y**x - x^2**y + x**w + z**w, {x,y}, 2]

returns 0.

The above commands are based on special packages for efficiently storing and calculating with nc polynomials. Those packages are

For example:

1 + y**x**y - A x

is a polynomial with commutative coefficients in \(x\) and \(y\), whereas

a**y**b**x**c**y - A x**d

is a polynomial with nc coefficients in \(x\) and \(y\), where the letters \(a\), \(b\), \(c\), and \(d\), are the nc coefficients. Of course

1 + y**x**y - A x

is a polynomial with nc coefficients if one considers only \(x\) as the variable of interest.

In order to take full advantage of NCPoly and NCPolynomial one would need to convert an expression into those special formats. See the sections on polynomials with commutative coefficients and polynomials with noncommutative coefficients in the mode advanced commands chapter and the chapter on Gröebner basis for more information. Details can be found in the package documentaions NCPolyInterface, NCPoly, and NCPolynomial.

4.6 Rationals and Simplification

One of the great challenges of noncommutative symbolic algebra is the simplification of rational nc expressions. NCAlgebra provides various algorithms that can be used for simplification and general manipulation of nc rationals.

One such function is NCSimplifyRational, which attempts to simplify noncommutative rationals using a predefined set of rules. For example:

expr = 1+inv[d]**c**inv[S-a]**b-inv[d]**c**inv[S-a+b**inv[d]**c]**b \

leads to 1. Of course the great challenge here is to reveal well known identities that can lead to simplification. For example, the two expressions:

expr1 = a**inv[1+b**a]
expr2 = inv[1+a**b]**a

and one can use NCSimplifyRational to test such equivalence by evaluating

NCSimplifyRational[expr1 - expr2]

which results in 0 or


which results in 1. NCSimplifyRational works by transforming nc rationals. For example, one can verify that

NCSimplifyRational[expr2] == expr1

NCAlgebra has a number of packages that can be used to manipulate rational nc expressions. The packages:

4.7 Calculus

The package NCDiff provide functions for calculating derivatives and integrals of nc polynomials and nc rationals.

<< NCDiff`

The main command is NCDirectionalD which calculates directional derivatives in one or many variables. For example, if:

expr = a**inv[1+x]**b + x**c**x


NCDirectionalD[expr, {x,h}]


h**c**x + x**c**h - a**inv[1+x]**h**inv[1+x]**b

In the case of more than one variables NCDirectionalD[expr, {x,h}, {y,k}] takes the directional derivative of expr with respect to x in the direction h and with respect to y in the direction k. For example, if:

expr = x**q**x - y**x


NCDirectionalD[expr, {x,h}, {y,k}]


h**q**x + x**q*h - y**h - k**x

A further example, if:

expr = x**a**x**b + x**c**x**d

then its directional derivative in the direction h is

NCDirectionalD[expr, {x,h}]

which returns

h**a**x**b + x**a**h**b + h**c**x**d + x**c**h**d

The command NCGrad calculates nc gradients1.

For example:

NCGrad[expr, x]

returns the nc gradient

a**x**b + b**x**a + c**x**d + d**x**c

A further example, if:

expr = x**a**x**b + x**c**y**d

is a function on variables x and y then

NCGrad[expr, x, y]

returns the nc gradient list

{a**x**b + b**x**a + c**y**d, d**x**c}

Version 5 introduced experimental support for integration of nc polynomials. See NCIntegrate.

4.8 Matrices

NCAlgebra has many commands for manipulating matrices with noncommutative entries. Think block-matrices. Matrices are represented in Mathematica using lists of lists. For example

m = {{a, b}, {c, d}}

is a representation for the matrix

\[\left[\begin{array}{cc} a & b \\ c & d \end{array}\right]\]

The Mathematica command MatrixForm output pretty matrices. MatrixForm[m] prints m in a form similar to the above matrix. Beware when copying and pasting parts of an expression rendered byMatrixForm because it may not execute correctly. If in doubt, use FullForm to reveal the contents of the expression.

The experienced matrix analyst should always remember that the Mathematica convention for handling vectors is tricky.

4.8.1 Inverses, Products, Adjoints, etc

A useful command is NCInverse, which is akin to Mathematica’s Inverse command and produces a block-matrix inverse formula2 for an nc matrix. For example



{{inv[a]**(1 + b**inv[d - c**inv[a]**b]**c**inv[a]), -inv[a]**b**inv[d - c**inv[a]**b]}, 
{-inv[d - c**inv[a]**b]**c**inv[a], inv[d - c**inv[a]**b]}}

or, using MatrixForm,

NCInverse[m] // MatrixForm


\[\begin{bmatrix} a^{-1} (1 + b (d - c a^{-1} b)^{-1} c a^{-1}) & -a^{-1} b (d - c a^{-1} b)^{-1} \\ -(d - c a^{-1} b)^{-1} c a^{-1} & (d - c a^{-1} b)^{-1} \end{bmatrix}\]

Note that a and d - c**inv[a]**b were assumed invertible during the calculation.

Similarly, one can multiply matrices using NCDot, which is similar to Mathematica’s Dot. For example

m1 = {{a, b}, {c, d}}
m2 = {{d, 2}, {e, 3}}
NCDot[m1, m2]

result in

{{a**d + b**e, 2 a + 3 b}, {c**d + d**e, 2 c + 3 d}}

Note that products of nc symbols appearing in the matrices are multiplied using **. Compare that with the standard Dot (.) operator.

WARNING: NCDot replaces MatMult, which is still available for backward compatibility but will be deprecated in future releases.

There are many new improvements with Version 5. For instance, operators tp, aj, and co now operate directly over matrices. That is




In previous versions one had to use the special commands tpMat, ajMat, and coMat. Those are still supported for backward compatibility.

See advanced matrix commands for other useful matrix manipulation routines, such as NCMatrixExpand, NCMatrixReplaceAll, NCMatrixReplaceRepeated, etc, that allow one to work with matrices with symbolic noncommutative entries.

4.8.2 LU Decomposition

Behind NCInverse there are a host of linear algebra algorithms which are available in the package:

For instance the function NCLUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting can be used as

m = {{a, b}, {c, d}}
{lu, p} = NCLUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting[m]

which returns

lu = {{a, b}, {c**inv[a], d - c**inv[a]**b}}
p = {1, 2}

Using MatrixForm:


results in

\[\begin{bmatrix} a & b \\ c a^{-1} & d - c a^{-1} b \end{bmatrix}\]

The list p encodes the sequence of permutations calculated during the execution of the algorithm. The matrix lu contains the factors \(L\) and \(U\) in the way most common to numerical analysts. These factors can be recovered using

{ll, uu} = GetFullLUMatrices[lu]

resulting in this case in

ll = {{1, 0}, {c**inv[a], 1}}
uu = {{a, b}, {0, d - c**inv[a]**b}}

Using MatrixForm:


results in

\[L = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ c a^{-1} & 1 \end{bmatrix}, \qquad U = \begin{bmatrix} a & b \\ 0 & d - c a^{-1} b \end{bmatrix}\]

To verify that \(M = L U\), input

m - NCDot[ll, uu]

which should return a zero matrix.

Note: if you are looking for efficiency, the function GetLUMatrices (also GetLDUMatrices) returns the factors l and u as SparseArrays.

The default pivoting strategy prioritizes pivoting on simpler expressions. For instance,

m = {{a, b}, {1, d}}
{lu, p} = NCLUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting[m]
{ll, uu} = GetFullLUMatrices[lu]

result in the factors

ll = {{1, 0}, {a, 1}}
uu = {{1, d}, {0, b - a**d}}

and a permutation list

p = {2, 1}

which indicates that the number 1, appearing in the second row, was used as the pivot rather than the symbol a appearing on the first row. Because of the permutation, to verify that \(P M = L U\), input

m[[p]] - NCDot[ll, uu]

which should return a zero matrix. Note that in the above example the permutation matrix \(P\) is never constructed. Instead, the rows of \(M\) are directly permuted using Mathematica’s Part ([[]]) command. Of course, if one prefers to work with permutation matrices, they can be easily obtained by permuting the rows of the identity matrix as in the following example

p = {2, 1, 3}
IdentityMatrix[3][[p]] // MatrixForm

to produce

\[\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}\]


m = {{a + b, b}, {c, d}}
{lu, p} = NCLUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting[m]
{ll, uu} = GetFullLUMatrices[lu]


p = {2, 1}
ll = {{1, 0}, {(a + b)**inv[c], 1}} 
uu = {{c, d}, {0, b - (a + b)**inv[c]**d}}

showing that the simpler expression c was taken as a pivot instead of a + b.

The function NCLUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting is the one that is used by NCInverse.

4.8.3 LU Decomposition with Complete Pivoting

Another factorization algorithm is NCLUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting, which can be used to calculate the symbolic rank of nc matrices. For example

m = {{2 a, 2 b}, {a, b}}
{lu, p, q, rank} = NCLUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting[m]

returns the left and right permutation lists

p = {2, 1}
q = {1, 2}

and rank equal to 1. Note that p = {2, 1} and q = {1,2} tell us that the element that was pivoted on was the symbol a, which is the first entry of the second row, rather then 2 a, which is the first entry of the first row, because a is simpler than 2 a . The \(L\) and \(U\) factors can be obtained as before using

{ll, uu} = GetFullLUMatrices[lu]

to get

ll = {{1, 0}, {2, 1}}
uu = {{a, b}, {0, 0}}

Using MatrixForm:


results in

\[L = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 2 & 1 \end{bmatrix}, \qquad U = \begin{bmatrix} a & b \\ 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}\]

In this case, to verify that \(P M Q = L U\) input

NCDot[ll, uu] - m[[p, q]]

which should return a zero matrix. As with partial pivoting, the permutation matrices \(P\) and \(Q\) are never constructed. Instead we used Part ([[]]) to permute both rows and columns.

4.8.4 LDL Decomposition

Finally NCLDLDecomposition computes the \(LDL^T\) decomposition of symmetric symbolic nc matrices. For example

m = {{a, b}, {b, c}}
{ldl, p, s, rank} = NCLDLDecomposition[m]

returns ldl, which contain the factors, and

p = {1, 2}
s = {1, 1}
rank = 2

The list p encodes left and right permutations, s is a list specifying the size of the diagonal blocks (entries can be either 1 or 2). The factors can be obtained using GetLDUMatrices as in

{ll, dd, uu} = GetFullLDUMatrices[ldl, s]

which in this case returns

ll = {{1, 0}, {b**inv[a], 1}}
dd = {{a, 0}, {0, c - b**inv[a]**b}}
uu = {{1, inv[a]**b}, {0, 1}}}

Because \(P M P^T = L D L^T\),

NCDot[ll, dd, uu] - m[[p, p]]

is the zero matrix and \(U = L^T\).

NCLDLDecomposition works only on symmetric matrices and, whenever possible, will make invertibility and symmetry assumptions on variables so that it can run successfully. If not possible it will warn the users.

WARNING: Prior versions contained the command NCLDUDecomposition which was deprecated in Version 5 as its functionality is now provided by NCLDLDecomposition, with a slightly different syntax.

4.8.5 Replace with Matrices

NCMatrixReplaceAll and NCMatrixReplaceRepeated are special versions of NCReplaceAll and NCReplaceRepeated that take extra steps to preserve matrix consistency when replacing expressions with nc matrices. For example, with

m1 = {{a, b}, {c, d}}
m2 = {{d, 2}, {e, 3}}


M = {{a11,a12}}

the call

MM = NCMatrixReplaceRepeated[M, {a11 -> m1, a12 -> m2}]

produces as a result the matrix

{{a, b, d, 2}, {c, d, e, 3}}

or, using MatrixForm:


to obtain

\[\begin{bmatrix} a & b & d & 2 \\ c & d & e & 3 \end{bmatrix}\]

Note how the symbols were treated as block-matrices during the substitution. As a second example, with

M = {{a11, 0}, {0, a22}}

the command

MM = NCMatrixReplaceRepeated[M, {a11 -> m1, a22 -> m2}]

produces the matrix

{{a, b, 0, 0}, {c, d, 0, 0}, {0, 0, d, 2}, {0, 0, e, 3}}

or, using MatrixForm:


to obtain

\[\begin{bmatrix} a & b & 0 & 0 \\ c & d & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & d & 2 \\ 0 & 0 & e & 3 \end{bmatrix}\]

in which the 0 blocks were automatically expanded to fit the adjacent block matrices.

Another feature of NCMatrixReplace and its variants is its ability to withhold evaluation until all matrix substitutions have taken place. For example,

NCMatrixReplaceAll[x**y + y, {x -> m1, y -> m2}]


{{d + a**d + b**e, 2 + 2 a + 3 b}, 
 {e + c**d + d**e, 3 + 2 c + 3 d}}

Finally, NCMatrixReplace substitutes NCInverse for inv so that, for instance, the result of

rule = {x -> m1, y -> m2, id -> IdentityMatrix[2], z -> {{id,x},{x,id}}}
NCMatrixReplaceRepeated[inv[z], rule]

coincides with

NCInverse[ArrayFlatten[{{IdentityMatrix[2], m1}, {m1, IdentityMatrix[2]}}]]

4.9 Quadratic Polynomials, Second Directional Derivatives and Convexity

The closest related demo to the material in this section is NC/DEMOS/NCConvexity.nb.

When working with nc quadratics it is useful to be able to “factor” the quadratic into the following form

\[ q(x) = c + s(x) + l(x) M r(x) \]

where \(s\) is linear \(x\) and \(l\) and \(r\) are vectors and \(M\) is a matrix. Load the package

<< NCQuadratic`

and use the command NCToNCQuadratic to factor an nc polynomial into the the above form:

vars = {x, y};
expr = tp[x]**a**x**d + tp[x]**b**y + tp[y]**c**y + tp[y]**tp[b]**x**d;
{const, lin, left, middle, right} = NCToNCQuadratic[expr, vars];

which returns

left = {tp[x],tp[y]}
right = {y, x**d}
middle = {{a,b}, {tp[b],c}}

and zero const and lin. The format for the linear part lin will be discussed later in Section Linear. Note that coefficients of an nc quadratic may also appear on the left and right vectors, as d did in the above example. Conversely, NCQuadraticToNC converts a list with factors back to an nc expression as in:

NCQuadraticToNC[{const, lin, left, middle, right}]

which results in

(tp[x]**b + tp[y]**c)**y + (tp[x]**a + tp[y]**tp[b])**x**d

An interesting application is the verification of the domain in which an nc rational function is convex. This uses the second directional derivative, called the Hessian. Take for example the quartic

expr = x^4;

and calculate its noncommutative directional Hessian

hes = NCHessian[expr, {x, h}]

This command returns

2 h^2**x^2 + 2 h**x**h**x + 2 h**x^2**h + 2 x**h^2**x + 2 x**h**x**h + 2 x^2**h^2

which is quadratic in the direction h. The decomposition of the nc Hessian using NCToNCQuadratic

{const, lin, left, middle, right} = NCToNCQuadratic[hes, {h}];


left = {h, x**h, x^2**h}
right = {h**x^2, h**x, h}
middle = {{2, 2 x, 2 x^2},{0, 2, 2 x},{0, 0, 2}}

Note that the middle matrix

\[\begin{bmatrix} 2 & 2 x & 2 x^2 \\ 0 & 2 & 2 x \\ 0 & 0 & 2 \end{bmatrix}\]

is not symmetric, as one might have expected. The command NCQuadraticMakeSymmetric can fix that and produce a symmetric decomposition. For the above example

{const, lin, sleft, smiddle, sright} = 
  NCQuadraticMakeSymmetric[{const, lin, left, middle, right}, 
                           SymmetricVariables -> {x, h}]

results in

sleft = {x^2**h, x**h, h}
sright = {h**x^2, h**x, h}
middle = {{0, 0, 2}, {0, 2, 2 x}, {2, 2 x, 2 x^2}}

in which middle is the symmetric matrix

\[\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & 2 \\ 0 & 2 & 2 x \\ 2 & 2 x & 2 x^2 \end{bmatrix}\]

Note the argument SymmetricVariables -> {x,h} which tells NCQuadraticMakeSymmetric to consider x and y as symmetric variables. Because the middle matrix is never positive semidefinite for any possible value of \(x\) the conclusion3 is that the nc quartic \(x^4\) is not convex.

The production of such symmetric quadratic decompositions is automated by the convenience command NCMatrixOfQuadratic. Verify that

{sleft, smiddle, sright} = NCMatrixOfQuadratic[hes, {h}]

automatically assumes that both x and h are symmetric variables and produces suitable left and right vectors as well as a symmetric middle matrix. Now we illustrate the application of such command to checking the convexity region of a noncommutative rational function.

If one is interested in checking convexity of nc rationals the package NCConvexity has functions that automate the whole process, including the calculation of the Hessian and the middle matrix, followed by the diagonalization of the middle matrix as produced by NCLDLDecomposition.

For example, the commands evaluate the nc Hessian and calculates its quadratic decomposition

expr = (x + b**y)**inv[1 - a**x**a + b**y + y**b]**(x + y**b);
{left, middle, right} = NCMatrixOfQuadratic[NCHessian[expr, {x, h}], {h}];

The resulting middle matrix can be factored using

{ldl, p, s, rank} = NCLDLDecomposition[middle];
{ll, dd, uu} = GetLDUMatrices[ldl, s];

which produces the diagonal factors

\[\begin{bmatrix} 2 (1 + b y + y b - a x a)^{-1} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}\]

which indicates the the original nc rational is convex whenever

\[ (1 + b y + y b - a x a)^{-1} \succeq 0 \]

or, equivalently, whenever

\[ 1 + b y + y b - a x a \succeq 0 \]

The above sequence of calculations is automated by the command NCConvexityRegion as in

<< NCConvexity`
NCConvexityRegion[expr, {x}]

which results in

{2 inv[1 + b**y + y**b - a**x**a], 0}

which correspond to the diagonal entries of the LDL decomposition of the middle matrix of the nc Hessian.

5 More Advanced Commands

In this chapter we describe some more advance features and commands.

If you want a living version of this chapter just run the notebook NC/DEMOS/2_MoreAdvancedCommands.nb.

<< NC`
<< NCAlgebra`

5.1 Advanced Rules and Replacements

Substitution is a key feature of Symbolic computation. We will now discuss some issues related to Mathematica’s implementation of rules and replacements that can affect the behavior of NCAlgebra expressions.

5.1.1 ReplaceAll (/.) and ReplaceRepeated (//.) often fail

The first issue is related to how Mathematica performs substitutions, which is through pattern matching. For a rule to be effective if has to match the structural representation of an expression. That representation might be different than one would normally think based on the usual properties of mathematical operators. For example, one would expect the rule:

rule = 1 + x_ -> x

to match all the expressions bellow:

1 + a
1 + 2 a
1 + a + b
1 + 2 a * b

so that

expr /. rule

with expr taking the above expressions would result in:

2 a
a + b
2 a * b

Indeed, Mathematica’s attribute Flat does precisely that. Note that this is still structural matching, not mathematical matching, since the pattern 1 + x_ would not match an integer 2, even though one could write 2 = 1 + 1!

Unfortunately, **, which is the NonCommutativeMultiply operator, is not Flat4. This is the reason why substitution based on a simple rule such as:

rule = a**b -> c

so that

expr /. rule

will work for some expr like

1 + 2 a**b /. rule

resulting in

1 + 2 c

but will fail to produce the expected result in cases like:

a**b**c /. rule


c**a**b /. rule
c**a**b**d /. rule
1 + 2 a**b**c /. rule

That’s what the NCAlgebra family of replacement functions discussed in the next section are made for.

5.1.2 The fix is NCReplace

Continuing with the example in the previous section, the calls

NCReplaceAll[a**b**c, rule]
NCReplaceAll[ c**a**b, rule ]
NCReplaceAll[c**a**b**d, rule]
NCReplaceAll[1 + 2 a**b**c, rule ]

produce the results one would expect:

1 + 2 c^2

For this reason, when substituting in NCAlgebra it is always safer to use functions from the NCReplace package rather than the corresponding Mathematica Replace family of functions. Unfortunately, this comes at a the expense of sacrificing the standard operators /. (ReplaceAll) and //. (ReplaceRepeated), which cannot be safely overloaded, forcing one to use the full names NCReplaceAll and NCReplaceRepeated.

On the same vein, the following substitution rule

NCReplaceAll[2 a**b + c, 2 a -> b]

will return 2 a**b + c intact since

FullForm[2 a**b]

is actually

Times[2, NonCommutativeMuliply[a, b]]

which is not structurally related to

FullForm[2 a]

which is

Times[2, a]

Of course, in this case a simple solution is to use the alternative rule:

NCReplaceAll[2 a**b + c, a -> b / 2]

which results in b^2 + c, as one might expect.

5.1.3 Matching monomials with powers

Starting with Version 6, NCAlgebra stores repeated symbols in noncommutative monomials using powers. This means that

expr = a**a**a**b**a**a**b**a**b

is internally stored as

NonCommutativeMultiply[a^3, b, a^2, b, a, b]

so that a replacement such as

NCReplaceAll[expr, a**b -> c, ApplyPowerRule -> False]

will result in


Note how the rule fails to match the a**b in the terms a**b^2 and a**b^3. This situation might be familiar to an experienced Mathematica user who is a aware of the difference between structural pattern matching and mathematical matching5.

As a convenience for NCAlgebra users, Version 6 provides the function NCReplacePowerRule that modifies a user’s rule in order to accomplish matching of symbols in NCAlgebra expressions including powers. For example, for the same expr above, the following replacement

NCReplaceAll[expr, NCReplacePowerRule[a**b -> c], ApplyPowerRule -> False]

will produce the more familiar


after matching a**b in the term a^3**b, and

NCReplaceRepeated[expr, NCReplacePowerRule[a**b -> c], ApplyPowerRule -> False]

will produce


after matching a**b in a^3**b, a^2**b, and a**b.

The command NCReplacePowerRule works by modifying noncommutative patterns with symbols appearing at the edges of monomials to account for the potential presence of Power in a noncommutative monomial. For example,

NCReplacePowerRule[a**c**b -> d]

produces the modified rule6

a^n_.**c**b^m_. -> a^(n-1)**d**b^(m-1)

which can successfully match powers of the symbols a and b appearing in the monomial a**c**b.

The application of NCReplacePowerRule can also be done by invoking the option ApplyPowerRule, which is available in all functions of the package NCReplace. Currently, ApplyPowerRule is set to True by default so that the commands

NCReplaceRepeated[expr, a**b -> c]
NCReplaceRepeated[expr, a**b -> c, ApplyPowerRule -> True]

do the same thing as

NCReplaceRepeated[expr, NCReplacePowerRule[a**b -> c], ApplyPowerRule -> False]

This option can also be turned off globally for all calls to the NCReplace family of functions in a NCAlgebra session by calling

SetOptions[NCReplace, ApplyPowerRule -> False];

After that, all calls to NCReplace, NCReplaceAll, NCReplaceRepeated, and related function, will be done with the option ApplyPowerRule -> False automatically.

To revert to the default behavior just set

SetOptions[NCReplace, ApplyPowerRule -> True];

5.1.4 Trouble with Block and Module

A second more esoteric issue related to substitution in NCAlgebra does not have a clean solution. It is also one that usually lurks in hidden pieces of code and can be very difficult to spot. We have been victim of such “bugs” many times. Luckily it only affect advanced users that are using NCAlgebra inside their own functions using Mathematica’s Block and Module constructions. It is also not a real bug, since it follows from some often not well understood issues with the usage of Block versus Module. Our goal here is therefore not to fix the issue but simply to alert advanced users of its existence. Start by first revisiting the following example from the Mathematica documentation. Let

m = i^2

and run

Block[{i = a}, i + m]

which returns the “expected”

a + a^2


Module[{i = a}, i + m]

which returns the “surprising”

a + i**i

The reason for this behavior is that Block effectively evaluates i as a local variable and evaluates m using whatever values are available at the time of evaluation, whereas Module only evaluates the symbol i which appears explicitly in i + m and not m using the local value of i = a. This can lead to many surprises when using rules and substitution inside a Module. For example:

Block[{i = a}, i_ -> i]

will return

i_ -> a


Module[{i = a}, i_ -> i]

will return

i_ -> i

More devastating for NCAlgebra is the fact that Module will hide local definitions from rules, which will often lead to disaster if local variables need to be declared noncommutative. Consider for example the trivial definitions for F and G below:

F[exp_] := Module[
  {rule, aa, bb},
  SetNonCommutative[aa, bb];
  rule = aa_**bb_ -> bb**aa;
  NCReplaceAll[exp, rule]

G[exp_] := Block[
  {rule, aa, bb},
  SetNonCommutative[aa, bb];
  rule = aa_**bb_ -> bb**aa;
  NCReplaceAll[exp, rule]

Their only difference is that one is defined using a Block and the other is defined using a Module. The task is to apply a rule that flips the noncommutative product of their arguments, say, x**y, into y**x. The problem is that only one of those definitions work “as expected.” Indeed, verify that


returns the “expected”





x y

which completely destroys the noncommutative product. The reason for the catastrophic failure of the definition of F, which is inside a Module, is that the letters aa and bb appearing in rule are not treated as the local symbols aa and bb7. For this reason, the right-hand side of the rule rule involves the global symbols aa and bb, which are, in the absence of a declaration to the contrary, commutative. On the other hand, the definition of G inside a Block makes sure that aa and bb are evaluated with whatever value they might have locally at the time of execution.

The above subtlety often manifests itself partially, sometimes causing what might be perceived as some kind of erratic behavior. Indeed, if one had used symbols that were already declared globally noncommutative by NCAlgebra, such as single small cap roman letters as in the definition:

H[exp_] := Module[
  {rule, a, b},
  SetNonCommutative[a, b];
  rule = a_**b_ -> b**a;
  NCReplaceAll[exp, rule]

then calling


works “as expected,” even if for the wrong reasons!

Another possible “fix” is to use a delayed rule, as in:

H[exp_] := Module[
  {rule, aa, bb},
  SetNonCommutative[aa, bb];
  rule = aa_**bb_ :> bb**aa;
  NCReplaceAll[exp, rule]

with which


would also work because the evaluation of the right-hand side of the rule is delayed until the time of its application.

5.2 Expanding matrix products

Starting at Version 5 the operators ** and inv apply also to matrices. However, in order for ** and inv to continue to work as full fledged operators, the result of multiplications or inverses of matrices is held unevaluated until the user calls NCMatrixExpand. This is in the the same spirit as good old fashion commutative operations in Mathematica.

For example, with

m1 = {{a, b}, {c, d}}
m2 = {{d, 2}, {e, 3}}

the call


results in

{{a, b}, {c, d}}**{{d, 2}, {e, 3}}

Upon calling

m1**m2 // NCMatrixExpand

the matrix product evaluation takes place returning

{{a**d + b**e, 2a + 3b}, {c**d + d**e, 2c + 3d}}

which is what would have arisen from calling NCDot[m1,m2]8. Likewise


results in

inv[{{a, b}, {c, d}}]


inv[m1] // NCMatrixExpand

returns the evaluated result

{{inv[a]**(1 + b**inv[d - c**inv[a]**b]**c**inv[a]), -inv[a]**b**inv[d - c**inv[a]**b]}, 
 {-inv[d - c**inv[a]**b]**c**inv[a], inv[d - c**inv[a]**b]}}

or, using MatrixForm:

inv[m1] // NCMatrixExpand // MatrixForm


\[\begin{bmatrix} a^{-1} (1 + b (d - c a^{-1} b)^{-1} c a^{-1}) & -a^{-1} b (d - c a^{-1} b)^{-1} \\ -(d - c a^{-1} b)^{-1} c a^{-1} & (d - c a^{-1} b)^{-1} \end{bmatrix}\]

A less trivial example is

m3 = m1**inv[IdentityMatrix[2] + m1] - inv[IdentityMatrix[2] + m1]**m1

that returns

-inv[{{1 + a, b}, {c, 1 + d}}]**{{a, b}, {c, d}} + 
     {{a, b}, {c, d}}**inv[{{1 + a, b}, {c, 1 + d}}]



results in

{{b**inv[b - (1 + a)**inv[c]**(1 + d)] - inv[c]**(1 + (1 + d)**inv[b - 
    (1 + a)**inv[c]**(1 + d)]**(1 + a)**inv[c])**c - a**inv[c]**(1 + d)**inv[b - 
    (1 + a)**inv[c]**(1 + d)] + inv[c]**(1 + d)**inv[b - (1 + a)**inv[c]**(1 + d)]**a, 
  a**inv[c]**(1 + (1 + d)**inv[b - (1 + a)**inv[c]**(1 + d)]**(1 + a)**inv[c]) - 
    inv[c]**(1 + (1 + d)**inv[b - (1 + a)**inv[c]**(1 + d)]**(1 + a)**inv[c])**d - 
    b**inv[b - (1 + a)**inv[c]**(1 + d)]**(1 + a)**inv[c] + inv[c]**(1 + d)**inv[b - 
    (1 + a)**inv[c]**(1 + d)]** b}, 
 {d**inv[b - (1 + a)**inv[c]**(1 + d)] - (1 + d)**inv[b - (1 + a)**inv[c]**(1 + d)] - 
    inv[b - (1 + a)**inv[c]**(1 + d)]**a + inv[b - (1 + a)**inv[c]**(1 + d)]**(1 + a), 
  1 - inv[b - (1 + a)**inv[c]**(1 + d)]**b - d**inv[b - (1 + a)**inv[c]**(1 + d)]**(1 + 
    a)**inv[c] + (1 + d)**inv[b - (1 + a)**inv[c]**(1 + d)]**(1 + a)**inv[c] + 
    inv[b - (1 + a)**inv[c]**(1 + d)]**(1 + a)**inv[c]**d}}

and, finally,

NCMatrixExpand[m3] // NCSimplifyRational    


{{0, 0}, {0, 0}}

as expected.

5.2.1 Trouble with Plus (+) and matrices

Mathematica’s choice of treating lists and matrix indistinctively can cause much trouble when mixing ** with Plus (+) operator. The reason for that is that Plus is Listable, and an expression like

z + m1

where m1 is an array and z is not, is automatically expanded into

{{a + z, b + z}, {c + z, d + z}}

or, using MatrixForm:

z + m1 // MatrixForm

resulting in

\[\begin{bmatrix} a + z & b + z \\ c + z & d + z \end{bmatrix}\]

Because of this “feature”, the expression

m1**m2 + m2 // NCMatrixExpand

evaluates to the “wrong” result

{{{{d + a**d + b**e, 2 a + 3 b + d}, {d + c**d + d**e, 2 c + 4 d}},
 {{2 + a**d + b**e, 2 + 2 a + 3 b}, {2 + c**d + d**e, 2 + 2 c + 3 d}}}, 
 {{{e + a**d + b**e, 2 a + 3 b + e}, {e + c**d + d**e, 2 c + 3 d + e}}, 
 {{3 + a**d + b**e, 3 + 2 a + 3 b}, {3 + c**d + d**e, 3 + 2 c + 3 d}}}}

which is different than the “correct” result

{{d + a**d + b**e, 2 + 2 a + 3 b}, 
 {e + c**d + d**e, 3 + 2 c + 3 d}}

which is returned by either

NCMatrixExpand[m1**m2] + m2


NCDot[m1, m2] + m2

The reason for the behavior is that m1**m2 is essentially treated as a scalar (it does not have head List) and therefore gets added entrywise to m2 before NCMatrixExpand has a chance to evaluate the ** product.

There are no easy fixes for this problem, which affects not only NCAlgebra but any similar type of matrix product evaluation in Mathematica. With NCAlgebra, a better option is to use NCMatrixReplaceAll or NCMatrixReplaceRepeated. As seen in the section Replace with matrices, the command

NCMatrixReplaceAll[x**y + y, {x -> m1, y -> m2}]

produces the expected result:

{{d + a**d + b**e, 2 + 2 a + 3 b}, 
 {e + c**d + d**e, 3 + 2 c + 3 d}}

Note that the above behavior might be erratic, since in an expression like

m1**m2 + m2**m1

in which ** is kept unevaluated as in

{{a, b}, {c, d}}**{{d, 2}, {e, 3}} + {{d, 2}, {e, 3}}**{{a, b}, {c, d}}

the command

m1**m2 + m2**m1 // NCMatrixExpand

expands to the expected result

{{2 c + a**d + b**e + d**a, 2 a + 3 b + 2 d + d**b}, 
 {3 c + c**d + d**e + e**a, 2 c + 6 d + e**b}}

5.3 Polynomials with commutative coefficients

The package NCPoly provides an efficient structure for storing and operating with noncommutative polynomials with commutative coefficients. There are two main goals:

  1. Ordering: to be able to sort polynomials based on an ordering specified by the user. See the chapter Noncommutative Gröbner Basis for more details.
  2. Efficiency: to efficiently perform polynomial algebra with as little overhead as possible.

Those two properties allow for an efficient implementation of NCAlgebra’s noncommutative Gröbner basis algorithm, new in Version 5, without the use of auxiliary accelerating C code, as in NCGB. See Noncommutative Gröbner Basis.

Before getting into details, to see how much more efficient NCPoly is when compared with standard NCAlgebra objects try

Table[Timing[NCExpand[(1 + x)^i]][[1]], {i, 0, 15, 5}]

which would typically return something like

{0.000088, 0.001074, 0.017322, 0.240704, 3.61492}

whereas the equivalent

<< NCPoly`
Table[Timing[(1 + NCPolyMonomial[{x}, {x}])^i][[1]], {i, 0, 15, 5}]

would return

{0.00097, 0.001653, 0.002208, 0.003908, 0.004306}

The best way to work with NCPoly in NCAlgebra is by loading the package NCPolyInterface:

<< NCPolyInterface`

which provides the commands NCToNCPoly and NCPolyToNC to convert nc expressions back and forth between NCAlgebra and NCPoly.

For example

vars = {x, y, z};
p = NCToNCPoly[1 + x**x - 2 x**y**z, vars]

converts the polynomial 1 + x**x - 2 x**y**z from the standard NCAlgebra format into an NCPoly object. The result in this case is the NCPoly object

NCPoly[{1, 1, 1}, <|{0, 0, 0, 0} -> 1, {0, 0, 2, 0} -> 1, {1, 1, 1, 5} -> -2|>]

Conversely the command NCPolyToNC converts an NCPoly back into NCAlgebra format. For example

NCPolyToNC[p, vars]


1 + x^2 - 2 x**y**z

as expected. Note that an NCPoly object does not store symbols, but rather a representation of the polynomial based on specially encoded monomials. This is the reason why one should provide vars as an argument to NCPolyToNC.

Alternatively, one could construct the same NCPoly object by calling NCPoly directly as in

NCPoly[{1, 1, -2}, {{}, {x, x}, {x, y, z}}, vars]

In this syntax the first argument is a list of coefficients, the second argument is a list of monomials, and the third is the list of variables. Monomials are given as lists, with {} being equivalent to a constant 1.

The particular coefficients in the NCPoly object depend not only on the polynomial being represented but also on the ordering implied by the sequence of symbols in the list of variables vars. For example:

vars = {{x}, {y, z}};
p = NCToNCPoly[1 + x**x - 2 x**y**z, vars]


NCPoly[{1, 2}, <|{0, 0, 0} -> 1, {0, 2, 0} -> 1, {2, 1, 5} -> -2|>

The sequence of braces in the list of variables encodes the ordering to be used for sorting NCPolys. Orderings specify how monomials should be ordered, and is discussed in detail in Noncommutative Gröbner Basis.

We provide the convenience commands NCMonomialOrder, NCMonomialOrderQ and NCPolyDisplayOrder to help building and visualizing orderings.

NCPolyDisplayOrder prints the polynomial ordering implied by a list of symbols. For example


prints out

\[x \ll y \ll z\]



prints out

\[x \ll y < z\]

from where you can see that grouping variables inside braces induces a graded type ordering, as discussed in Noncommutative Gröbner Basis.

With NCMonomialOrder you can basically dispense with the “outer” braces. For example




It also validates the resulting ordering using NCMonomialOrderQ so that


will fail and print an error message. Note that




which corresponds to

\[x \ll y \ll z\]


NCMonomialOrder[{x, y, z}]



which corresponds to

\[x < y < z\]

There is also a special constructor for monomials. For example

vars = NCMonomialOrder[{x}, {y,z}];
NCPolyMonomial[{y,x}, vars]
NCPolyMonomial[{x,y}, vars]

return the monomials corresponding to \(y x\) and \(x y\) using the ordering \(x \ll y < z\).

Operations on NCPoly objects result in another NCPoly object that is always expanded. For example:

vars = {{x}, {y, z}};
1 + NCPolyMonomial[{x, y}, vars] - 2 NCPolyMonomial[{y, x}, vars]


NCPoly[{1, 2}, <|{0, 0, 0} -> 1, {1, 1, 1} -> 1, {1, 1, 3} -> -2|>]


p = (1 + NCPolyMonomial[{x}, vars]**NCPolyMonomial[{y}, vars])^2


NCPoly[{1, 2}, <|{0, 0, 0} -> 1, {1, 1, 1} -> 2, {2, 2, 10} -> 1|>]

WARNING: NCPolys constructed from different orderings cannot be combined or otherwise operated.

Another convenience function is NCPolyDisplay which returns a list with the monomials appearing in an NCPoly object. For example:

NCPolyDisplay[p, vars]


{x.y.x.y, 2 x.y, 1}

The reason for displaying an NCPoly object as a list is so that the monomials can appear in the same order as they are stored. Using Plus would revert to Mathematica’s default ordering. For example

p = NCToNCPoly[1 + x**y**x - 2 x**x + z, vars]
NCPolyDisplay[p, vars]


{x.y.x, z, -2 x.x, 1}


NCPolyToNC[p, vars]

would return

1 - 2 x^2 + z + x**y**x

in which the sorting of the monomials has been destroyed by Plus.

The monomials appear sorted in decreasing order from left to right, with z being the leading term in the above example.

With NCPoly the Mathematica command Sort is modified to sort lists of polynomials. For example

polys = NCToNCPoly[{x**x**x, 2 y**x - z, z, y**x - x**x}, vars];
ColumnForm[NCPolyDisplay[Sort[polys], vars]]


{y.x, -x.x}
{2 y.x, -z}

Sort produces a list of polynomials sorted in ascending order based on their leading terms.

5.4 Polynomials with noncommutative coefficients

A larger class of polynomials in noncommutative variables is that of polynomials with noncommutative coefficients. Think of a polynomial with commutative coefficients in which certain variables are considered to be unknown, i.e. variables, where others are considered to be known, i.e. coefficients. For example, in many problems in systems and control the following expression

\[p(x) = a x + x a^T - x b x + c\]

is often seen as a polynomial in the noncommutative unknown x with known noncommutative coefficients a, b, and c. A typical problem is the determination of a solution to the equation \(p(x) = 0\) or the inequality \(p(x) \succeq 0\).

The package NCPolynomial handles such polynomials with noncommutative coefficients. As with NCPoly, the package provides the commands NCToNCPolynomial and NCPolynomialToNC to convert nc expressions back and forth between NCAlgebra and NCPolynomial. For example

vars = {x}
p = NCToNCPolynomial[a**x + x**tp[a] - x**b**x + c, vars]

converts the polynomial a**x + x**tp[a] - x**b**x + c from the standard NCAlgebra format into an NCPolynomial object. The result in this case is the NCPolynomial object

NCPolynomial[c, <|{x} -> {{1, a, 1}, {1, 1, tp[a]}}, {x, x} -> {{-1, 1, b, 1}}|>, {x}]

Conversely the command NCPolynomialToNC converts an NCPolynomial back into NCAlgebra format. For example



c + a**x + x**tp[a] - x**b**x

An NCPolynomial does store information about the polynomial symbols and a list of variables is required only at the time of creation of the NCPolynomial object.

As with NCPoly, operations on NCPolynomial objects result on another NCPolynomial object that is always expanded. For example:

vars = {x,y}
1 + NCToNCPolynomial[x**y, vars] - 2 NCToNCPolynomial[y**x, vars]


NCPolynomial[1, <|{y**x} -> {{-2, 1, 1}}, {x**y} -> {{1, 1, 1}}|>, {x, y}]


(1 + NCToNCPolynomial[x, vars]**NCToNCPolynomial[y, vars])^2


NCPolynomial[1, <|{x**y**x**y} -> {{1, 1, 1}}, {x**y} -> {{2, 1, 1}}|>, {x, y}]

To see how much more efficient NCPolynomial is when compared with standard NCAlgebra objects try

Table[Timing[(NCToNCPolynomial[x, vars])^i][[1]], {i, 0, 15, 5}]

would return

{0.000493, 0.003345, 0.005974, 0.013479, 0.018575}

As you can see, NCPolynomials are not as efficient as NCPolys but still much more efficient than NCAlgebra polynomials.

NCPolynomials do not support orderings but we do provide the NCPSort command that produces a list of terms sorted by degree. For example



{c, a**x, x**tp[a], -x**b**x}

A useful feature of NCPolynomial is the capability of handling polynomial matrices. For example

mat1 = {{a**x + x**tp[a] + c**y + tp[y]**tp[c] - x**q**x, b**x}, 
        {x**tp[b], 1}};
p1 = NCToNCPolynomial[mat1, {x, y}];

mat2 = {{1, x**tp[c]}, {c**x, 1}};
p2 = NCToNCPolynomial[mat2, {x, y}];

constructs NCPolynomial objects representing the polynomial matrices mat1 and mat2. Verify that

NCPolynomialToNC[p1**p2] - NCDot[mat1, mat2] // NCExpand

is zero as expected. Internally NCPolynomial represents a polynomial matrix by constructing matrix factors. For example the representation of the matrix mat1 correspond to the factors \[ \begin{aligned} \begin{bmatrix} a x + x a^T + c y + y^T c^T - x q x & b x \\ x b^T & 1 \end{bmatrix} &= \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} a \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} x \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} x \begin{bmatrix} a^T & 0 \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} -1 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} x q x \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} + \\ & \qquad \quad \begin{bmatrix} b \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} x \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix} x \begin{bmatrix} b^T & 0 \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} c \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} y \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} y^T \begin{bmatrix} c^T & 0 \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned} \]

See section linear polynomials for more features on linear polynomial matrices.

5.5 Linear polynomials

Another interesting class of nc polynomials is that of linear polynomials, which can be factored in the form:

\[s(x) = l (F \otimes x) r\]

where \(l\) and \(r\) are vectors with symbolic expressions and \(F\) is a numeric matrix. This functionality is in the package

<< NCSylvester`

Use the command NCToNCSylvester to factor a linear nc polynomial into the the above form. For example:

vars = {x, y};
expr = 1 + a**x + x**tp[a] - x + b**y**d + tp[d]**tp[y]**tp[b];
{const, lin} = NCToNCSylvester[expr, vars];

which returns

const = 1

and an Association lin containing the factorization. For example


returns a list with the left and right vectors l and r and the coefficient array F.

{{1, a}, {1, a^T}, SparseArray[< 2 >, {2, 2}]}

which in this case is the matrix:

\[ \begin{bmatrix} -1 & 1\\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \]




{{d^T}, {b^T}, SparseArray[< 1 >, {1, 1}]}

Note that transposes and adjoints are treated as independent variables.

Perhaps the most useful consequence of the above factorization is the possibility of producing a linear polynomial which has the smallest possible number of terms, as explaining in detail in (Oliveira 2012). This is done automatically by NCSylvesterToNC. For example

vars = {x, y};
expr = a**x**c - a**x**d - a**y**c + a**y**d + b**x**c - b**x**d - b**y**c + b**y**d;
{const, lin} = NCToNCSylvester[expr, vars];
NCSylvesterToNC[{const, lin}]


(a + b)**x**(c - d) + (a + b)**y**(-c + d)

This factorization even works with linear matrix polynomials, and is used by the our semidefinite programming algorithm (see Chapter Semidefinite Programming) to factor linear matrix inequalities in the least possible number of terms. For example:

vars = {x};
expr = {{a**x + x**tp[a], b**x, tp[c]},
        {x**tp[b], -1, tp[d]},
        {c, d, -1}};
{const, lin} = NCToNCSylvester[expr, vars]

result in:

const = SparseArray[< 6 >, {3, 3}]
lin = <|x -> {{1, a, b}, {1, tp[a], tp[b]}, SparseArray[< 4 >, {9, 9}]}|>

See (Oliveira 2012) for details on the structure of the constant array \(F\) in this case.

6 Noncommutative Gröbner Basis

Gröbner Basis are useful in the study of algebraic relations. The package NCGBX provides an implementation of a noncommutative Gröbner Basis algorithm.

Starting with Version 6, the old C++ version of our Groebner Basis Algorithm is no longer included.

If you want a living version of this chapter just run the notebook NC/DEMOS/3_NCGroebnerBasis.nb.

In order to load NCGBX one types:

<< NC`
<< NCAlgebra`

or simply


if NC and NCAlgebra have already been loaded.

6.1 What is a Gröbner Basis?

Most commutative algebra packages contain commands based on Gröbner Basis and uses of Gröbner Basis. For example, in Mathematica, the Solve command puts collections of equations in a canonical form which, for simple collections, readily yields a solution. Likewise, the Mathematica Eliminate command tries to convert a collection of \(m\) polynomial equations (often called relations)

\[\begin{aligned} p_1(x_1,\ldots,x_n) &= 0 \\ p_2(x_1,\ldots,x_n) &= 0 \\ \vdots \quad & \quad \, \, \vdots \\ p_m(x_1,\ldots,x_n) &= 0 \end{aligned}\]

in variables \(x_1,x_2, \ldots x_n\) to a triangular form, that is a new collection of equations like

\[\begin{aligned} q_1(x_1) &= 0 \\ q_2(x_1,x_2) &= 0 \\ q_3(x_1,x_2) &= 0 \\ q_4(x_1,x_2,x_3)&=0 \\ \vdots \quad & \quad \, \, \vdots \\ q_{r}(x_1,\ldots,x_n) &= 0. \end{aligned}\]

Here the polynomials \(\{q_j: 1\le j\le k_2\}\) generate the same ideal that the polynomials \(\{p_j : 1\le j \le k_1\}\) generate. Therefore, the set of solutions to the collection of polynomial equations \(\{p_j=0: 1\le j\le k_1\}\) equals the set of solutions to the collection of polynomial equations \(\{q_j=0: 1\le j\le k_2\}\). This canonical form greatly simplifies the task of solving collections of polynomial equations by facilitating backsolving for \(x_j\) in terms of \(x_1,\ldots,x_{j-1}\).

Readers who would like to know more about Gröbner Basis may want to read [CLS]. The noncommutatative version of the algorithm implemented by NCGB is loosely based on [Mora].

6.2 Solving Equations

Before calculating a Gröbner Basis, one must declare which variables will be used during the computation and must declare a monomial order which can be done using SetMonomialOrder as in:

SetMonomialOrder[{a, b, c}, x];

The monomial ordering imposes a relationship between the variables which are used to sort the monomials in a polynomial. The ordering implied by the above command can be visualized using:


which in this case prints:

\[a < b < c \ll x.\]

A user does not need to know theoretical background related to monomials orders. Indeed, as we shall see soon, in many engineering problems, it suffices to know which variables correspond to quantities which are known and which variables correspond to quantities which are unknown. If one is solving for a variable or desires to prove that a certain quantity is zero, then one would want to view that variable as unknown. In the above example, the symbol ‘\(\ll\)’ separate the knowns, \(a, b, c\), from the unknown, \(x\). For more details on orderings see Section Orderings.

Our goal is to calculate the Gröbner basis associated with the following relations (i.e. a list of polynomials):

\[\begin{aligned} a \, x \, a &= c, & a \, b &= 1, & b \, a &= 1. \end{aligned}\]

We shall use the word relation to mean a polynomial in noncommuting indeterminates. For example, if an analyst saw the equation \(A B = 1\) for matrices \(A\) and \(B\), then he might say that \(A\) and \(B\) satisfy the polynomial equation \(a\, b - 1 = 0\). An algebraist would say that \(a\, b - 1\) is a relation.

To calculate a Gröbner basis one defines a list of relations:

rels = {a**x**a - c, a**b - 1, b**a - 1}

and issues the command:

gb = NCMakeGB[rels, 10]

which should produce an output similar to:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * *   NCPolyGroebner    * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Monomial order: a < b < c << x
* Reduce and normalize initial set
> Initial set could not be reduced
* Computing initial set of obstructions
> MAJOR Iteration 1, 4 polys in the basis, 2 obstructions
> MAJOR Iteration 2, 5 polys in the basis, 2 obstructions
* Cleaning up...
* Found Groebner basis with 3 polynomials
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The number 10 in the call to NCMakeGB is very important because a finite GB may not exist. It instructs NCMakeGB to abort after 10 iterations if a GB has not been found at that point.

The result of the above calculation is the list of relations in the form of a list of rules:

{x -> b**c**b, a**b -> 1, b**a -> 1}

Version 5: For efficiency, NCMakeGB returns a list of rules instead of a list of polynomials. The left-hand side of the rule is the leading monomial in the current order. This is incompatible with early versions, which returned a list of polynomials. You can recover the old behavior setting the option ReturnRules -> False. This can be done in the NCMakeGB command or globally through SetOptions[ReturnRules -> False].

Our favorite format for displaying lists of relations is ColumnForm.


which results in

x -> b**c**b
a**b -> 1
b**a -> 1

The rules in the output represent the relations in the GB with the left-hand side of the rule being the leading monomial. Replacing Rule by Subtract recovers the relations but one would then loose the leading monomial as Mathematica alphabetizes the resulting sum.

Someone not familiar with GB’s might find it instructive to note this output GB effectively solves the input equation

\[a \, x \, a - c = 0\]

under the assumptions that

\[\begin{aligned} b \, a - 1 &= 0, & a \, b - 1 & =0, \end{aligned}\]

that is \(a = b^{-1}\) and produces the expected result in the form of the relation:

\[ x = b \, c \, b. \]

6.3 A Slightly more Challenging Example

For a slightly more challenging example consider the same monomial order as before:

SetMonomialOrder[{a, b, c}, x];

that is

\(a < b < c \ll x\)

and the relations:

\[\begin{aligned} a \, x - c &= 0, \\ a \, b \, a - a &= 0, \\ b \, a \, b - b &= 0, \end{aligned}\]

from which one can recognize the problem of solving the linear equation \(a \, x = c\) in terms of the pseudo-inverse \(b = a^\dagger\). The calculation:

gb = NCMakeGB[{a**x - c, a**b**a - a, b**a**b - b}, 10];

finds the Gröbner basis:

a**x -> c
a**b**c -> c
a**b**a -> a 
b**a**b -> b

In this case the Gröbner basis cannot quite solve the equations but it remarkably produces the necessary condition for existence of solutions:

\[ 0 = a \, b \, c - c = a \, a^\dagger c - c \]

that can be interpreted as \(c\) being in the range-space of \(a\).

6.4 Simplifying Polynomial Expressions

Our goal now is to verify if it is possible to simplify the following expression:

expr = b^2**a^2 - a^2**b^2 + a**b**a

knowing that

\[ a \, b \, a = b \]

using Gröbner basis. With that in mind we set the ordering:


and calculate the GB associated with the constraint:

rels = {a**b**a - b};
rules = NCMakeGB[rels, 10];

which produces the output

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * *   NCPolyGroebner    * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Monomial order: a << b
* Reduce and normalize initial set
> Initial set could not be reduced
* Computing initial set of obstructions
> MAJOR Iteration 1, 2 polys in the basis, 1 obstructions
* Cleaning up...
* Found Groebner basis with 2 polynomials
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

and the associated GB

a**b**a -> b
b^2**a -> a**b^2

The GB revealed another relationship that must hold true if \(a \, b \, a = b\). One can use these relationships to simplify the original expression using NCReplaceRepeated as in

NCReplaceRepeated[expr, rules]

which simplifies expr into b.

An alternative, since we are working with polynomials, is to use NCReduce as in

vars = GetMonomialOrder[];
NCReduce[expr, NCRuleToPoly[rules], vars]

Note that NCReduce needs a list of variables to be used as the desired ordering, which we obtain from the current ordering using GetMonomialOrder, and that the rules in rules need to be converted to polynomials, which we do using NCRuleToPoly.

6.5 Polynomials and Rules

Having seen how polynomial relations can be interpreted as rules, consider the expression

expr = b^2**a^2 + a^2**b^3 + a**b**a

and the polynomial relations

rels = {a**b**a - b , b^2 - a + b}

With respect to the monomial ordering

SetMonomialOrder[a, b];

we can interpret these relations as the rules

vars = GetMonomialOrder[];
(rules = NCToRule[rels, vars]) // ColumnForm

that is

a**b**a -> b
b^2 -> a - b

Note how we used GetMonomialOrder to obtain the list of variables vars corresponding to the ordering

\[ a \ll b\]

and NCToRule to convert the polynomial relations into rules.

We can then apply these rules by using one of the NCReplace functions, for example

NCExpandReplaceRepeated[expr, rules]

which produces

b + a^2**b + a^3**b - b**a^2

Note that we have made use of the new function NCExpandReplaceRepeated, to automate the tedious cycles of expansion and substitution.

Alternatively, one can use NCReduce to perform the same substitution. NCReduce takes in polynomial, instead of rules, and a list of variables. For example,

NCReduce[expr, rels, vars]


a^2**b + a^3**b - b**a^2 + a**b**a

which is the result of applying the rules only to the leading monomial of expr. If you want substitutions to be applied to all monomials then set the option Complete to True, as in

NCReduce[expr, rels, vars, Complete -> True]

This produces

b + a^2**b + a^3**b - b**a^2

which is the same result as above.

But, of course, by now one should wonder whether the above polynomial relations could imply other simplifications, which we seek to find out by running our Gröbner basis algorithm:

rules = NCMakeGB[rels, 4];

that discovers the following additional relations

b^2 -> a - b
b**a -> a**b
a^2**b -> b
a^3 -> a

When used for simplification,

NCExpandReplaceRepeated[expr, rules]

reduces the original expression to the even simpler form

b + a**b

As before, rule substitution could also be performed by NCReduce as in

NCReduce[expr, NCRuleToPoly[rules], vars]

that, in this case, leads to the same result as above without the need to recourse to the Complete flag.

6.6 Minimal versus Reduced Gröbner Basis

The algorithm implemented by NCGB always produces a Gröbner Basis with the minimal possible number of polynomials at a given iteration. However, such polynomials are not necessarily the “simplest” possible polynomials; called the reduced Gröbner Basis. The reduced Gröbner Basis is unique given the relations and the monomial ordering. Consider for example the following monomial ordering

SetMonomialOrder[x, y]

and the relations

rels = {x^3 - 2 x**y, x^2**y - 2 y^2 + x}

for which

NCMakeGB[rels, ReduceBasis -> False] // ColumnForm

produces the minimal Gröbner Basis



NCMakeGB[rels, ReduceBasis -> True] // ColumnForm

returns the reduced Gröbner Basis


in which not only the leading monomials but also all lower-order monomials have been reduced by the basis’ leading monomials. The option ReduceBasis is set to True by default.

6.7 Simplifying Rational Expressions

It is often desirable to simplify expressions involving inverses of noncommutative expressions. One challenge is to recognize identities implied by the existence of certain inverses. For example, that the expression

expr = x**inv[1 - x] - inv[1 - x]**x

is equivalent to \(0\). One can use a nc Gröbner basis for that task. Consider for instance the ordering

\[ x \ll (1-x)^{-1} \]

implied by the command:

SetMonomialOrder[x, inv[1-x]]

This ordering encodes the following precise idea of what we mean by simple versus complicated: it formally corresponds to specifying that \(x\) is simpler than \((1-x)^{-1}\), which might sits well with one’s intuition.

Now consider the following command:

(rules = NCMakeGB[{}, 3]) // ColumnForm

which produces the output

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * *   NCPolyGroebner    * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Monomial order: x <<  inv[x] << inv[1 - x]
* Reduce and normalize initial set
> Initial set could not be reduced
* Computing initial set of obstructions
> MAJOR Iteration 1, 6 polys in the basis, 6 obstructions
* Cleaning up...
* Found Groebner basis with 6 polynomials
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

and results in the rules:

x**inv[1 - x] -> -1 + inv[1 - x],
inv[1-x]**x -> -1 + inv[1-x],

As in the previous example, the GB revealed new relationships that must hold true if \(1- x\) is invertible, and one can use this relationship to simplify the original expression using NCReplaceRepeated as in:

NCReplaceRepeated[expr, rules]

The above command results in 0, as one would hope.

For a more challenging example consider the identity:

\[\left (1 - x - y (1 - x)^{-1} y \right )^{-1} = \frac{1}{2} (1 - x - y)^{-1} + \frac{1}{2} (1 - x + y)^{-1}\]

One can verify that the rule based command NCSimplifyRational fails to simplify the expression:

expr = inv[1 - x - y**inv[1 - x]**y] - 1/2 (inv[1 - x + y] + inv[1 - x - y])

We set the monomial ordering and calculate the Gröbner basis

SetMonomialOrder[x, y, inv[1-x], inv[1-x+y], inv[1-x-y], inv[1-x-y**inv[1-x]**y]];
(rules = NCMakeGB[{}, 3]) // ColumnForm

based on the rational involved in the original expression. The result is the nc GB:

inv[1-x-y**inv[1-x]**y] -> (1/2)inv[1-x-y]+(1/2)inv[1-x+y]
x**inv[1-x] -> -1+inv[1-x]
y**inv[1-x+y] -> 1-inv[1-x+y]+x**inv[1-x+y]
y**inv[1-x-y] -> -1+inv[1-x-y]-x**inv[1-x-y]
inv[1-x]**x -> -1+inv[1-x]
inv[1-x+y]**y -> 1-inv[1-x+y]+inv[1-x+y]**x
inv[1-x-y]**y -> -1+inv[1-x-y]-inv[1-x-y]**x
inv[1-x+y]**x**inv[1-x-y] -> -(1/2)inv[1-x-y]-(1/2)inv[1-x+y]+inv[1-x+y]**inv[1-x-y]
inv[1-x-y]**x**inv[1-x+y] -> -(1/2)inv[1-x-y]-(1/2)inv[1-x+y]+inv[1-x-y]**inv[1-x+y]

which successfully simplifies the original expression using:

NCExpandReplaceRepeated[expr, rules]

resulting in 0.

See also Advanced Processing of Rational Expressions for more details on the lower level handling of rational expressions.

6.8 Simplification with NCGBSimplifyRational

The simplification process described above is automated in the function NCGBSimplifyRational.

For example, calls to

expr = x**inv[1 - x] - inv[1 - x]**x


expr = inv[1 - x - y**inv[1 - x]**y] - 1/2 (inv[1 - x + y] + inv[1 - x - y])

both result in 0.

6.9 Ordering on Variables and Monomials

As seen above, one needs to declare a monomial order before making a Gröbner Basis. There are various monomial orders which can be used when computing Gröbner Basis. The most common are lexicographic and graded lexicographic orders. We consider also multi-graded lexicographic orders.

Lexicographic and multi-graded lexicographic orders are examples of elimination orderings. An elimination ordering is an ordering which is used for solving for some of the variables in terms of others.

We now discuss each of these types of orders.

6.9.1 Lex Order: the simplest elimination order

To impose lexicographic order, say \(a\ll b\ll x\ll y\) on \(a\), \(b\), \(x\) and \(y\), one types


or, equivalently


This order is useful for attempting to solve for \(y\) in terms of \(a\), \(b\) and \(x\), since the highest priority of the GB algorithm is to produce polynomials which do not contain \(y\). If producing high order polynomials is a consequence of this fanaticism so be it. Unlike graded orders, lex orders pay little attention to the degree of terms. Likewise its second highest priority is to eliminate \(x\).

Once this order is set, one can use all of the commands in the preceding section in exactly the same form.

We now give a simple example how one can solve for \(y\) given that \(a\),\(b\),\(x\) and \(y\) satisfy the equations:

\[\begin{aligned} -b\, x + x\, y \, a + x\, b \, a \, a &= 0 \\ x \, a-1&=0 \\ a\, x-1&=0 \end{aligned}\]

The command

NCMakeGB[{-b**x+x**y**a+x**b**a**a, x**a-1, a**x-1},4] // ColumnForm

produces the Gröbner basis:

y -> -b**a + a**b**x^2
a**x -> 1 
x**a -> 1

after one iteration.

Now, we change the ordering to


and run the same NCMakeGB as above:

NCMakeGB[{-b**x+x**y**a+x**b**a**a, x**a-1, a**x-1},4] // ColumnForm

which, this time, results in

b**x^3 -> x**b+x**y**x
x**a -> 1
a**x -> 1
x**b**a -> b**x^2 - x**y
a**b**x^2 -> y+b**a
x**b^2**a -> -x**b**y+b**x^2**b**x^2 - 
b**a^2 -> -y**a+a**b**x
b**a**b**a -> -y^2 - b**a**y - y**b**a+
b**a**b^2**a -> -y**b**y - y**b^2**a - 
    y^2**b**x^2 - b**a**b**y - b**a**y**b**x^2+

which is not a Gröbner basis since the algorithm was interrupted at 4 iterations. Note the presence of the rule

a**b**x**x -> y+b**a

which shows that the ordering is not set up to solve for \(y\) in terms of the other variables in the sense that \(y\) is not on the left hand side of this rule (but a human could easily solve for \(y\) using this rule). Also the algorithm created a number of other relations which involved \(y\).

6.9.2 Graded Lex Ordering: a non-elimination order

To impose graded lexicographic order, say \(a< b< x< y\) on \(a\), \(b\), \(x\) and \(y\), one types


This ordering puts high degree monomials high in the ordering. Thus it tries to decrease the total degree of expressions. A call to

NCMakeGB[{-b**x+x**y**a+x**b**a**a, x**a-1, a**x-1},4,ReduceBasis->True] // ColumnForm

now produces

a**x -> 1,
x**a -> 1,
b**a^2 -> -y**a+a**b**x,
x**b**a -> b**x^2 - x**y,
a**b**x^2 -> y+b**a,
b**x^3 -> x**b+x**y**x,
a**b**x**b**x^2 -> y^2+b**a**y+y**b**a+b**a**b**a,
b**x^2**b**x^2 -> x**b**y+x**b^2**a+x**y**b**x^2,
a**b**x**b**x**b**x^2 -> y^3+b**a**y^2+y^2**b**a+y**b**a**y+
b**x^2**b**x**b**x^2 -> x**b**y^2+x**b^2**a**y+x**b**y**b**a+

which again fails to be a Gröbner basis and does not eliminate \(y\). Instead, it tries to decrease the total degree of expressions involving \(a\), \(b\), \(x\), and \(y\).

6.9.3 Multigraded Lex Ordering: a variety of elimination orders

There are other useful monomial orders which one can use other than graded lex and lex. Another type of order is what we call multigraded lex and is a mixture of graded lex and lex order. To impose multi-graded lexicographic order, say \(a< b< x\ll y\) on \(a\), \(b\), \(x\) and \(y\), one types


which separates \(y\) from the remaining variables. This time, a call to

NCMakeGB[{-b**x+x**y**a+x**b**a**a, x**a-1, a**x-1},4,ReduceBasis->True] // ColumnForm

yields once again

y -> -b**a+a**b**x^2
a**x -> 1
x**a -> 1

which not only eliminates \(y\) but is also Gröbner basis, calculated after one iteration.

For an intuitive idea of why multigraded lex is helpful, we think of \(a\), \(b\), and \(x\) as corresponding to variables in some engineering problem which represent quantities which are known and \(y\) to be unknown. The fact that \(a\), \(b\) and \(x\) are in the top level indicates that we are very interested in solving for \(y\) in terms of \(a\), \(b\), and \(x\), but are not willing to solve for, say \(x\), in terms of expressions involving \(y\).

This situation is so common that we provide the commands SetKnowns and SetUnknowns. The above ordering would be obtained after setting


6.10 A Complete Example: the partially prescribed matrix inverse problem

This is a type of problem known as a matrix completion problem. This particular one was suggested by Hugo Woerdeman. We are grateful to him for discussions.

Problem: Given matrices \(a\), \(b\), \(c\), and \(d\), we wish to determine under what conditions there exists matrices x, y, z, and w such that the block matrices

\[\begin{bmatrix} a & x \\ y & b \end{bmatrix} \qquad \begin{bmatrix} w & c \\ d & z \end{bmatrix}\]

are inverses of each other. Also, we wish to find formulas for \(x\), \(y\), \(z\), and \(w\).

This problem was solved in a paper by W.W. Barrett, C.R. Johnson, M. E. Lundquist and H. Woerderman [BJLW] where they showed it splits into several cases depending upon which of \(a\), \(b\), \(c\) and \(d\) are invertible. In our example, we assume that \(a\), \(b\), \(c\) and \(d\) are invertible and discover the result which they obtain in this case.

First we set the matrices \(a\), \(b\), \(c\), and \(d\) and their inverses as knowns and \(x\), \(y\), \(w\), and \(z\) as unknowns:

SetKnowns[a, inv[a], b, inv[b], c, inv[c], d, inv[d]];
SetUnknowns[{z}, {x, y, w}];

Note that the graded ordering of the unknowns means that we care more about solving for \(x\), \(y\) and \(w\) than for \(z\).

Then we define the relations we are interested in, which are obtained after multiplying the two block matrices on both sides and equating to identity

A = {{a, x}, {y, b}}
B = {{w, c}, {d, z}}

rels = {
  NCDot[A, B] - IdentityMatrix[2],
  NCDot[B, A] - IdentityMatrix[2]
} // Flatten

We use Flatten to reduce the matrix relations to a simple list of relations. The resulting relations in this case are:

rels = {-1+a**w+x**d, a**c+x**z, b**d+y**w, -1+b**z+y**c,
        -1+c**y+w**a, c**b+w**x, d**a+z**y, -1+d**x+z**b}

After running

NCMakeGB[rels, 8] // ColumnForm

we obtain the Gröbner basis:

x -> inv[d]-inv[d]**z**b
y -> inv[c]-b**z**inv[c]
w -> inv[a]**inv[d]**z**b**d
z**b**z -> z+d**a**c
c**b**z**inv[c]**inv[a] -> inv[a]**inv[d]**z**b**d
inv[c]**inv[a]**inv[d]**z**b -> b**z**inv[c]**inv[a]**inv[d]
inv[d]**z**b**d**a -> a**c**b**z**inv[c]
z**b**d**a**c -> d**a**c**b**z
z**inv[c]**inv[a]**inv[d]**inv[b] -> inv[b]**inv[c]**inv[a]**inv[d]**z
z**inv[c]**inv[a]**inv[d]**z -> inv[b]+inv[b]**inv[c]**inv[a]**inv[d]**z
d**a**c**b**z**inv[c] -> z**b**d**a

after seven iterations. The first four relations

\[\begin{aligned} x &= d^{-1}-d^{-1} \, z \, b \\ y &= c^{-1}-b \, z \, c^{-1} \\ w &= a^{-1} \, d^{-1} \, z \, b \, d \\ z \, b \, z &= z + d \, a \, c \end{aligned}\]

are the solutions we are looking for, which states that one can find \(x\), \(y\), \(z\), and \(w\) such that the matrices above are inverses of each other if and only if \(z \, b \, z = z + d \, a \, c\). The first three relations gives formulas for \(x\), \(y\) and \(w\) in terms of \(z\).

A variety of scenarios can be quickly investigated under different assumptions. For example, say that \(c\) is not invertible. Is it still possible to solve the problem? One solution is obtained with the ordering implied by

SetKnowns[a, inv[a], b, inv[b], c, d, inv[d]];
SetUnknowns[{y}, {z, w, x}];

In this case

NCMakeGB[rels, 8] // ColumnForm

produces the Gröbner basis:

z -> inv[b]-inv[b]**y**c
w -> inv[a]-c**y**inv[a]
x -> a**c**y**inv[a]**inv[d]
y**c**y -> y+b**d**a
c**y**inv[a]**inv[d]**inv[b] -> inv[a]**inv[d]**inv[b]**y**c
d**a**c**y**inv[a] -> inv[b]**y**c**b**d
inv[d]**inv[b]**y**c**b -> a**c**y**inv[a]**inv[d]
y**c**b**d**a -> b**d**a**c**y
y**inv[a]**inv[d]**inv[b]**y**c -> 1+y**inv[a]**inv[d]**inv[b]

after five iterations. Once again, the first four relations

\[\begin{aligned} z &= b^{-1}-b^{-1} \, y \, c \\ w &= a^{-1}-c \, y \, a^{-1} \\ x &= a \, c \, y \, a^{-1} \, d^{-1} \\ y \, c \, y &= y+b \, d \, a \end{aligned}\]

provide formulas, this time for \(z\), \(w\), and \(z\) in terms of \(y\) satisfying \(y \, c \, y = y+b \, d \, a\). Note that these formulas do not involve \(c^{-1}\) since \(c\) is no longer assumed invertible.

6.11 Advanced Processing of Rational Expressions

Consider once again the task of simplifying the nc rational expression

expr = inv[1-x-y**inv[1-x]**y] - 1/2 (inv[1-x+y]+inv[1-x-y])

considered before in Simplifying Rational Expressions. We will use this expression to illustrate how nc rational expressions can be manipulated at a lower level, giving advanced users more control of the conversion process to and from the internal NCPoly representation.

The key functionality is provided by the functions NCMonomialOrder and NCRationalToNCPoly. NCMonomialOrder provides the same functionality as SetMonomialOrder, but instead of setting the ordering globally, it returns an array representing the ordering. For example,

order = NCMonomialOrder[x, y]

produces the array


which represents the ordering \(x \ll y\).

With a (preliminary) ordering in hand one can invoke NCRationalToNCPoly as in

{rels, vars, rules, labels} = NCRationalToNCPoly[expr, order];

This function produces four lists as outputs:

The first, rels, is a list of NCPoly objects representing the original expression and some additional relations that were automatically generated. We will inspect rels later.

The second, vars, is a list of variables that represent the ordering used in the construction of the polynomials in rel. In this example,

vars = {{x}, {y}, {rat135, rat136, rat137, rat138}} 

which corresponds to the ordering

\[x \ll y \ll rat135 < rat136 < rat137 < rat138\]

In this case, the variables rat135, rat136, rat137, rat138 were automatically created and assigned an ordering by NCRationalToNCPoly.

It is unlikely that your variables will be assigned the same suffixes 135 through 138. Those suffixes were chosen by Mathematica to make these variables unique in the global context, and hence depend on a multitude of factors that can only be determined at the time of execution.

As with SetMonomialOrder and NCMakeGB, rational terms can be explicitly added to the ordering for finer control. For example, calling NCRationalToNCPoly with

order = NCMonomialOrder[x,y,inv[1-x],{inv[1-x+y],inv[1-x-y]}];

would have produced

vars = {{x}, {y}, {rat135}, {rat136, rat137}, {rat138}} 

which corresponds to the ordering

\[x \ll y \ll rat135 \ll rat136 < rat137 \ll rat138\]

The third is a list of rules relating the new variables with rational terms appearing in the original expression expr. In this example

rules = {rat135 -> inv[1-x], rat136 -> inv[1-x-y],
         rat137 -> inv[1-x+y], rat138 -> inv[1-x-y**rat135**y]}

Finally, the fourth is a list of labels that is used for printing or displaying

labels = {{x}, {y}, {inv[1-x], inv[1-x-y], inv[1-x+y],

as used by NCMakeGB and NCPolyDisplay.

The relations in rels can be visualized by using NCPolyToNC. For example,

NCPolyToNC[#, vars] & /@ rels // ColumnForm



The first entry is simply the original expr in which every rational expression has been substituted by a new variable. The same could be obtained by applying reverse rules and applying it repeatedly

NCReplaceRepeated[expr, Reverse /@ rules]

The remaining entries are polynomials encoding the rational expressions that have been substituted by new variables. For example, the first two additional relations,


correspond to the assertion that rat153 == inv[1-x], and so on.

Equipped with a set of polynomial relations encoding the rational expression expr one can calculated a Gröebner basis by calling the low-level implementation NCPolyGroebner. In this example, calling

{basis, tree} = NCPolyGroebner[Rest[rels], 4, Labels -> labels];

produces the output

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * *   NCPolyGroebner    * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Monomial order: x<<y<<inv[1-x]<inv[1-x-y]<inv[1-x+y]<inv[1-x-y**inv[1-x]**y]
* Reduce and normalize initial set
> Initial set could not be reduced
* Computing initial set of obstructions
> MAJOR Iteration 1, 10 polys in the basis, 12 obstructions
> MAJOR Iteration 2, 10 polys in the basis, 6 obstructions
>  Found Groebner basis with 9 polynomials
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Note the use of labels to pretty print the monomial ordering. The resulting basis can be visualized once again using the labels

NCPolyToNC[#, labels] & /@ basis // ColumnForm

which produces

1/2 inv[1-x-y]+1/2 inv[1-x+y]-inv[1-x+y]**inv[1-x-y]+inv[1-x+y]**x**inv[1-x-y]
1/2 inv[1-x-y]+1/2 inv[1-x+y]-inv[1-x-y]**inv[1-x+y]+inv[1-x-y]**x**inv[1-x+y]}
-1/2 inv[1-x-y]-1/2 inv[1-x+y]+inv[1-x-y**inv[1-x]**y]

The original expression expr can then be reduced by the above basis by calling

NCPolyReduce[rels[[1]], basis]

which produces 0, as expected.

The above process is conveniently automated by NCMakeGB, but advanced users might still want to take advantage of the increased speed of directly processing NCPolys by manually performing the conversion from a rational statement to a polynomial statement. See the detailed documentation of the package NCPoly for more details.

7 Semidefinite Programming

If you want a living version of this chapter just run the notebook NC/DEMOS/4_SemidefiniteProgramming.nb.

There are two different packages for solving semidefinite programs:

7.1 Semidefinite Programs in Matrix Variables

The package NCSDP allows the symbolic manipulation and numeric solution of semidefinite programs.

After loading NCAlgebra, the package NCSDP must be loaded using:


Semidefinite programs consist of symbolic noncommutative expressions representing inequalities and a list of rules for data replacement. For example the semidefinite program: \[ \begin{aligned} \min_Y \quad & <I,Y> \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & A Y + Y A^T + I \preceq 0 \\ & Y \succeq 0 \end{aligned} \] can be solved by defining the noncommutative expressions

SNC[a, y];
obj = {-1};
ineqs = {a ** y + y ** tp[a] + 1, -y};

The inequalities are stored in the list ineqs in the form of noncommutative linear polyonomials in the variable y and the objective function constains the symbolic coefficients of the inner product, in this case -1. The reason for the negative signs in the objective as well as in the second inequality is that semidefinite programs are expected to be cast in the following canonical form: \[ \begin{aligned} \max_y \quad & <b,y> \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & f(y) \preceq 0 \end{aligned} \] or, equivalently: \[ \begin{aligned} \max_y \quad & <b,y> \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & f(y) + s = 0, \quad s \succeq 0 \end{aligned} \]

Semidefinite programs can be visualized using NCSDPForm as in:

vars = {y};
NCSDPForm[ineqs, vars, obj]

The above commands produce a formatted output similar to the ones shown above.

In order to obtaining a numerical solution for an instance of the above semidefinite program one must provide a list of rules for data substitution. For example:

A = {{0, 1}, {-1, -2}};
data = {a -> A};

Equipped with the above list of rules representing a problem instance one can load SDPSylvester and use NCSDP to create a problem instance as follows:

{abc, rules} = NCSDP[ineqs, vars, obj, data];

The resulting abc and rules objects are used for calculating the numerical solution using SDPSolve. The command:

<< SDPSylvester`
{Y, X, S, flags} = SDPSolve[abc, rules];

produces an output like the folowing:

Problem data:
* Dimensions (total):
  - Variables             = 4
  - Inequalities          = 2
* Dimensions (detail):
  - Variables             = {{2,2}}
  - Inequalities          = {2,2}
* Method                  = PredictorCorrector
* Search direction        = NT
* Gap tolerance           = 1.*10^(-9)
* Feasibility tolerance   = 1.*10^(-6)
* Rationalize iterates    = False
Other options:
* Debug level             = 0

 K     <B, Y>         mu  theta/tau      alpha     |X S|2    |X S|oo  |A* X-B|   |A Y+S-C|
 1  1.638e+00  1.846e-01  2.371e-01  8.299e-01  1.135e+00  9.968e-01  9.868e-16  2.662e-16
 2  1.950e+00  1.971e-02  2.014e-02  8.990e-01  1.512e+00  9.138e-01  2.218e-15  2.937e-16
 3  1.995e+00  1.976e-03  1.980e-03  8.998e-01  1.487e+00  9.091e-01  1.926e-15  3.119e-16
 4  2.000e+00  9.826e-07  9.826e-07  9.995e-01  1.485e+00  9.047e-01  8.581e-15  2.312e-16
 5  2.000e+00  4.913e-10  4.913e-10  9.995e-01  1.485e+00  9.047e-01  1.174e-14  4.786e-16
* Primal solution is not strictly feasible but is within tolerance
(0 <= max eig(A* Y - C) = 8.06666*10^-10 < 1.*10^-6 )
* Dual solution is within tolerance
(|| A X - B || = 1.96528*10^-9 < 1.*10^-6)
* Feasibility radius = 0.999998
(should be less than 1 when feasible)

The output variables Y and S are the primal solutions and X is the dual solution.

A symbolic dual problem can be calculated easily using NCSDPDual:

{dIneqs, dVars, dObj} = NCSDPDual[ineqs, vars, obj];

The dual program for the example problem above is: \[ \begin{aligned} \max_x \quad & <c,x> \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & f^*(x) + b = 0, \quad x \succeq 0 \end{aligned} \] In the case of the above problem the dual program is \[ \begin{aligned} \max_{X_1, X_2} \quad & <I,X_1> \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & A^T X_1 + X_1 A -X_2 - I = 0 \\ & X_1 \succeq 0, \\ & X_2 \succeq 0 \end{aligned} \] which can be visualized using NCSDPDualForm using:

NCSDPDualForm[dIneqs, dVars, dObj]

7.2 Semidefinite Programs in Vector Variables

The package SDP provides a crude and not very efficient way to define and solve semidefinite programs in standard form, that is vectorized. You do not need to load NCAlgebra if you just want to use the semidefinite program solver. But you still need to load NC as in:

<< NC`
<< SDP`

Semidefinite programs are optimization problems of the form: \[ \begin{aligned} \max_{y, S} \quad & b^T y \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & A y + S = c \\ & S \succeq 0 \end{aligned} \] where \(S\) is a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix and \(y\) is a vector of decision variables.

A user can input the problem data, the triplet \((A, b, c)\), or use the following convenient methods for producing data in the proper format.

For example, problems can be stated as: \[ \begin{aligned} \min_y \quad & f(y), \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & G(y) \succeq 0 \end{aligned} \] where \(f(y)\) and \(G(y)\) are affine functions of the vector of variables \(y\).

Here is a simple example:

y = {y0, y1, y2};
f = y2;
G = {y0 - 2, {{y1, y0}, {y0, 1}}, {{y2, y1}, {y1, 1}}};

The list of constraints in G is to be interpreted as: \[ \begin{aligned} y_0 - 2 \geq 0, \\ \begin{bmatrix} y_1 & y_0 \\ y_0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \succeq 0, \\ \begin{bmatrix} y_2 & y_1 \\ y_1 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \succeq 0. \end{aligned} \] The function SDPMatrices convert the above symbolic problem into numerical data that can be used to solve an SDP.

abc = SDPMatrices[f, G, y]

All required data, that is \(A\), \(b\), and \(c\), is stored in the variable abc as Mathematica’s sparse matrices. Their contents can be revealed using the Mathematica command Normal.


The resulting SDP is solved using SDPSolve:

{Y, X, S, flags} = SDPSolve[abc];

The variables Y and S are the primal solutions and X is the dual solution. Detailed information on the computed solution is found in the variable flags.

The package SDP is built so as to be easily overloaded with more efficient or more structure functions. See for example SDPFlat and SDPSylvester.

8 Pretty Output with Notebooks and  

If you want a living version of this chapter just run the notebook NC/DEMOS/5_PrettyOutput.nb.

NCAlgebra comes with several utilities for beautifying expressions which are output. NCTeXForm converts NC expressions into . NCTeX goes a step further and compiles the results expression in  and produces a PDF that can be embedded in notebooks of used on its own.

8.1 Pretty Output

In a Mathematica notebook session the package NCOutput can be used to control how nc expressions are displayed. NCOutput does not alter the internal representation of nc expressions, just the way they are displayed on the screen.

The function NCSetOutput can be used to set the display options. For example:

NCSetOutput[tp -> False, inv -> True];

makes the expression

expr = inv[tp[a] + b]

be displayed as \[ (\mathrm{tp[a]} + \mathrm{b})^{-1} \] Conversely

NCSetOutput[tp -> True, inv -> False];

makes expr be displayed as \[ \mathrm{inv}\mathrm{[}\mathrm{a}^T + \mathrm{b}\mathrm{]} \]

The default settings are

NCSetOutput[tp -> True, inv -> True];

which makes expr be displayed as \[ (\mathrm{a}^\mathrm{T} + \mathrm{b})^{-1} \] The complete set of options and their default values are:

The special symbol All can be used to set all options to True or False, as in

NCSetOutput[All -> True];

8.2 Using NCTeX

You can load NCTeX using the following command

<< NC` 
<< NCTeX`

NCTeX does not need NCAlgebra to work. You may want to use it even when not using NCAlgebra. It uses NCRun, which is a replacement for Mathematica’s Run command to run pdflatex, latex, divps, etc.

WARNING: Mathematica does not come with LaTeX, dvips, etc. The package NCTeX does not install these programs but rather assumes that they have been previously installed and are available at the user’s standard shell. Use the Verbose option to troubleshoot installation problems.

With NCTeX loaded you simply type NCTeX[expr] and your expression will be converted to a PDF image which, by default, appears in your notebook after being processed by LaTeX. See options for information on how to change this behavior to display the PDF on a separate window.

For example:

expr = 1 + Sin[x + (y - z)/Sqrt[2]];


\(1 + \sin \left ( x + \frac{y - z}{\sqrt{2}} \right )\)

If NCAlgebra is not loaded then NCTeX uses the built in TeXForm to produce the LaTeX expressions. If NCAlgebra is loaded, NCTeXForm is used. See NCTeXForm for details.

Here is another example:

expr = {{1 + Sin[x + (y - z)/2 Sqrt[2]], x/y}, {z, n Sqrt[5]}};

that produces

\(\left( \begin{array}{cc} \sin \left(x+\frac{y-z}{\sqrt{2}}\right)+1 & \frac{x}{y} \\ z & \sqrt{5} n \\ \end{array} \right)\)

In some cases Mathematica will have difficulty displaying certain PDF files. When this happens NCTeX will span a PDF viewer so that you can look at the formula. If your PDF viewer does not pop up automatically you can force it by passing the following option to NCTeX:

expr = {{1 + Sin[x + (y - z)/2 Sqrt[2]], x/y}, {z, n Sqrt[5]}};
NCTeX[exp, DisplayPDF -> True]

Here is another example were the current version of Mathematica fails to import the PDF:

expr = Table[x^i y^(-j) , {i, 0, 10}, {j, 0, 30}];
NCTeX[expr, DisplayPDF -> True]

You can also suppress Mathematica from importing the PDF altogether as well. This and other options are covered in detail in the next section.

8.2.1 NCTeX Options

The following command:

expr = {{1 + Sin[x + (y - z)/2 Sqrt[2]], x/y}, {z, n Sqrt[5]}};
NCTeX[exp, DisplayPDF -> True, ImportPDF -> False]

uses DisplayPDF -> True to ensure that the PDF viewer is called and ImportPDF -> False to prevent Mathematica from displaying the formula inline. In other words, it displays the formula in the PDF viewer without trying to import the PDF into Mathematica. The default values for these options when using the Mathematica notebook interface are:

  1. DisplayPDF (False)
  2. ImportPDF (True)

When NCTeX is invoked using the command line interpreter version of Mathematica the defaults are:

  1. DisplayPDF (False)
  2. ImportPDF (True)

Other useful options and their default options are:

  1. Verbose (False),
  2. BreakEquations (True)
  3. TeXProcessor (NCTeXForm)

Set BreakEquations -> True to use the LaTeX package beqn to produce nice displays of long equations. Try the following example:

expr = Series[Exp[x], {x, 0, 20}]

Use TexProcessor to select your own TeX converter. If NCAlgebra is loaded then NCTeXForm is the default. Otherwise Mathematica’s TeXForm is used.

If Verbose -> True you can see a detailed display of what is going on behing the scenes. This is very useful for debugging. For example, try:

expr = BesselJ[2, x]
NCTeX[exp, Verbose -> True]

to produce an output similar to the following one:

* NCTeX - LaTeX processor for NCAlgebra - Version 0.1
> Creating temporary file '/tmp/mNCTeX.tex'...
> Processing '/tmp/mNCTeX.tex'...
> Running 'latex -output-directory=/tmp/  /tmp/mNCTeX 1> "/tmp/mNCRun.out" 2> "/tmp/mNCRun.err"'...
> Running 'dvips -o /tmp/ -E /tmp/mNCTeX 1> "/tmp/mNCRun.out" 2> "/tmp/mNCRun.err"'...
> Running 'epstopdf  /tmp/ 1> "/tmp/mNCRun.out" 2> "/tmp/mNCRun.err"'...
> Importing pdf file '/tmp/mNCTeX.pdf'...

Locate the files with extension .err as indicated by the verbose run of NCTeX to diagnose errors.

The remaining options:

  1. PDFViewer ("open"),
  2. LaTeXCommand ("latex")
  3. PDFLaTeXCommand (Null)
  4. DVIPSCommand ("dvips")
  5. PS2PDFCommand ("epstopdf")

let you specify the names and, when appropriate, the path, of the corresponding programs to be used by NCTeX. Alternatively, you can also directly implement custom versions of


Those commands are invoked using NCRun. Look at the documentation for the package NCRun for more details.

8.3 Using NCTeXForm

NCTeXForm is a replacement for Mathematica’s TeXForm which adds definitions allowing it to handle noncommutative expressions. It works just as TeXForm. NCTeXForm is automatically loaded with NCAlgebra and is the default  processor for NCTeX.

Here is an example:

SetNonCommutative[a, b, c, x, y];
exp = a ** x ** tp[b] - inv[c ** inv[a + b ** c] ** tp[y] + d]



Note that the LaTeX output contains special code so that the expression looks neat on the screen. You can see the result using NCTeX to convert the expression to PDF. Try

SetOptions[NCTeX, TeXProcessor -> NCTeXForm];

to produce

\(a.x.{b}^T-{\left(d+c.{\left (a+b.c\right)}^{-1}.{y}^T\right )}^{-1}\)

NCTeX represents noncommutative products with a dot (.) in order to distinguish it from its commutative cousin. We can see the difference in an expression that has both commutative and noncommutative products:

exp = 2 a ** b - 3 c ** d


\(2 \left(a.b\right) - 3 (c.d)\)

NCTeXForm handles lists and matrices as well. Here is a list:

exp = {x, tp[x], x + y, x + tp[y], x + inv[y], x ** x}

and its output:

\(\{ x, {x}^T, x+y, x+{y}^T, x+{y}^{-1}, x.x \}\)

and here is a matrix example:

exp = {{x, y}, {y, z}}

and its output:

\(\begin{bmatrix} x & y \\ y & z \end{bmatrix}\)

Here are some more examples:

exp = {{1 + Sin[x + (y - z)/2 Sqrt[2]], x/y}, {z, n Sqrt[5]}}


\(\begin{bmatrix} 1+\operatorname{sin}{\left (x+\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left (y-z\right )\right )} & x {y}^{-1} \\ z & \sqrt{5} n \end{bmatrix}\)

exp = {inv[x + y], inv[x + inv[y]]}


\(\{ {\left (x+y\right )}^{-1}, {\left (x+{y}^{-1}\right )}^{-1} \}\)

exp = {Sin[x], x y, Sin[x] y, Sin[x + y], Cos[gamma], 
       Sin[alpha] tp[x] ** (y - tp[y]), (x + tp[x]) (y ** z), -tp[y], 1/2, 
       Sqrt[2] x ** y}


\(\{ \operatorname{sin}{x}, x y, y \operatorname{sin}{x}, \operatorname{sin}{\left (x+y\right )}, \operatorname{cos}{\gamma}, \left({x}^T.\left (y-{y}^T\right )\right ) \operatorname{sin}{\alpha}, y z \left (x+{x}^T\right ), -{y}^T, \frac{1}{2}, \sqrt{2} \left(x.y\right ) \}\)

exp = inv[x + tp[inv[y]]]


\({\left (x+{{y}^T}^{-1}\right )}^{-1}\)

NCTeXForm does not know as many functions as TeXForm. In some cases TeXForm will produce better results. Compare:

exp = BesselJ[2, x]
NCTeX[exp, TeXProcessor -> NCTeXForm]


\(\operatorname{BesselJ}\left (2, x\right )\)


NCTeX[exp, TeXProcessor -> TeXForm]



It should be easy to customize NCTeXForm though. Just overload NCTeXForm. In this example:

NCTeXForm[BesselJ[x_, y_]] := Format[BesselJ[x, y], TeXForm]


NCTeX[exp, TeXProcessor -> NCTeXForm]



9 Reference Manual

The following chapters and sections describes packages inside NCAlgebra. Detailed instructions for manual installation are also provided in the section Manual Installation.

Packages are automatically loaded unless otherwise noted.

9.1 Manual Installation

Manual installation is no longer necessary nor advisable. As an alternative to manual installation, consider installing NCAlgebra via our paclet distribution, as discussed in section Installing NCAlgebra.

For those who do not use paclets, you can download NCAlgebra in one of the following ways.

9.1.1 Via git clone

You can clone the repository using git:

git clone

This will create a directory NC which contains all files neeeded to run NCAlgebra in any platform.

Cloning allows you to easily upgrade and switch between the various available releases. If you want to try the latest experimental version switch to branch devel using:

git checkout devel

If you’re happy with the latest stable release you do not need to do anything.

9.1.2 From the github download button

After you downloaded a zip file from github use your favorite zip utility to unpack the file or on your favorite location.

IMPORTANT: Rename the top directory NC!

9.1.3 From one of our releases

Releases are stable snapshots that you can find at

IMPORTANT: Rename the top directory NC!

Earlier releases can be downloaded from:

Releases in github are also tagged so you can easily switch from version to version using git.

9.1.4 Post-download installation

All that is needed for NCAlgebra to run is that its top directory, the NC directory, be on Mathematica’s search path.

If you are on a unix flavored machine (Solaris, Linux, Mac OSX) then unpacking or cloning in your home directory (~) is all you need to do.

Otherwise, you may need to add the installation directory to Mathematica’s search path.

If you are experienced with Mathematica:

Edit the main Mathematica init.m file (not the one inside the NC directory) to add the name of the directory which contains the NC folder to the Mathematica variable $Path, as in:


You can locate your user init.m file by typing:

FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Kernel", "init.m"}]

in Mathematica.

9.2 NC

NC is a meta package that enables the functionality of the NCAlgebra suite of non-commutative algebra packages for Mathematica.

If you installed the paclet version of NCAlgebra it is not necessary to load the context NC before loading other NCAlgebra packages.

Loading the context NC in the paclet version is however still supported for backward compatibility. It does nothing more than posting the message:

NC::Directory: You are using a paclet version of NCAlgebra.

The package can be loaded using Get, as in

<< NC`

or Needs, as in


Once NC is loaded you will see a message like

NC::Directory: You are using the version of NCAlgebra which is found in: "/your_home_directory/NC".


NC::Directory: You are using a paclet version of NCAlgebra.

if you installed from our paclet distribution.

You can then proceed to load any other package from the NCAlgebra suite.

For example you can load the package NCAlgebra using

<< NCAlgebra`

See section NCAlgebra and NCOptions for more options and details available while loading NCAlgebra.

The NC::Directory message can be suppressed by using standard Mathematica message control functions. For example,

<< NC`


Quiet[<< NC`, NC`NC::Directory]

will load NC quietly. Note that you have to refer to the message by its fully qualified name NC`NC::Directory because the context NC is only available after loading the package.

9.3 NCAlgebra

NCAlgebra is the main package of the NCAlgebra suite of non-commutative algebra packages for Mathematica.

The package can be loaded using Get, as in

<< NCAlgebra`

or Needs, as in


If the option SmallCapSymbolsNonCommutative is True then NCAlgebra will set all global single letter small cap symbols as noncommutative. If that is not desired, simply set SmallCapSymbolsNonCommutative to False before loading NCAlgebra, as in

<< NCOptions`
SetOptions[NCOptions, SmallCapSymbolsNonCommutative -> False];
<< NCAlgebra`

See NCOptions for details.

When loading NCAlgebra, a message will be issued warning users whether any letters have been set as noncommutative upon loading. Those messages are documented here. Users can use Mathematica’s Quiet and Off if they do not want these messages to display. For example,

<< NCAlgebra`


<< NCOptions`
SetOptions[NCOptions, SmallCapSymbolsNonCommutative -> False];
<< NCAlgebra`

will load NCAlgebra without issuing a symbol assignment message.

Upon loading NCAlgebra for the first time, a large banner will be shown. If you do not want this banner to be displayed set the option ShowBanner to False before loading, as in

<< NCOptions`
SetOptions[NCOptions, ShowBanner -> False];
<< NCAlgebra`

For example, the following commands will perform a completly quiet loading of NC and NCAlgebra:

Quiet[<< NC`, NC`NC::Directory];
<< NCOptions`
SetOptions[NCOptions, ShowBanner -> False];
Quiet[<< NCAlgebra`, NCAlgebra`NCAlgebra::SmallCapSymbolsNonCommutative];

9.3.1 Messages

One of the following messages will be displayed after loading.

9.3.2 NCOptions

The following options can be set using SetOptions before loading other packages:

For example,

<< NC`
<< NCOptions`
SetOptions[NCOptions, ShowBanner -> False];
<< NCAlgebra`

suppress the NCAlgebra banner that is printed the first time NCAlgebra is loaded.

10 Packages for manipulating NC expressions

10.1 NonCommutativeMultiply

NonCommutativeMultiply is the main package that provides noncommutative functionality to Mathematica’s native NonCommutativeMultiply bound to the operator **.

Members are:

Aliases are:

10.1.1 aj

aj[expr] is the adjoint of expression expr. It is a conjugate linear involution.

See also: tp, co.

10.1.2 co

co[expr] is the conjugate of expression expr. It is a linear involution.

See also: aj.

10.1.3 Id

Id is noncommutative multiplicative identity. Actually Id is now set equal 1.

10.1.4 inv

inv[expr] is the 2-sided inverse of expression expr.

If Options[inv, Distrubute] is False (the default) then


returns inv[a**a]. Conversely, if Options[inv, Distrubute] is True then it returns inv[b]**inv[a].

10.1.5 rt

rt[expr] is the root of expression expr.

10.1.6 tp

tp[expr] is the tranpose of expression expr. It is a linear involution.

See also: aj, co.

10.1.7 CommutativeQ

CommutativeQ[expr] is True if expression expr is commutative (the default), and False if expr is noncommutative.

See also: SetCommutative, SetNonCommutative.

10.1.8 NonCommutativeQ

NonCommutativeQ[expr] is equal to Not[CommutativeQ[expr]].

See also: CommutativeQ.

10.1.9 SetCommutative

SetCommutative[a,b,c,...] sets all the Symbols a, b, c, … to be commutative.

See also: SetNonCommutative, CommutativeQ, NonCommutativeQ.

10.1.10 SetCommutativeHold

SetCommutativeHold[a,b,c,...] sets all the Symbols a, b, c, … to be commutative.

SetCommutativeHold has attribute HoldAll and can be used to set Symbols which have already been assigned a value.

See also: SetNonCommutativeHold, SetCommutative, SetNonCommutative, CommutativeQ, NonCommutativeQ.

10.1.11 SetNonCommutative

SetNonCommutative[a,b,c,...] sets all the Symbols a, b, c, … to be noncommutative.

See also: SetCommutative, CommutativeQ, NonCommutativeQ.

10.1.12 SetNonCommutativeHold

SetNonCommutativeHold[a,b,c,...] sets all the Symbols a, b, c, … to be noncommutative.

SetNonCommutativeHold has attribute HoldAll and can be used to set Symbols which have already been assigned a value.

See also: SetCommutativeHold, SetCommutative, CommutativeQ, NonCommutativeQ.

10.1.13 SetCommutativeFunction

SetCommutativeFunction[f] sets expressions with Head f, i.e. functions, to be commutative.

By default, expressions in which the Head or any of its arguments is noncommutative will be considered noncommutative. For example,

a ** b ** trace[a ** b]

evaluates to a ** b ** trace[a ** b] while

a ** b ** trace[a ** b]

evaluates to trace[a ** b] * a ** b.

See also: SetCommutative, SetNonCommutative, CommutativeQ, NonCommutativeQ, tr.

10.1.14 SetNonCommutativeFunction

SetNonCommutativeFunction[f] sets expressions with Head f, i.e. functions, to be non commutative. This is only necessary if it has been previously set commutative by SetCommutativeFunction.

See also: SetCommutativeFunction, SetCommutative, SetNonCommutative, CommutativeQ, NonCommutativeQ, tr.

10.1.15 SNC

SNC is an alias for SetNonCommutative.

See also: SetNonCommutative.

10.1.16 SetCommutingOperators

SetCommutingOperators[a,b] will define a rule that substitute any noncommutative product b ** a by a ** b, effectively making the pair a and b commutative. If you want to create a rule to replace a ** b by b ** a use SetCommutingOperators[b,a] instead.

See also: UnsetCommutingOperators, CommutingOperatorsQ

10.1.17 UnsetCommutingOperators

UnsetCommutingOperators[a,b] remove any rules previously created by SetCommutingOperators[a,b] or SetCommutingOperators[b,a].

See also: SetCommutingOperators, CommutingOperatorsQ

10.1.18 CommutingOperatorsQ

CommutingOperatorsQ[a,b] returns True if a and b are commuting operators.

See also: SetCommutingOperators, UnsetCommutingOperators

10.1.19 NCNonCommutativeSymbolOrSubscriptQ

NCNonCommutativeSymbolOrSubscriptQ[expr] returns True if expr is an noncommutative symbol or a noncommutative symbol subscript.

See also: NCNonCommutativeSymbolOrSubscriptExtendedQ, NCSymbolOrSubscriptQ, NCSymbolOrSubscriptExtendedQ, NCPowerQ.

10.1.20 NCNonCommutativeSymbolOrSubscriptExtendedQ

NCNonCommutativeSymbolOrSubscriptExtendedQ[expr] returns True if expr is an noncommutative symbol, a noncommutative symbol subscript, or the transpose (tp) or adjoint (aj) of a noncommutative symbol or noncommutative symbol subscript.

See also: NCNonCommutativeSymbolOrSubscriptQ, NCSymbolOrSubscriptQ, NCSymbolOrSubscriptExtendedQ, NCPowerQ.

10.1.21 NCPowerQ

NCPowerQ[expr] returns True if expr is an noncommutative symbol or symbol subscript or a positive power of a noncommutative symbol or symbol subscript.

See also: NCNonCommutativeSymbolOrSubscriptQ, NCSymbolOrSubscriptQ.

10.1.22 Commutative

Commutative[symbol] is commutative even if symbol is noncommutative.

See also: CommuteEverything, CommutativeQ, SetCommutative, SetNonCommutative.

10.1.23 CommuteEverything

CommuteEverything[expr] is an alias for BeginCommuteEverything.

See also: BeginCommuteEverything, Commutative.

10.1.24 BeginCommuteEverything

BeginCommuteEverything[expr] sets all symbols appearing in expr as commutative so that the resulting expression contains only commutative products or inverses. It issues messages warning about which symbols have been affected.

EndCommuteEverything[] restores the symbols noncommutative behaviour.

BeginCommuteEverything answers the question what does it sound like?

See also: EndCommuteEverything, Commutative.

10.1.25 EndCommuteEverything

EndCommuteEverything[expr] restores noncommutative behaviour to symbols affected by BeginCommuteEverything.

See also: BeginCommuteEverything, Commutative.

10.1.26 ExpandNonCommutativeMultiply

ExpandNonCommutativeMultiply[expr] expands out **s in expr.

For example



a**b + a**c.

See also: NCExpand, NCE.

10.1.27 NCExpand

NCExpand is an alias for ExpandNonCommutativeMultiply.

See also: ExpandNonCommutativeMultiply, NCE.

10.1.28 NCE

NCE is an alias for ExpandNonCommutativeMultiply.

See also: ExpandNonCommutativeMultiply, NCExpand.

10.1.29 NCExpandExponents

NCExpandExponents[expr] expands out powers of the monomials appearing in expr.

For example




NCExpandExponents only expands powers of monomials. Powers of symbols or other expressions are not expanded using NCExpandExponents.

See also: NCToList ExpandNonCommutativeMultiply, NCExpand, NCE.

10.1.30 NCToList

NCToList[expr] produces a list with the symbols appearing in monomial expr. If expr is not a monomial it remains unevaluated. Powers of symbols are expanded before the list is produced.

For example




See also: NCExpandExponents, ExpandNonCommutativeMultiply, NCExpand, NCE.

10.2 NCTr

NCTr provides the commutative operator tr that behaves as the standard mathematical trace operator.

Members are:

10.2.1 tr

tr[expr] is an linear operator with the following properties:

See also: SortCyclicPermutation, SortedCyclicPermutationQ.

10.2.2 SortCyclicPermutation

SortedCyclicPermutation[list] returns a cyclic permutation of list sorted in ascending order.

See also: SortedCyclicPermutationQ.

10.2.3 SortedCyclicPermutationQ

SortCyclicPermutationQ[list] returns True if list is a sorted cyclic permutation.

See also: SortCyclicPermutation.

10.3 NCCollect

Members are:

10.3.1 NCCollect

NCCollect[expr,vars] collects terms of nc expression expr according to the elements of vars and attempts to combine them. It is weaker than NCStrongCollect in that only same order terms are collected togther. It basically is NCCompose[NCStrongCollect[NCDecompose]]].

If expr is a rational nc expression then degree correspond to the degree of the polynomial obtained using NCRationalToNCPolynomial.

NCCollect also works with nc expressions instead of Symbols in vars. In this case nc expressions are replaced by new variables and NCCollect is called using the resulting expression and the newly created Symbols.

This command internally converts nc expressions into the special NCPolynomial format.

NCCollect[expr,vars,options] uses options.

The following option is available:


While NCCollect[expr, vars] always returns mathematically correct expressions, it may not collect vars from as many terms as one might think it should.

See also: NCStrongCollect, NCCollectSymmetric, NCCollectSelfAdjoint, NCStrongCollectSymmetric, NCStrongCollectSelfAdjoint, NCRationalToNCPolynomial.

10.3.2 NCCollectExponents

NCCollectExponents[expr] collects exponents in noncommutative monomials.

For example




See also: NCCollect, NCStrongCollect.

10.3.3 NCCollectSelfAdjoint

NCCollectSelfAdjoint[expr,vars] allows one to collect terms of nc expression expr on the variables vars and their adjoints without writing out the adjoints.

This command internally converts nc expressions into the special NCPolynomial format.

NCCollectSelfAdjoint[expr,vars,options] uses options.

The following option is available:

See also: NCCollect, NCStrongCollect, NCCollectSymmetric, NCStrongCollectSymmetric, NCStrongCollectSelfAdjoint.

10.3.4 NCCollectSymmetric

NCCollectSymmetric[expr,vars] allows one to collect terms of nc expression expr on the variables vars and their transposes without writing out the transposes.

This command internally converts nc expressions into the special NCPolynomial format.

NCCollectSymmetric[expr,vars,options] uses options.

The following option is available:

See also: NCCollect, NCStrongCollect, NCCollectSelfAdjoint, NCStrongCollectSymmetric, NCStrongCollectSelfAdjoint.

10.3.5 NCStrongCollect

NCStrongCollect[expr,vars] collects terms of expression expr according to the elements of vars and attempts to combine by association.

In the noncommutative case the Taylor expansion and so the collect function is not uniquely specified. The function NCStrongCollect often collects too much and while correct it may be stronger than you want.

For example, a symbol x will factor out of terms where it appears both linearly and quadratically thus mixing orders.

This command internally converts nc expressions into the special NCPolynomial format.

See also: NCCollect, NCCollectSymmetric, NCCollectSelfAdjoint, NCStrongCollectSymmetric, NCStrongCollectSelfAdjoint.

10.3.6 NCStrongCollectSelfAdjoint

NCStrongCollectSymmetric[expr,vars] allows one to collect terms of nc expression expr on the variables vars and their transposes without writing out the transposes.

This command internally converts nc expressions into the special NCPolynomial format.

See also: NCCollect, NCStrongCollect, NCCollectSymmetric, NCCollectSelfAdjoint, NCStrongCollectSymmetric.

10.3.7 NCStrongCollectSymmetric

NCStrongCollectSymmetric[expr,vars] allows one to collect terms of nc expression expr on the variables vars and their transposes without writing out the transposes.

This command internally converts nc expressions into the special NCPolynomial format.

See also: NCCollect, NCStrongCollect, NCCollectSymmetric, NCCollectSelfAdjoint, NCStrongCollectSelfAdjoint.

10.3.8 NCCompose

NCCompose[dec] will reassemble the terms in dec which were decomposed by NCDecompose.

NCCompose[dec, degree] will reassemble only the terms of degree degree.

The expression NCCompose[NCDecompose[p,vars]] will reproduce the polynomial p.

The expression NCCompose[NCDecompose[p,vars], degree] will reproduce only the terms of degree degree.

This command internally converts nc expressions into the special NCPolynomial format.

See also: NCDecompose, NCPDecompose.

10.3.9 NCDecompose

NCDecompose[p,vars] gives an association of elements of the nc polynomial p in variables vars in which elements of the same order are collected together.

NCDecompose[p] treats all nc letters in p as variables.

This command internally converts nc expressions into the special NCPolynomial format.

Internally NCDecompose uses NCPDecompose.

See also: NCCompose, NCPDecompose.

10.3.10 NCTermsOfDegree

NCTermsOfDegree[expr,vars,degrees] returns an expression such that each term has degree degrees in variables vars.

For example,

NCTermsOfDegree[x**y**x - x**x**y + x**w + z**w, {x,y}, {2,1}]

returns x**y**x - x**x**y,

NCTermsOfDegree[x**y**x - x**x**y + x**w + z**w, {x,y}, {1,0}]

returns x**w,

NCTermsOfDegree[x**y**x - x**x**y + x**w + z**w, {x,y}, {0,0}]

returns z**w, and

NCTermsOfDegree[x**y**x - x**x**y + x**w + z**w, {x,y}, {0,1}]

returns 0.

This command internally converts nc expressions into the special NCPolynomial format.

See also: NCTermsOfTotalDegree, NCDecompose, NCPDecompose.

10.3.11 NCTermsOfTotalDegree

NCTermsOfTotalDegree[expr,vars,degree] returns an expression such that each term has total degree degree in variables vars.

For example,

NCTermsOfTotalDegree[x**y**x - x**x**y + x**w + z**w, {x,y}, 3]

returns x**y**x - x**x**y,

NCTermsOfTotalDegree[x**y**x - x**x**y + x**w + z**w, {x,y}, 1]

returns x**w,

NCTermsOfTotalDegree[x**y**x - x**x**y + x**w + z**w, {x,y}, 0]

returns z**w, and

NCTermsOfTotalDegree[x**y**x - x**x**y + x**w + z**w, {x,y}, 2]

returns 0.

This command internally converts nc expressions into the special NCPolynomial format.

See also: NCTermsOfDegree, NCDecompose, NCPDecompose.

10.4 NCReplace

NCReplace is a package containing several functions that are useful in making replacements in noncommutative expressions. It offers replacements to Mathematica’s Replace, ReplaceAll, ReplaceRepeated, and ReplaceList functions.

Commands in this package replace the old Substitute and Transform family of command which are been deprecated. The new commands are much more reliable and work faster than the old commands. From the beginning, substitution was always problematic and certain patterns would be missed. We reassure that the call expression that are returned are mathematically correct but some opportunities for substitution may have been missed.

Members are:



10.4.1 NCReplace

NCReplace[expr,rules] applies a rule or list of rules rules in an attempt to transform the entire nc expression expr.

NCReplace[expr,rules,levelspec] applies rules to parts of expr specified by levelspec.

NCReplace[expr,rules,options] and NCReplace[expr,rules,levelspec] use options.

See also: NCReplaceAll, NCReplaceList, NCReplaceRepeated.

10.4.2 NCReplaceAll

NCReplaceAll[expr,rules] applies a rule or list of rules rules in an attempt to transform each part of the nc expression expr.

NCReplaceAll[expr,rules,options] uses options.

See also: NCReplace, NCReplaceList, NCReplaceRepeated.

10.4.3 NCReplaceList

NCReplace[expr,rules] attempts to transform the entire nc expression expr by applying a rule or list of rules rules in all possible ways, and returns a list of the results obtained.

ReplaceList[expr,rules,n] gives a list of at most n results.

NCReplaceList[expr,rules,options] and NCReplaceList[expr,rules,n,options] use options.

See also: NCReplace, NCReplaceAll, NCReplaceRepeated.

10.4.4 NCReplaceRepeated

NCReplaceRepeated[expr,rules] repeatedly performs replacements using rule or list of rules rules until expr no longer changes.

NCReplaceRepeated[expr,rules,options] uses options.

See also: NCReplace, NCReplaceAll, NCReplaceList, NCExpandReplaceRepeated.

10.4.5 NCExpandReplaceRepeated

NCExpandReplaceRepeated[expr,rules] repeatedly applies NCReplaceRepeated and NCExpand until the results does not change.

NCExpandReplaceRepeated[expr,rules,options] uses options.

See also: NCReplaceRepeated, NCExpandReplaceRepeatedSymmetric, NCExpandReplaceRepeatedSelfAdjoint.

10.4.6 NCR

NCR is an alias for NCReplace.

See also: NCReplace.

10.4.7 NCRA

NCRA is an alias for NCReplaceAll.

See also: NCReplaceAll.

10.4.8 NCRR

NCRR is an alias for NCReplaceRepeated.

See also: NCReplaceRepeated.

10.4.9 NCRL

NCRL is an alias for NCReplaceList.

See also: NCReplaceList.

10.4.10 NCMakeRuleSymmetric

NCMakeRuleSymmetric[rules] add rules to transform the transpose of the left-hand side of rules into the transpose of the right-hand side of rules.

See also: NCMakeRuleSelfAdjoint, NCReplace, NCReplaceAll, NCReplaceList, NCReplaceRepeated.

10.4.11 NCMakeRuleSelfAdjoint

NCMakeRuleSelfAdjoint[rules] add rules to transform the adjoint of the left-hand side of rules into the adjoint of the right-hand side of rules.

See also: NCMakeRuleSymmetric, NCReplace, NCReplaceAll, NCReplaceList, NCReplaceRepeated.

10.4.12 NCReplaceSymmetric

NCReplaceSymmetric[expr, rules] applies NCMakeRuleSymmetric to rules before calling NCReplace.

NCReplaceSymmetric[expr,rules,options] uses options.

See also: NCReplace, NCMakeRuleSymmetric.

10.4.13 NCReplaceAllSymmetric

NCReplaceAllSymmetric[expr, rules] applies NCMakeRuleSymmetric to rules before calling NCReplaceAll.

NCReplaceAllSymmetric[expr,rules,options] uses options.

See also: NCReplaceAll, NCMakeRuleSymmetric.

10.4.14 NCReplaceRepeatedSymmetric

NCReplaceRepeatedSymmetric[expr, rules] applies NCMakeRuleSymmetric to rules before calling NCReplaceRepeated.

NCReplaceRepeatedSymmetric[expr,rules,options] uses options.

See also: NCReplaceRepeated, NCMakeRuleSymmetric.

10.4.15 NCExpandReplaceRepeatedSymmetric

NCExpandReplaceRepeatedSymmetric[expr,rules] repeatedly applies NCReplaceRepeatedSymmetric and NCExpand until the results does not change.

NCExpandReplaceRepeatedSymmetric[expr,rules,options] uses options.

See also: NCReplaceRepeatedSymmetric, NCExpandReplaceRepeated, NCExpandReplaceRepeatedSelfAdjoint.

10.4.16 NCReplaceListSymmetric

NCReplaceListSymmetric[expr, rules] applies NCMakeRuleSymmetric to rules before calling NCReplaceList.

NCReplaceListSymmetric[expr,rules,options] uses options.

See also: NCReplaceList, NCMakeRuleSymmetric.

10.4.17 NCRSym

NCRSym is an alias for NCReplaceSymmetric.

See also: NCReplaceSymmetric.

10.4.18 NCRASym

NCRASym is an alias for NCReplaceAllSymmetric.

See also: NCReplaceAllSymmetric.

10.4.19 NCRRSym

NCRRSym is an alias for NCReplaceRepeatedSymmetric.

See also: NCReplaceRepeatedSymmetric.

10.4.20 NCRLSym

NCRLSym is an alias for NCReplaceListSymmetric.

See also: NCReplaceListSymmetric.

10.4.21 NCReplaceSelfAdjoint

NCReplaceSelfAdjoint[expr, rules] applies NCMakeRuleSelfAdjoint to rules before calling NCReplace.

NCReplaceSelfAdjoint[expr,rules,options] uses options.

See also: NCReplace, NCMakeRuleSelfAdjoint.

10.4.22 NCReplaceAllSelfAdjoint

NCReplaceAllSelfAdjoint[expr, rules] applies NCMakeRuleSelfAdjoint to rules before calling NCReplaceAll.

NCReplaceAllSelfAdjoint[expr,rules,options] uses options.

See also: NCReplaceAll, NCMakeRuleSelfAdjoint.

10.4.23 NCReplaceRepeatedSelfAdjoint

NCReplaceRepeatedSelfAdjoint[expr, rules] applies NCMakeRuleSelfAdjoint to rules before calling NCReplaceRepeated.

NCReplaceRepeatedSelfAdjoint[expr,rules,options] uses options.

See also: NCReplaceRepeated, NCMakeRuleSelfAdjoint.

10.4.24 NCExpandReplaceRepeatedSelfAdjoint

NCExpandReplaceRepeatedSelfAdjoint[expr,rules] repeatedly applies NCReplaceRepeatedSelfAdjoint and NCExpand until the results does not change.

NCExpandedReplaceRepeatedSelfAdjoint[expr,rules,options] uses options.

See also: NCReplaceRepeatedSelfAdjoint, NCExpandReplaceRepeated, NCExpandReplaceRepeatedSymmetric.

10.4.25 NCReplaceListSelfAdjoint

NCReplaceListSelfAdjoint[expr, rules] applies NCMakeRuleSelfAdjoint to rules before calling NCReplaceList.

NCReplaceListSelfAdjoint[expr,rules,options] uses options.

See also: NCReplaceList, NCMakeRuleSelfAdjoint.

10.4.26 NCRSA

NCRSA is an alias for NCReplaceSymmetric.

See also: NCReplaceSymmetric.

10.4.27 NCRASA

NCRASA is an alias for NCReplaceAllSymmetric.

See also: NCReplaceAllSymmetric.

10.4.28 NCRRSA

NCRRSA is an alias for NCReplaceRepeatedSymmetric.

See also: NCReplaceRepeatedSymmetric.

10.4.29 NCRLSA

NCRLSA is an alias for NCReplaceListSymmetric.

See also: NCReplaceListSymmetric.

10.4.30 NCMatrixExpand

NCMatrixExpand[expr] expands inv and ** of matrices appearing in nc expression expr. It effectively substitutes inv for NCInverse and ** by NCDot.

See also: NCInverse, NCDot.

10.4.31 NCMatrixReplaceAll

NCMatrixReplaceAll[expr,rules] applies a rule or list of rules rules in an attempt to transform each part of the nc expression expr.

NCMatrixReplaceAll works as NCReplaceAll but takes extra steps to make sure substitutions work with matrices.

See also: NCReplaceAll, NCMatrixReplaceRepeated.

10.4.32 NCMatrixReplaceRepeated

NCMatrixReplaceRepeated[expr,rules] repeatedly performs replacements using rule or list of rules rules until expr no longer changes.

NCMatrixReplaceRepeated works as NCReplaceRepeated but takes extra steps to make sure substitutions work with matrices.

See also: NCReplaceRepeated, NCMatrixReplaceAll.

10.4.33 NCReplacePowerRule

NCReplacePowerRule[rule] transforms rules that consist of a noncommutative monomial so that symbols appearing on the left and on right of the monomial also match positive powers of that symbol.

See also: NCReplace, NCReplaceAll, NCReplaceList, NCReplaceRepeated.

10.5 NCSelfAdjoint

Members are:

10.5.1 NCSymmetricQ

NCSymmetricQ[expr] returns True if expr is symmetric, i.e. if tp[exp] == exp.

NCSymmetricQ attempts to detect symmetric variables using NCSymmetricTest.

See also: NCSelfAdjointQ, NCSymmetricTest.

10.5.2 NCSymmetricTest

NCSymmetricTest[expr] attempts to establish symmetry of expr by assuming symmetry of its variables.

NCSymmetricTest[exp,options] uses options.

NCSymmetricTest returns a list of two elements:

The following options can be given:

See also: NCSymmetricQ, NCNCSelfAdjointTest.

10.5.3 NCSymmetricPart

NCSymmetricPart[expr] returns the symmetric part of expr.

NCSymmetricPart[exp,options] uses options.

NCSymmetricPart[expr] returns a list of two elements:

NCSymmetricPart[expr] returns {$Failed, {}} if expr is not symmetric.

For example:

{answer, symVars} = NCSymmetricPart[a ** x + x ** tp[a] + 1];


answer = 2 a ** x + 1
symVars = {x}

The following options can be given:

See also: NCSymmetricTest.

10.5.4 NCSelfAdjointQ

NCSelfAdjointQ[expr] returns true if expr is self-adjoint, i.e. if aj[exp] == exp.

See also: NCSymmetricQ, NCSelfAdjointTest.

10.5.5 NCSelfAdjointTest

NCSelfAdjointTest[expr] attempts to establish whether expr is self-adjoint by assuming that some of its variables are self-adjoint or symmetric. NCSelfAdjointTest[expr,options] uses options.

NCSelfAdjointTest returns a list of three elements:

The following options can be given:

See also: NCSelfAdjointQ.

10.6 NCSimplifyRational

NCSimplifyRational is a package with function that simplifies noncommutative expressions and certain functions of their inverses.

NCSimplifyRational simplifies rational noncommutative expressions by repeatedly applying a set of reduction rules to the expression. NCSimplifyRationalSinglePass does only a single pass.

Rational expressions of the form

inv[A + terms]

are first normalized to

inv[1 + terms/A]/A

using NCNormalizeInverse. Here A is commutative.

For each inv found in expression, a custom set of rules is constructed based on its associated NC Groebner basis.

For example, if

inv[mon1 + ... + K lead]

where lead is the leading monomial with the highest degree then the following rules are generated:

Original Transformed
inv[mon1 + … + K lead] lead (1 - inv[mon1 + … + K lead] (mon1 + …))/K
lead inv[mon1 + … + K lead] (1 - (mon1 + …) inv[mon1 + … + K lead])/K

Finally the following pattern based rules are applied:

Original Transformed
inv[a] inv[1 + K a b] inv[a] - K b inv[1 + K a b]
inv[a] inv[1 + K a] inv[a] - K inv[1 + K a]
inv[1 + K a b] inv[b] inv[b] - K inv[1 + K a b] a
inv[1 + K a] inv[a] inv[a] - K inv[1 + K a]
inv[1 + K a b] a a inv[1 + K b a]
inv[A inv[a] + B b] inv[a] (1/A) inv[1 + (B/A) a b]
inv[a] inv[A inv[a] + K b] (1/A) inv[1 + (B/A) b a]
inv[1 + K a b] a b (1 - inv[1 + K a b])/K
inv[1 + K a] a (1 - inv[1 + K a])/K
a b inv[1 + K a b] (1 - inv[1 + K a b])/K
a inv[1 + K a] (1 - inv[1 + K a])/K

NCPreSimplifyRational only applies pattern based rules from the table above once.

Rules in NCSimplifyRational and NCPreSimplifyRational are applied repeatedly.

Rules in NCSimplifyRationalSinglePass and NCPreSimplifyRationalSinglePass are applied only once.

The particular ordering of monomials used by NCSimplifyRational is the one implied by the NCPolynomial format. This ordering is a variant of the deg-lex ordering where the lexical ordering is Mathematica’s natural ordering.

NCSimplifyRational is limited by its rule list and what rules are best is unknown and might depend on additional assumptions. For example:

NCSimplifyRational[y ** inv[y + x ** y]]

returns y ** inv[y + x ** y] not inv[1 + x], which is what one would expect if y were to be invertible. Indeed,

NCSimplifyRational[inv[y] ** inv[inv[y] + x ** inv[y]]]

does return inv[1 + x], since in this case the appearing of inv[y] trigger rules that implicitely assume y is invertible.

Members are:


10.6.1 NCNormalizeInverse

NCNormalizeInverse[expr] transforms all rational NC expressions of the form inv[K + b] into inv[1 + (1/K) b]/K if A is commutative.

See also: NCSimplifyRational, NCSimplifyRationalSinglePass.

10.6.2 NCSimplifyRational

NCSimplifyRational[expr] repeatedly applies NCSimplifyRationalSinglePass in an attempt to simplify the rational NC expression expr.

See also: NCNormalizeInverse, NCSimplifyRationalSinglePass.

10.6.3 NCSR

NCSR is an alias for NCSimplifyRational.

See also: NCSimplifyRational.

10.6.4 NCSimplifyRationalSinglePass

NCSimplifyRationalSinglePass[expr] applies a series of custom rules only once in an attempt to simplify the rational NC expression expr.

See also: NCNormalizeInverse, NCSimplifyRational.

10.6.5 NCPreSimplifyRational

NCPreSimplifyRational[expr] repeatedly applies NCPreSimplifyRationalSinglePass in an attempt to simplify the rational NC expression expr.

See also: NCNormalizeInverse, NCPreSimplifyRationalSinglePass.

10.6.6 NCPreSimplifyRationalSinglePass

NCPreSimplifyRationalSinglePass[expr] applies a series of custom rules only once in an attempt to simplify the rational NC expression expr.

See also: NCNormalizeInverse, NCPreSimplifyRational.

10.7 NCDiff

NCDiff is a package containing several functions that are used in noncommutative differention of functions and polynomials.

Members are:

Members being deprecated:

10.7.1 NCDirectionalD

NCDirectionalD[expr, {var1, h1}, ...] takes the directional derivative of expression expr with respect to variables var1, var2, … successively in the directions h1, h2, ….

For example, if:

expr = a**inv[1+x]**b + x**c**x


NCDirectionalD[expr, {x,h}]


h**c**x + x**c**h - a**inv[1+x]**h**inv[1+x]**b

In the case of more than one variables NCDirectionalD[expr, {x,h}, {y,k}] takes the directional derivative of expr with respect to x in the direction h and with respect to y in the direction k. For example, if:

expr = x**q**x - y**x


NCDirectionalD[expr, {x,h}, {y,k}]


h**q**x + x**q*h - y**h - k**x

See also: NCGrad, NCHessian.

10.7.2 NCGrad

NCGrad[expr, var1, ...] gives the nc gradient of the expression expr with respect to variables var1, var2, …. If there is more than one variable then NCGrad returns the gradient in a list.

The transpose of the gradient of the nc expression expr is the derivative with respect to the direction h of the trace of the directional derivative of expr in the direction h.

For example, if:

expr = x**a**x**b + x**c**x**d

then its directional derivative in the direction h is

NCDirectionalD[expr, {x,h}]

which returns

h**a**x**b + x**a**h**b + h**c**x**d + x**c**h**d


NCGrad[expr, x]

returns the nc gradient

a**x**b + b**x**a + c**x**d + d**x**c

For example, if:

expr = x**a**x**b + x**c**y**d

is a function on variables x and y then

NCGrad[expr, x, y]

returns the nc gradient list

{a**x**b + b**x**a + c**y**d, d**x**c}

IMPORTANT: The expression returned by NCGrad is the transpose or the adjoint of the standard gradient. This is done so that no assumption on the symbols are needed. The calculated expression is correct even if symbols are self-adjoint or symmetric.

See also: NCDirectionalD.

10.7.3 NCHessian

NCHessian[expr, {var1, h1}, ...] takes the second directional derivative of nc expression expr with respect to variables var1, var2, … successively in the directions h1, h2, ….

For example, if:

expr = y**inv[x]**y + x**a**x


NCHessian[expr, {x,h}, {y,s}]


2 h**a**h + 2 s**inv[x]**s - 2 s**inv[x]**h**inv[x]**y -
2 y**inv[x]**h**inv[x]**s + 2 y**inv[x]**h**inv[x]**h**inv[x]**y

In the case of more than one variables NCHessian[expr, {x,h}, {y,k}] takes the second directional derivative of expr with respect to x in the direction h and with respect to y in the direction k.

See also: NCDiretionalD, NCGrad.

10.7.4 DirectionalD

DirectionalD[expr,var,h] takes the directional derivative of nc expression expr with respect to the single variable var in direction h.

DEPRECATION NOTICE: This syntax is limited to one variable and is being deprecated in favor of the more general syntax in NCDirectionalD.

See also: NCDirectionalD.

10.7.5 NCIntegrate

NCIntegrate[expr,{var1,h1},...] attempts to calculate the nc antiderivative of nc expression expr with respect to the single variable var in direction h.

For example:

NCIntegrate[x**h+h**x, {x,h}]



See also: NCDirectionalD.

10.8 NCConvexity

NCConvexity is a package that provides functionality to determine whether a rational or polynomial noncommutative function is convex.

Members are:

10.8.1 NCIndependent

NCIndependent[list] attempts to determine whether the nc entries of list are independent.

Entries of NCIndependent can be nc polynomials or nc rationals.

For example:


return True while

NCIndependent[{x,y,A x + B y}]
NCIndependent[{inv[1+x]**inv[x], inv[x], inv[1+x]}]

all return False.

See also: NCConvexityRegion.

10.8.2 NCConvexityRegion

NCConvexityRegion[expr,vars] is a function which can be used to determine whether the nc rational expr is convex in vars or not.

For example:

d = NCConvexityRegion[x**x**x, {x}];


d = {2 x, -2 inv[x]}

from which we conclude that x**x**x is not convex in x because \(x \succ 0\) and \(-{x}^{-1} \succ 0\) cannot simultaneously hold.

NCConvexityRegion works by factoring the NCHessian, essentially calling:

hes = NCHessian[expr, {x, h}];


{lt, mq, rt} = NCMatrixOfQuadratic[hes, {h}]

to decompose the Hessian into a product of a left row vector, lt, times a middle matrix, mq, times a right column vector, rt. The middle matrix, mq, is factored using the NCLDLDecomposition:

{ldl, p, s, rank} = NCLDLDecomposition[mq];
{lf, d, rt} = GetLDUMatrices[ldl, s];

from which the output of NCConvexityRegion is the a list with the block-diagonal entries of the matrix d.

See also: NCHessian, NCMatrixOfQuadratic, NCLDLDecomposition.

11 Packages for manipulating NC block matrices

11.1 NCDot

Members are:

11.1.1 tpMat

tpMat[mat] gives the transpose of matrix mat using tp.

See also: ajMat, coMat, NCDot.

11.1.2 ajMat

ajMat[mat] gives the adjoint transpose of matrix mat using aj instead of ConjugateTranspose.

See also: tpMat, coMat, NCDot.

11.1.3 coMat

coMat[mat] gives the conjugate of matrix mat using co instead of Conjugate.

See also: tpMat, ajMat, NCDot.

11.1.4 NCDot

NCDot[mat1, mat2, ...] gives the matrix multiplication of mat1, mat2, … using NonCommutativeMultiply rather than Times.


The experienced matrix analyst should always remember that the Mathematica convention for handling vectors is tricky.

See also: tpMat, ajMat, coMat.

11.1.5 NCInverse

NCInverse[mat] gives the nc inverse of the square matrix mat. NCInverse uses partial pivoting to find a nonzero pivot.

NCInverse is primarily used symbolically. Usually the elements of the inverse matrix are huge expressions. We recommend using NCSimplifyRational to improve the results.

See also: tpMat, ajMat, coMat.

11.2 NCMatrixDecompositions

NCMatrixDecompositions provide noncommutative versions of the linear algebra algorithms in the package MatrixDecompositions.

See the documentation for the package MatrixDecompositions for details on the algorithms and options.

Members are:

11.2.1 NCLUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting

NCLUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting is a noncommutative version of NCLUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting.

The following options can be given:

See also: LUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting.

11.2.2 NCLUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting

NCLUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting is a noncommutative version of NCLUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting.

The following options can be given:

See also: LUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting.

11.2.3 NCLDLDecomposition

NCLDLDecomposition is a noncommutative version of LDLDecomposition.

The following options can be given:

See also: LUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting.

11.2.4 NCUpperTriangularSolve

NCUpperTriangularSolve is a noncommutative version of UpperTriangularSolve.

See also: UpperTriangularSolve.

11.2.5 NCLowerTriangularSolve

NCLowerTriangularSolve is a noncommutative version of LowerTriangularSolve.

See also: LowerTriangularSolve.

11.2.6 NCLUInverse

NCLUInverse is a noncommutative version of LUInverse.

See also: LUInverse.

11.2.7 NCLUPartialPivoting

NCLUPartialPivoting is a noncommutative version of LUPartialPivoting.

See also: LUPartialPivoting.

11.2.8 NCLUCompletePivoting

NCLUCompletePivoting is a noncommutative version of LUCompletePivoting.

See also: LUCompletePivoting.

11.2.9 NCLeftDivide

NCLeftDivide[x,y] divides each entry of the list y by x on the left.

For example:

NCLeftDivide[x, {a,b,c}]


{inv[x]**a, inv[x]**b, inv[x]**c}

See also: NCRightDivide.

11.2.10 NCRightDivide

NCRightDivide[x,y] divides each entry of the list x by y on the right.

For example:

NCRightDivide[{a,b,c}, y]


{a**inv[y], b**inv[y], c**inv[y]}

See also: NCLeftDivide.

11.3 MatrixDecompositions: linear algebra templates

MatrixDecompositions is a package that implements various linear algebra algorithms, such as LU Decomposition with partial and complete pivoting, and LDL Decomposition. The algorithms have been written with correctness and ease of customization rather than efficiency as the main goals. They were originally developed to serve as the core of the noncommutative linear algebra algorithms for NCAlgebra.

See the package NCMatrixDecompositions for noncommutative versions of these algorithms.

Members are:

11.3.1 LUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting

LUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting[m] generates a representation of the LU decomposition of the rectangular matrix m.

LUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting[m, options] uses options.

LUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting returns a list of two elements:

LUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting is similar in functionality with the built-in LUDecomposition. It implements a partial pivoting strategy in which the sorting can be configured using the options listed below. It also applies to general rectangular matrices as well as square matrices.

The triangular factors are recovered using GetLUMatrices or GetFullLUMatrices.

The following options can be given:

See also: LUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting, LUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting, GetLUMatrices, GetFullLUMatrices, LUPartialPivoting.

11.3.2 LUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting

LUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting[m] generates a representation of the LU decomposition of the rectangular matrix m.

LUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting[m, options] uses options.

LUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting returns a list of four elements:

LUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting implements a complete pivoting strategy in which the sorting can be configured using the options listed below. It also applies to general rectangular matrices as well as square matrices.

The triangular factors are recovered using GetLUMatrices or GetFullLUMatrices.

The following options can be given:

See also: LUDecomposition, GetLUMatrices, GetFullLUMatrices, LUCompletePivoting, LUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting.

11.3.3 LDLDecomposition

LDLDecomposition[m] generates a representation of the LDL decomposition of the symmetric or self-adjoint matrix m.

LDLDecomposition[m, options] uses options.

LDLDecomposition returns a list of four elements:

LUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting implements a Bunch-Parlett pivoting strategy in which the sorting can be configured using the options listed below. It applies only to square symmetric or self-adjoint matrices.

The triangular factors are recovered using GetLDUMatrices or GetFullLDUMatrices.

The following options can be given:

See also: LUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting, LUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting, GetLUMatrices, GetFullLDUMatrices, LUCompletePivoting, LUPartialPivoting.

11.3.4 UpperTriangularSolve

UpperTriangularSolve[u, b] solves the upper-triangular system of equations \(u x = b\) using back-substitution.

For example:

x = UpperTriangularSolve[u, b];

returns the solution x.

See also: LUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting, LUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting, LDLDecomposition.

11.3.5 LowerTriangularSolve

LowerTriangularSolve[l, b] solves the lower-triangular system of equations \(l x = b\) using forward-substitution.

For example:

x = LowerTriangularSolve[l, b];

returns the solution x.

See also: LUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting, LUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting, LDLDecomposition.

11.3.6 LUInverse

LUInverse[a] calculates the inverse of matrix a.

LUInverse uses the LUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting and the triangular solvers LowerTriangularSolve and UpperTriangularSolve.

See also: LUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting.

11.3.7 GetLUMatrices

GetLUMatrices[lu] extracts lower- and upper-triangular blocks produced by LDUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting and LDUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting.

GetLUMatrices[lu, p, q, rank] extracts compact lower- and upper-triangular blocks produced by LDUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting and LDUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting taking into account permutations and the matrix rank.

For example:

{lu, p} = LUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting[mat];
{l, u} = GetLUMatrices[lu];


{lu, p, q, rank} = LUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting[mat];
{l, u} = GetLUMatrices[lu, p, q, rank];

returns the lower-triangular factor l and upper-triangular factor u as SparseArrays.

See also: LUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting, LUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting, GetFullLUMatrices.

11.3.8 GetFullLUMatrices

GetFullLUMatrices[m] extracts lower- and upper-triangular blocks produced by LDUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting and LDUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting.

GetFullLUMatrices[lu, p, q, rank] extracts compact lower- and upper-triangular blocks produced by LDUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting and LDUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting taking into account permutations and the matrix rank.

GetFullLUMatrices is equivalent to Normal @@ GetLUMatrices

See also: GetLUMatrices, LUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting, LUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting.

11.3.9 GetLDUMatrices

GetLDUMatrices[ldu, s] extracts lower-, upper-triangular and diagonal blocks produced by LDLDecomposition.

GetLDUMatrices[ldu, p, s, rank] extracts compact lower- and upper-triangular blocks produced by LDLDecomposition taking into account permutations and the matrix rank.

For example:

{ldl, p, s, rank} = LDLDecomposition[mat];
{l,d,u} = GetLDUMatrices[ldl,s];


{l, d, u} = GetLDUMatrices[ldl, p, s, rank];

returns the lower-triangular factor l, the upper-triangular factor u, and the block-diagonal factor d as SparseArrays.

See also: LDLDecomposition, GetFullLDUMatrices.

11.3.10 GetFullLDUMatrices

GetLDUMatrices[ldl, s] extracts lower-, upper-triangular and diagonal blocks produced by LDLDecomposition.

GetLDUMatrices[ldu, p, s, rank] extracts compact lower- and upper-triangular blocks produced by LDLDecomposition taking into account permutations and the matrix rank.

GetFullLDUMatrices is equivalent to Normal @@ GetLDUMatrices

See also: LDLDecomposition, GetLDUMatrices.

11.3.11 GetDiagonal

GetDiagonal[m] extracts the diagonal entries of matrix m.

GetDiagonal[m, s] extracts the block-diagonal entries of matrix m with block size s.

For example:

d = GetDiagonal[{{1,-1,0},{-1,2,0},{0,0,3}}];


d = {1,2,3}


d = GetDiagonal[{{1,-1,0},{-1,2,0},{0,0,3}}, {2,1}];


d = {{{1,-1},{-1,2}},3}

See also: LDLDecomposition.

11.3.12 LUPartialPivoting

LUPartialPivoting[v] returns the index of the element with largest absolute value in the vector v. If v is a matrix, it returns the index of the element with largest absolute value in the first column.

LUPartialPivoting[v, f] sorts with respect to the function f instead of the absolute value.

See also: LUDecompositionWithPartialPivoting, LUCompletePivoting.

11.3.13 LUCompletePivoting

LUCompletePivoting[m] returns the row and column index of the element with largest absolute value in the matrix m.

LUCompletePivoting[v, f] sorts with respect to the function f instead of the absolute value.

See also: LUDecompositionWithCompletePivoting, LUPartialPivoting.

11.3.14 LURowReduce

11.3.15 LURowReduceIncremental

12 Packages for pretty output, testing, and utilities

12.1 NCOutput

NCOutput is a package that can be used to beautify the display of noncommutative expressions. NCOutput does not alter the internal representation of nc expressions, just the way they are displayed on the screen.

Members are:

12.1.1 NCSetOutput

NCSetOutput[options] controls the display of expressions in a special format without affecting the internal representation of the expression.

The following options can be given:

See also: NCTex, NCTexForm.

12.2 NCTeX

Members are:

12.2.1 NCTeX

NCTeX[expr] typesets the LaTeX version of expr produced with TeXForm or NCTeXForm using LaTeX.

12.2.2 NCRunDVIPS

NCRunDVIPS[file] run dvips on file. Produces a ps output.

12.2.3 NCRunLaTeX

NCRunLaTeX[file] typesets the LaTeX file with latex. Produces a dvi output.

12.2.4 NCRunPDFLaTeX

NCRunLaTeX[file] typesets the LaTeX file with pdflatex. Produces a pdf output.

12.2.5 NCRunPDFViewer

NCRunPDFViewer[file] display pdf file.

12.2.6 NCRunPS2PDF

NCRunPS2PDF[file] run pd2pdf on file. Produces a pdf output.

12.3 NCTeXForm

Members are:

12.3.1 NCTeXForm

NCTeXForm[expr] prints a LaTeX version of expr.

The format is compatible with AMS-LaTeX.

Should work better than the Mathematica TeXForm :)

12.3.2 NCTeXFormSetStarStar

NCTeXFormSetStarStar[string] replaces the standard ’**’ for string in noncommutative multiplications.

For example:


uses a dot (.) to replace NonCommutativeMultiply(**).

See also: NCTeXFormSetStar.

12.3.3 NCTeXFormSetStar

NCTeXFormSetStar[string] replaces the standard ’*’ for string in noncommutative multiplications.

For example:

NCTeXFormSetStar[" "]

uses a space () to replace Times(*).


12.4 NCRun

Members are:

12.4.1 NCRun

NCRun[command] is a replacement for the built-in Run command that gives a bit more control over the execution process.

NCRun[command, options] uses options.

The following options can be given:

See also: Run.

12.5 NCTest

These are commands for automatically testing if our algorithms produce the correct answer. Problems and answers are stored under the directory NC/TESTING.

Members are:

12.5.1 NCTest

NCTest[expr,answer] asserts whether expr is equal to answer. The result of the test is collected when NCTest is run from NCTestRun.

See also: NCTestCheck, NCTestRun, NCTestSummarize.

12.5.2 NCTestCheck

NCTestCheck[expr,messages] evaluates expr and asserts that the messages in messages have been issued. The result of the test is collected when NCTest is run from NCTestRun.

NCTestCheck[expr,answer,messages] also asserts whether expr is equal to answer.

NCTestCheck[expr,answer,messages,quiet] quiets messages in quiet.

See also: NCTest, NCTestRun, NCTestSummarize.

12.5.3 NCTestRun

NCTest[list] runs the test files listed in list after appending the ‘.NCTest’ suffix and return the results.

For example:

results = NCTestRun[{"NCCollect", "NCSylvester"}]

will run the test files “NCCollect.NCTest” and “NCSylvester.NCTest” and return the results in results.

See also: NCTest, NCTestCheck, NCTestSummarize.

12.5.4 NCTestSummarize

NCTestSummarize[results] will print a summary of the results in results as produced by NCTestRun.

See also: NCTestRun.

12.6 NCDebug

Members are:

12.6.1 NCDebug

NCDebug[level, message] prints the objects message if level is higher than the current DebugLevel option.

Use SetOptions[NCDebug, DebugLevel -> level] to set up the current debug level.

Available options are:

12.7 NCUtil

NCUtil is a package with a collection of utilities used throughout NCAlgebra.

Members are:

12.7.1 NCGrabSymbols

NCGrabSymbols[expr] returns a list with all Symbols appearing in expr.

NCGrabSymbols[expr,f] returns a list with all Symbols appearing in expr as the single argument of function f.

For example:

NCGrabSymbols[inv[x] + y**inv[1+inv[1+x**y]]]

returns {x,y} and

NCGrabSymbols[inv[x] + y**inv[1+inv[1+x**y]], inv]

returns {inv[x]}.

See also: NCGrabFunctions, NCGrabNCSymbols.

12.7.2 NCGrabNCSymbols

NCGrabSymbols[expr] returns a list with all NC Symbols appearing in expr.

NCGrabSymbols[expr,f] returns a list with all NC Symbols appearing in expr as the single argument of function f.

See also: NCGrabSymbols, NCGrabFunctions.

12.7.3 NCGrabFunctions

NCGrabFunctions[expr] returns a list with all fragments of expr containing functions.

NCGrabFunctions[expr,f] returns a list with all fragments of expr containing the function f.

For example:

NCGrabFunctions[inv[x] + tp[y]**inv[1+inv[1+tp[x]**y]], inv]


{inv[1+inv[1+tp[x]**y]], inv[1+tp[x]**y], inv[x]}


NCGrabFunctions[inv[x] + tp[y]**inv[1+inv[1+tp[x]**y]]]


{inv[1+inv[1+tp[x]**y]], inv[1+tp[x]**y], inv[x], tp[x], tp[y]}

See also: NCGrabSymbols.

12.7.4 NCGrabIndeterminants

NCGrabIndeterminants[expr] returns a list with first level symbols and nc expressions involved in sums and nc products in expr.

For example:

NCGrabIndeterminants[y - inv[x] + tp[y]**inv[1+inv[1+tp[x]**y]]]


{y, inv[x], inv[1 + inv[1 + tp[x] ** y]], tp[y]}

See also: NCGrabFunctions, NCGrabSymbols.

12.7.5 NCVariables

NCVariables[expr] gives a list of all independent nc variables in the expression expr.

For example:

NCVariables[B + A y ** x ** y - 2 x]



See also: NCGrabSymbols.

12.7.6 NCConsolidateList

NCConsolidateList[list] produces two lists:

For example:

{list,index} = NCConsolidateList[{z,t,s,f,d,f,z}];

results in:

list = {z,t,s,f,d};
index = {1,2,3,4,5,4,1};

See also: Union

12.7.7 NCConsistentQ

NCConsistentQ[expr] returns True is expr contains no commutative products or inverses involving noncommutative variables.

12.7.8 NCSymbolOrSubscriptQ

NCSymbolOrSubscriptQ[expr] returns True if expr is a symbol or a symbol subscript.

See also: NCSymbolOrSubscriptExtendedQ, NCNonCommutativeSymbolOrSubscriptQ, NCNonCommutativeSymbolOrSubscriptExtendedQ, NCPowerQ.

12.7.9 NCSymbolOrSubscriptExtendedQ

NCSymbolOrSubscriptExtendedQ[expr] returns True if expr is a symbol, a symbol subscript, or the transpose (tp) or adjoint (aj) of a symbol or symbol subscript.

See also: NCSymbolOrSubscriptQ, NCNonCommutativeSymbolOrSubscriptQ, NCNonCommutativeSymbolOrSubscriptExtendedQ, NCPowerQ.

12.7.10 NCLeafCount

NCLeafCount[expr] returns an number associated with the complexity of an expression:

NCLeafCount is Listable.

See also: LeafCount.

12.7.11 NCReplaceData

NCReplaceData[expr, rules] applies rules to expr and convert resulting expression to standard Mathematica, for example replacing ** by ..

NCReplaceData does not attempt to resize entries in expressions involving matrices. Use NCToExpression for that.

See also: NCToExpression.

12.7.12 NCToExpression

NCToExpression[expr, rules] applies rules to expr and convert resulting expression to standard Mathematica.

NCToExpression attempts to resize entries in expressions involving matrices.

See also: NCReplaceData.

12.7.13 NotMatrixQ

NotMatrixQ[expr] is equivalent to Not[MatrixQ[expr]].

See also: MatrixQ.

13 Data structures for fast calculations

This chapter describes packages that handle special data structures that enable fast calculations in Mathematica.

13.1 NCPoly

13.1.1 Efficient storage of NC polynomials with rational coefficients

Members are:

13.1.2 Ways to represent NC polynomials NCPoly

NCPoly[coeff, monomials, vars] constructs a noncommutative polynomial object in variables vars where the monomials have coefficient coeff.

Monomials are specified in terms of the symbols in the list vars as in NCPolyMonomial.

For example:

vars = {x,y,z};
poly = NCPoly[{-1, 2}, {{x,y,x}, {z}}, vars];

constructs an object associated with the noncommutative polynomial \(2 z - x y x\) in variables x, y and z.

The internal representation varies with the implementation but it is so that the terms are sorted according to a degree-lexicographic order in vars. In the above example, x < y < z.

The construction:

vars = {{x},{y,z}};
poly = NCPoly[{-1, 2}, {{x,y,x}, {z}}, vars];

represents the same polyomial in a graded degree-lexicographic order in vars, in this example, x << y < z.

See also: NCPolyMonomial, NCIntegerDigits, NCFromDigits. NCPolyMonomial

NCPolyMonomial[monomial, vars] constructs a noncommutative monomial object in variables vars.

Monic monomials are specified in terms of the symbols in the list vars, for example:

vars = {x,y,z};
mon = NCPolyMonomial[{x,y,x},vars];

returns an NCPoly object encoding the monomial \(xyx\) in noncommutative variables x,y, and z. The actual representation of mon varies with the implementation.

Monomials can also be specified implicitly using indices, for example:

mon = NCPolyMonomial[{0,1,0}, 3];

also returns an NCPoly object encoding the monomial \(xyx\) in noncommutative variables x,y, and z.

If graded ordering is supported then

vars = {{x},{y,z}};
mon = NCPolyMonomial[{x,y,x},vars];


mon = NCPolyMonomial[{0,1,0}, {1,2}];

construct the same monomial \(xyx\) in noncommutative variables x,y, and z this time using a graded order in which x << y < z.

There is also an alternative syntax for NCPolyMonomial that allows users to input the monomial along with a coefficient using rules and the output of NCFromDigits. For example:

mon = NCPolyMonomial[{3, 3} -> -2, 3];


mon = NCPolyMonomial[NCFromDigits[{0,1,0}, 3] -> -2, 3];

represent the monomial \(-2 xyx\) that has coefficient -2.

See also: NCPoly, NCIntegerDigits, NCFromDigits. NCPolyConstant

NCPolyConstant[value, vars] constructs a noncommutative monomial object in variables vars representing the constant value.

For example:

NCPolyConstant[3, {x, y, z}]

constructs an object associated with the constant 3 in variables x, y and z.

See also: NCPoly, NCPolyMonomial. NCPolyConvert

NCPolyConvert[poly, vars] convert NCPoly poly to the ordering implied by vars.

For example, if

vars1 = {{x, y, z}};
coeff = {1, 2, 3, -1, -2, -3, 1/2};
mon = {{}, {x}, {z}, {x, y}, {x, y, x, x}, {z, x}, {z, z, z, z}};
poly1 = NCPoly[coeff, mon, vars1];

with respect to the ordering

\(x \ll y \ll z\)


vars2 = {{x},{y,z}};
poly2 = NCPolyConvert[poly, vars];

is the same polynomial as poly1 but in the ordering

\(x \ll y < z\)

See also: NCPoly, NCPolyCoefficient. NCPolyFromCoefficientArray

NCPolyFromCoefficientArray[mat, vars] returns an NCPoly constructed from the coefficient array mat in variables vars.

For example, for mat equal to the SparseArray corresponding to the rules:

{{1} -> 1, {2} -> 2, {6} -> -1, {50} -> -2, {4} -> 3, {11} -> -3, {121} -> 1/2}

the commands

vars = {{x},{y,z}};
NCPolyFromCoefficientArray[mat, vars]


NCPoly[{1, 2}, <|{0, 0, 0} -> 1, {0, 1, 0} -> 2, {1, 0, 2} -> 3, {1, 1, 1} -> -1,
       {1, 1, 6} -> -3, {1, 3, 9} -> -2, {4, 0, 80} -> 1/2|>]

See also: NCPolyCoefficientArray, NCPolyCoefficient. NCPolyFromGramMatrix

NCPolyFromGramMatrix[mat, vars] returns an NCPoly constructed from the Gram matrix mat in variables vars.

For example, for mat equal to the SparseArray corresponding to the rules:

{{1, 1} -> 1, {2, 1} -> 2, {2, 3} -> -1, {4, 1} -> 3, {4, 2} -> -3, {6, 5} -> -2, {13, 13} -> 1/2}

the commands

vars = {{x},{y,z}};
NCPolyFromGramMatrix[mat, vars]


NCPoly[{1, 2}, <|{0, 0, 0} -> 1, {0, 1, 0} -> 2, {1, 0, 2} -> 3, {1, 1, 1} -> -1,
       {1, 1, 6} -> -3, {1, 3, 9} -> -2, {4, 0, 80} -> 1/2|>]

See also: NCPolyGramMatrix, NCPolyFromGramMatrixFactors. NCPolyFromGramMatrixFactors

NCPolyFromGramMatrixFactors[lmat, rmat, vars] returns two lists of NCPolys constructed from the factors of the Gram matrix lmat and rmat in variables vars.

For example, for mat = lmat . rmat in which the factors lmat and rmat are SparseArrays corresponding to the rules:

{{1, 3} -> 1/2, {1, 5} -> 1, {2, 3} -> 1, {4, 1} -> 1, {6, 2} -> 1, {13, 4} -> 1}
{{1, 2} -> -3, {1, 1} -> 3, {2, 5} -> -2, {3, 1} -> 2, {3, 3} -> -1, {4, 13} -> 1/2, {5, 3} -> 1/2}

and commands

vars = {{x},{y,z}};
{lpoly, rpoly} = NCPolyFromGramMatrixFactors[lmat, rmat, vars]

return lpoly equal to the list of polynomials

{NCPoly[{1, 2}, <|{1, 0, 1} -> 1|>], NCPoly[{1, 2}, <|{1, 1, 6} -> 1|>], NCPoly[{1, 2}, <|{0, 0, 0} -> 1/2, {1, 0, 2} -> 1|>], NCPoly[{1, 2}, <|{2, 0, 4} -> 1|>], NCPoly[{1, 2}, <|{0, 0, 0} -> 1|>]},

and rpoly equal to

{NCPoly[{1, 2}, <|{0, 0, 0} -> 3, {1, 0, 2} -> -3|>], NCPoly[{1, 2}, <|{2, 0, 7} -> -2|>], NCPoly[{1, 2}, <|{0, 0, 0} -> 2, {0, 1, 0} -> -1|>], NCPoly[{1, 2}, <|{2, 0, 4} -> 1/2|>], NCPoly[{1, 2}, <|{0, 1, 0} -> 1/2|>]}}

See also: NCPolyFromGramMatrix, NCPolyGramMatrix.

13.1.3 Access and utlity functions NCPolyMonomialQ

NCPolyMonomialQ[poly] returns True if poly is a NCPoly monomial.

See also: NCPoly, NCPolyMonomial. NCPolyDegree

NCPolyDegree[poly] returns the degree of the nc polynomial poly.

See also: NCPolyPartialDegree NCPolyPartialDegree

NCPolyPartialDegree[poly] returns the maximum degree appearing in the monomials of the nc polynomial poly.

See also: NCPolyDegree NCPolyMonomialDegree

NCPolyMonomialDegree[poly] returns the partial degree of each symbol appearing in the monomials of the nc polynomial poly.

See also: NCPolyDegree NCPolyNumberOfVariables

NCPolyNumberOfVariables[poly] returns the number of variables of the nc polynomial poly. NCPolyNumberOfTerms

NCPolyNumberOfTerms[poly] returns the number of terms of the nc polynomial poly. NCPolyCoefficient

NCPolyCoefficient[poly, mon] returns the coefficient of the monomial mon in the nc polynomial poly.

For example, in:

coeff = {1, 2, 3, -1, -2, -3, 1/2};
mon = {{}, {x}, {z}, {x, y}, {x, y, x, x}, {z, x}, {z, z, z, z}};
vars = {x,y,z};
poly = NCPoly[coeff, mon, vars];

c = NCPolyCoefficient[poly, NCPolyMonomial[{x,y},vars]];


c = -1

See also: NCPoly, NCPolyMonomial. NCPolyCoefficientArray

NCPolyCoefficientArray[poly] returns a coefficient array corresponding to the monomials in the nc polynomial poly.

For example:

coeff = {1, 2, 3, -1, -2, -3, 1/2};
mon = {{}, {x}, {z}, {x, y}, {x, y, x, x}, {z, x}, {z, z, z, z}};
vars = {x,y,z};
poly = NCPoly[coeff, mon, vars];

mat = NCPolyCoefficient[poly];

returns mat as a SparseArray corresponding to the rules:

{{1} -> 1, {2} -> 2, {6} -> -1, {50} -> -2, {4} -> 3, {11} -> -3, {121} -> 1/2}

See also: NCPolyFromCoefficientArray, NCPolyCoefficient. NCPolyGramMatrix

NCPolyGramMatrix[poly] returns a Gram matrix corresponding to the monomials in the nc polynomial poly.

For example:

coeff = {1, 2, 3, -1, -2, -3, 1/2};
mon = {{}, {x}, {z}, {x, y}, {x, y, x, x}, {z, x}, {z, z, z, z}};
vars = {x,y,z};
poly = NCPoly[coeff, mon, vars];

mat = NCPolyGramMatrix[poly];

returns mat as a SparseArray corresponding to the rules:

{{1, 1} -> 1, {2, 1} -> 2, {2, 3} -> -1, {4, 1} -> 3, {4, 2} -> -3, {6, 5} -> -2, {13, 13} -> 1/2}

See also: NCPolyFromGramMatrix. NCPolyGetCoefficients

NCPolyGetCoefficients[poly] returns a list with the coefficients of the monomials in the nc polynomial poly.

For example:

vars = {x,y,z};
poly = NCPoly[{-1, 2}, {{x,y,x}, {z}}, vars];
coeffs = NCPolyGetCoefficients[poly];


coeffs = {2,-1}

The coefficients are returned according to the current graded degree-lexicographic ordering, in this example x < y < z.

See also: NCPolyGetDigits, NCPolyCoefficient, NCPoly. NCPolyGetDigits

NCPolyGetDigits[poly] returns a list with the digits that encode the monomials in the nc polynomial poly as produced by NCIntegerDigits.

For example:

vars = {x,y,z};
poly = NCPoly[{-1, 2}, {{x,y,x}, {z}}, vars];
digits = NCPolyGetDigits[poly];


digits = {{2}, {0,1,0}}

The digits are returned according to the current ordering, in this example x < y < z.

See also: NCPolyGetCoefficients, NCPoly. NCPolyGetIntegers

NCPolyGetIntegers[poly] returns a list with the digits that encode the monomials in the nc polynomial poly as produced by NCFromDigits.

For example:

vars = {x,y,z};
poly = NCPoly[{-1, 2}, {{x,y,x}, {z}}, vars];
digits = NCPolyGetIntegers[poly];


digits = {{1,2}, {3,3}}

The digits are returned according to the current ordering, in this example x < y < z.

See also: NCPolyGetCoefficients, NCPoly. NCPolyLeadingMonomial

NCPolyLeadingMonomial[poly] returns an NCPoly representing the leading term of the nc polynomial poly.

For example:

vars = {x,y,z};
poly = NCPoly[{-1, 2}, {{x,y,x}, {z}}, vars];
lead = NCPolyLeadingMonomial[poly];

returns an NCPoly representing the monomial \(x y x\). The leading monomial is computed according to the current ordering, in this example x < y < z. The actual representation of lead varies with the implementation.

See also: NCPolyLeadingTerm, NCPolyMonomial, NCPoly. NCPolyLeadingTerm

NCPolyLeadingTerm[poly] returns a rule associated with the leading term of the nc polynomial poly as understood by NCPolyMonomial.

For example:

vars = {x,y,z};
poly = NCPoly[{-1, 2}, {{x,y,x}, {z}}, vars];
lead = NCPolyLeadingTerm[poly];


lead = {3,3} -> -1

representing the monomial \(- x y x\). The leading monomial is computed according to the current ordering, in this example x < y < z.

See also: NCPolyLeadingMonomial, NCPolyMonomial, NCPoly. NCPolyOrderType

NCPolyOrderType[poly] returns the type of monomial order in which the nc polynomial poly is stored. Order can be NCPolyGradedDegLex or NCPolyDegLex.

See also: NCPoly, NCPolyToRule

NCPolyToRule[poly] returns a Rule associated with polynomial poly. If poly = lead + rest, where lead is the leading term in the current order, then NCPolyToRule[poly] returns the rule lead -> -rest where the coefficient of the leading term has been normalized to 1.

For example:

vars = {x, y, z};
poly = NCPoly[{-1, 2, 3}, {{x, y, x}, {z}, {x, y}}, vars];
rule = NCPolyToRule[poly]

returns the rule lead -> rest where lead represents is the nc monomial \(x y x\) and rest is the nc polynomial \(2 z + 3 x y\)

See also: NCPolyLeadingTerm, NCPolyLeadingMonomial, NCPoly. NCPolyTermsOfDegree

NCPolyTermsOfDegree[p, d] returns a polynomial p in which only the monomials with degree d are present. The degree d is a list with the partial degrees on each variable.

For example:

vars = {x, y};
poly = NCPoly[{1, 2, 3, 4}, {{x}, {x, y}, {y, x}, {x, x}}, vars];

corresponds to the polynomial \(x + 2 x y + 3 y x + 4 x^2\) and

NCPolyTermsOfTotalDegree[p, {1,1}]


NCPoly[{1, 1}, {1, 1, 1} -> 2, {1, 1, 2} -> 3|>]

which corresponds to the polyomial \(2 x y + 3 y x\). Likewise

NCPolyTermsOfTotalDegree[p, {2,0}]


NCPoly[{1, 1}, {0, 2, 0} -> 4|>]

which corresponds to the polyomial \(4 x^2\).

See also: NCPolyTermsOfTotalDegree. NCPolyTermsOfTotalDegree

NCPolyTermsOfTotalDegree[p, d] returns a polynomial p in which only the monomials with total degree d are present. The degree d is an integer.

For example:

vars = {x, y};
poly = NCPoly[{1, 2, 3, 4}, {{x}, {x, y}, {y, x}, {x, x}}, vars];

corresponds to the polynomial \(x + 2 x y + 3 y x + 4 x^2\) and

NCPolyTermsOfTotalDegree[p, 2]


NCPoly[{1, 1}, <|{0, 2, 0} -> 4, {1, 1, 1} -> 2, {1, 1, 2} -> 3|>]

which corresponds to the polyomial \(2 x y + 3 y x + 4 x^2\).

See also: NCPolyTermsOfDegree. NCPolyQuadraticTerms

NCPolyQuadraticTerms[p] returns a polynomial with only the “square” quadratic terms of p.

For example:

vars = {{x, y, z}}
coeff = {1, 1, 4, 3, 2, -1}
digits = {{}, {x}, {y, x}, {z, x}, {z, y}, {x, z, z, y}}
p = NCPoly[coeff, digits, vars, TransposePairs -> {{x, y}}]

corresponds to the polynomial \(p(x,y,z) = -x.z.z.y + 2 z.y + 3 z.x + 4 y.x + x + 1\) in which \(x\) and \(y\) are transposes of each other, that is \(y = x^T\). Its NCPoly object is

NCPoly[{3}, <|{0, 0} -> 1, {1, 0} -> 1, {2, 3} -> 4, {2, 6} -> 3, {2, 7} -> 2, {4, 25} -> -1|>, TransposePairs -> {{0, 1}}]

A call to


results in

NCPoly[{3}, <|{0, 0} -> 1, {2, 3} -> 4, {4, 25} -> -1|>, TransposePairs -> {{0, 1}}]

corresponding to the polynomial \(-x.z.z.y + 4 y.x + 1\) which contains only “square” quadratic terms of \(p(x,y,z)\).

See also: NCPolyQuadraticChipset(#NCPolyQuadraticChipset). NCPolyQuadraticChipset

NCPolyQuadraticChipset[p] returns a polynomial with only the “half” terms of p that can be in an NC SOS decomposition of p.

For example:

vars = {{x, y, z}}
coeff = {1, 1, 4, 3, 2, -1}
digits = {{}, {x}, {y, x}, {z, x}, {z, y}, {x, z, z, y}}
p = NCPoly[coeff, digits, vars, TransposePairs -> {{x, y}}]

corresponds to the polynomial \(p(x,y,z) = -x.z.z.y + 2 z.y + 3 z.x + 4 y.x + x + 1\) in which \(x\) and \(y\) are transposes of each other, that is \(y = x^T\). Its NCPoly object is

NCPoly[{3}, <|{0, 0} -> 1, {1, 0} -> 1, {2, 3} -> 4, {2, 6} -> 3, {2, 7} -> 2, {4, 25} -> -1|>, TransposePairs -> {{0, 1}}]

A call to


results in

NCPoly[{3}, <|{0, 0} -> 1, {1, 0} -> 1, {1, 1} -> 1, {2, 2} -> 1|>, TransposePairs -> {{0, 1}}]

corresponding to the polynomial \(x.z + y + x + 1\) that contains only terms which contain monomials with the “left half” of the monomials of \(p(x,y,z)\) which can appear in an NC SOS decomposition of p.

See also: NCPolyQuadraticTerms(#NCPolyQuadraticTerms). NCPolyReverseMonomials

NCPolyReverseMonomials[p] reverses the order of the symbols appearing in each monomial of the polynomial p.

For example:

vars = {x, y};
poly = NCPoly[{1, 2, 3, 4}, {{x}, {x, y}, {y, x}, {x, x}}, vars];

corresponds to the polynomial \(x + 2 x y + 3 y x + 4 x^2\) and



NCPoly[{1, 1}, <|{0, 1, 0} -> 1, {0, 2, 0} -> 4, {1, 1, 2} -> 2, {1, 1, 1} -> 3|>]

which correspond to the polynomial \(x + 2 y x + 3 x y + 4 x^2\).

See also: NCIntegerReverse. NCPolyGetOptions

NCPolyGetOptions[p] returns the options embedded in the polynomial p.

Available options are:

13.1.4 Formating functions NCPolyDisplay

NCPolyDisplay[poly] prints the noncommutative polynomial poly.

NCPolyDisplay[poly, vars] uses the symbols in the list vars. NCPolyDisplayOrder

NCPolyDisplayOrder[vars] prints the order implied by the list of variables vars.

13.1.5 Arithmetic functions NCPolyDivideDigits

NCPolyDivideDigits[F,G] returns the result of the division of the leading digits lf and lg. NCPolyDivideLeading

NCPolyDivideLeading[lF,lG,base] returns the result of the division of the leading Rules lf and lg as returned by NCGetLeadingTerm. NCPolyNormalize

NCPolyNormalize[poly] makes the coefficient of the leading term of p to unit. It also works when poly is a list. NCPolySum

NCPolySum[f,g] returns a NCPoly that is the sum of the NCPoly’s f and g. NCPolyProduct

NCPolyProduct[f,g] returns a NCPoly that is the product of the NCPoly’s f and g. NCPolyQuotientExpand

NCPolyQuotientExpand[q,g] returns a NCPoly that is the left-right product of the quotient as returned by NCPolyReduceWithQuotient by the NCPoly g. It also works when g is a list. NCPolyReduce

NCPolyReduce[polys, rules] reduces the list of NCPolys polys with respect to the list of NCPolys rules. The substitutions implied by rules are applied repeatedly to the polynomials in the polys until no further reduction occurs.

NCPolyReduce[polys] reduces each polynomial in the list of NCPolys polys with respect to the remaining elements of the list of polyomials polys. It traverses the list of polys just once. Use NCPolyReduceRepeated to continue applying NCPolyReduce until no further reduction occurs.

By default, NCPolyReduce only reduces the leading monomial in the current order. Use the optional boolean flag Complete to completely reduce all monomials. For example,

NCPolyReduce[polys, rules, Complete -> True]
NCPolyReduce[polys, Complete -> True]

Other available options are: - MaxIterationsFactor (default = 10): limits the maximum number of iterations in reducing each polynomial by MaxIterationsFactor times the number of terms in the polynomial. - MaxDepth (default = 1): control how many monomials are reduced by NCPolyReduce; by default MaxDepth is set to one so that just the leading monomial is reduced. Setting Complete -> True effectively sets MaxDepth to Infinity. - ZeroTest (default = NCPolyPossibleZeroQ): which test to use when assessing that a monomial is zero. This option is useful when the coefficients are floating points, in which case one might substitute ZeroTest for an approximate zero test.

See also: NCPolyGroebner, NCPolyReduceRepeated, NCPolyReduceWithQuotient. NCPolyReduceRepeated

NCPolyReduceRepeated[polys] applies NCPolyReduce successively to the list of polynomials polys until the remainder does not change.

See also: NCPolyReduce, NCPolyReduceWithQuotient. NCPolyReduceWithQuotient

NCPolyReduceWithQuotient[f, g] works as NCPolyReduce but also returns a list with the quotient that can be expanded usinn NCPolyQuotientExpand.

For example

{qf, r} = NCPolyReduceWithQuotient[f, g];
q = NCPolyQuotientExpand[qf, g];

returns the list qf which is then expanded into the quotient q.

The same options in NCPolyReduce can be used with NCPolyReduceWithQuotient.

See also: NCPolyReduce, NCPolyQuotientExpand.

13.1.6 State space realization functions NCPolyHankelMatrix

NCPolyHankelMatrix[poly] produces the nc Hankel matrix associated with the polynomial poly and also their shifts per variable.

For example:

vars = {{x, y}};
poly = NCPoly[{1, -1}, {{x, y}, {y, x}}, vars];
{H, Hx, Hy} = NCPolyHankelMatrix[poly]

results in the matrices

H =  {{  0,  0,  0,  1, -1 },
      {  0,  0,  1,  0,  0 },
      {  0, -1,  0,  0,  0 },
      {  1,  0,  0,  0,  0 },
      { -1,  0,  0,  0,  0 }}
Hx = {{  0,  0,  1,  0,  0 },
      {  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 },
      { -1,  0,  0,  0,  0 },
      {  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 },
      {  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 }}
Hy = {{  0, -1,  0,  0,  0 },
      {  1,  0,  0,  0,  0 },
      {  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 },
      {  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 },
      {  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 }}

which are the Hankel matrices associated with the commutator \(x y - y x\).

See also: NCPolyRealization, NCDigitsToIndex. NCPolyRealization

NCPolyRealization[poly] calculate a minimal descriptor realization for the polynomial poly.

NCPolyRealization uses NCPolyHankelMatrix and the resulting realization is compatible with the format used by NCRational.

For example:

vars = {{x, y}};
poly = NCPoly[{1, -1}, {{x, y}, {y, x}}, vars];
{{a0,ax,ay},b,c,d} = NCPolyRealization[poly]

produces a list of matrices {a0,ax,ay}, a column vector b and a row vector c, and a scalar d such that

\[c . (a0 + ax \, x + ay \, y)^{-1} . b + d = x y - y x\]

See also: NCPolyHankelMatrix, NCRational.

13.1.7 Auxiliary functions NCPolyVarsToIntegers

NCPolyVarsToIntegers[vars] converts the list of symbols vars into a list of integers corresponding to the graded ordering implied by vars.

For example:


returns {1,2}, indicating that there are a total of three variables with the last two ranking higher than the first.

NCPolyVarsToIntegers raises NCPoly::InvalidList in case it cannot correctly parse the list of variables.

If vars is a list of integers, NCPolyVarsToIntegers returns this list intact.

See also: NCPoly. NCFromDigits

NCFromDigits[list, b] constructs a representation of a monomial in b encoded by the elements of list where the digits are in base b.

NCFromDigits[{list1,list2}, b] applies NCFromDigits to each list1, list2, ….

List of integers are used to codify monomials. For example the list {0,1} represents a monomial \(xy\) and the list {1,0} represents the monomial \(yx\). The call

NCFromDigits[{0,0,0,1}, 2]



in which 4 is the degree of the monomial \(xxxy\) and 1 is 0001 in base 2. Likewise

NCFromDigits[{0,2,1,1}, 3]



in which 4 is the degree of the monomial \(xzyy\) and 22 is 0211 in base 3.

If b is a list, then degree is also a list with the partial degrees of each letters appearing in the monomial. For example:

NCFromDigits[{0,2,1,1}, {1,2}]


{3, 1, 22}

in which 3 is the partial degree of the monomial \(xzyy\) with respect to letters y and z, 1 is the partial degree with respect to letter x and 22 is 0211 in base 3 = 1 + 2.

This construction is used to represent graded degree-lexicographic orderings.

See also: NCIntegerDigits. NCIntegerDigits

NCIntegerDigits[n,b] is the inverse of the NCFromDigits.

NCIntegerDigits[{list1,list2}, b] applies NCIntegerDigits to each list1, list2, ….

For example:

NCIntegerDigits[{4,1}, 2]



in which 4 is the degree of the monomial x**x**x**y and 1 is 0001 in base 2. Likewise

NCIntegerDigits[{4,22}, 3]



in which 4 is the degree of the monomial x**z**y**y and 22 is 0211 in base 3.

If b is a list, then degree is also a list with the partial degrees of each letters appearing in the monomial. For example:

NCIntegerDigits[{3, 1, 22}, {1,2}]



in which 3 is the partial degree of the monomial x**z**y**y with respect to letters y and z, 1 is the partial degree with respect to letter x and 22 is 0211 in base 3 = 1 + 2.

See also: NCFromDigits. NCIntegerReverse

NCIntegerReverse[n,b] reverses the integer n on the base b as returned by NCFromDigits.

NCIntegerReverse[{list1,list2}, b] applies NCIntegerReverse to each list1, list2, ….

For example:

NCIntegerReverse[{4,1}, 2]

in which {4,1} correspond to the digits {1,0,0,0} returns

{4, 8}

which correspond to the digits {1,0,0,0}.

See also: NCIntegerDigits. NCDigitsToIndex

NCDigitsToIndex[digits, b] returns the index that the monomial represented by digits in the base b would occupy in the standard monomial basis.

NCDigitsToIndex[{digit1,digits2}, b] applies NCDigitsToIndex to each digit1, digit2, ….

NCDigitsToIndex[digits, b, Reverse -> True] returns the index as occupied by the permuted digits.

NCDigitsToIndex returns the same index for graded or simple basis.

For example:

digits = {0, 1};
NCDigitsToIndex[digits, 2]
NCDigitsToIndex[digits, {2}]
NCDigitsToIndex[digits, {1, 1}]

all return


which is the index of the monomial \(x y\) in the standard monomial basis of polynomials in \(x\) and \(y\). Likewise

digits = {{}, {1}, {0, 1}, {0, 2, 1, 1}};
NCDigitsToIndex[digits, 2]




NCDigitsToIndex[{0, 1}, 2, Reverse -> True]

returns 6 instead of 5.

See also: NCFromDigits, NCIntegerDigits. NCPadAndMatch

When list a is longer than list b, NCPadAndMatch[a,b] returns the minimum number of elements from list a that should be added to the left and right of list b so that a = l b r. When list b is longer than list a, return the opposite match.

NCPadAndMatch returns all possible matches with the minimum number of elements.

13.2 NCPolyInterface

The package NCPolyInterface provides a basic interface between NCPoly and NCAlgebra.

Note that to take full advantage of the speed-up possible with NCPoly one should not use these functions. It is always faster to convert to and manipulate NCPoly expressions directly!

Members are:

13.2.1 NCToNCPoly

NCToNCPoly[expr, var] constructs a noncommutative polynomial object in variables var from the nc expression expr.

For example

NCToNCPoly[x**y - 2 y**z, {x, y, z}] 

constructs an object associated with the noncommutative polynomial \(x y - 2 y z\) in variables x, y and z. The internal representation is so that the terms are sorted according to a degree-lexicographic order in vars. In the above example, \(x < y < z\).

13.2.2 NCPolyToNC

NCPolyToNC[poly, vars] constructs an nc expression from the noncommutative polynomial object poly in variables vars. Monomials are specified in terms of the symbols in the list var.

For example

poly = NCToNCPoly[x**y - 2 y**z, {x, y, z}];
expr = NCPolyToNC[poly, {x, y, z}];


expr = x**y - 2 y**z

See also: NCPolyToNC, NCPoly.

13.2.3 NCMonomialOrderQ

NCMonomialOrderQ[list] returns True if the expressions in list represents a valid monomial ordering.

NCMonomialOrderQ is used by NCMonomialOrder to decided whether a proposed ordering is valid or not. However, NCMonomialOrder is much more forgiving when it comes to the format of the order.

See also: NCMonomialOrder, NCRationalToNCPoly.

13.2.4 NCMonomialOrder

NCMonomialOrder[var1, var2, ...] returns an array representing a monomial order.

For example




corresponding to the lex order \(a \ll b \ll c\).

If one uses a list of variables rather than a single variable as one of the arguments, then multigraded lex order is used. For example




corresponding to the graded lex order \(a < b < c\).

Another example:

NCMonomialOrder[{{a, b}, {c}}]


NCMonomialOrder[{a, b}, c]

both return


corresponding to the multigraded lex order \(a < b \ll c\).

See also: NCMonomialOrderQ, NCRationalToNCPoly, SetMonomialOrder.

13.2.5 NCRationalToNCPoly

NCRationalToNCPoly[expr, vars] generates a representation of the noncommutative rational expression or list of rational expressions expr in vars which has commutative coefficients.

NCRationalToNCPoly[expr, vars] generates one or more NCPolys in which vars is used to set a monomial ordering as per NCMonomialOrder.

NCRationalToNCPolynomial creates one variable for each inv expression in vars appearing in the rational expression expr. It also created additional relations to encode the inverse. It also creates additional variables to represent tp and aj.

It returns a list of four elements:

For example:

exp = a+tp[a]-inv[a];
order = NCMonomialOrder[a,b];
{rels,vars,rules,labels} = NCRationalToNCPoly[exp, order]


rels = {
  NCPoly[{2,1,1},<|{0,0,1,0} -> 1,{0,0,1,1} -> 1,{1,0,0,3} -> -1|>],
  NCPoly[{2,1,1},<|{0,0,0,0} -> -1,{1,0,1,12} -> 1|>],
  NCPoly[{2,1,1},<|{0,0,0,0} -> -1,{1,0,1,3} -> 1|>]
vars = {{a,tp51},{b},{rat50}},
rules = {rat50 -> inv[a],tp51 -> tp[a]},
labels = {{a,tp[a]},{b},{inv[a]}}

The variable tp51 was created to represent tp[a] and rat50 was created to represent inv[a]. The additional relations in rels correspond to a**rat50 - 1 and rat50**a - 1, which encode the rational relation rat50 - inv[a].

NCRationalToPoly also handles rational expressions, not only rational variables. For example:

expr = a ** inv[1 - a] ** a;
order = NCMonomialOrder[a, inv[1 - a]];
{rels, vars, rules, labels} = NCRationalToNCPoly[expr, order]


rels = {
  NCPoly[{1,1},<|{1,2,2} -> 1|>],
  NCPoly[{1,1},<|{0,0,0} -> -1,{1,0,1} -> 1,{1,1,2} -> -1|>],
  NCPoly[{1,1},<|{0,0,0} -> -1,{1,0,1} -> 1,{1,1,1} -> -1|>]
vars = {{a},{rat54}} 
rules = {rat54 -> inv[1 - a]},
labels = {{a},{inv[1 - a]}}

Note how rat54 encodes the rational expression inv[1-a].

See also: NCMonomialOrder, NCMonomialOrderQ, NCPolyToNC, NCPoly, NCRationalToNCPolynomial.

13.2.6 NCRuleToPoly

NCRuleToPoly[a -> b] converts the rule a -> b into the relation a - b.

For instance:

NCRuleToPoly[x**y**y -> x**y - 1]


x**y**y - x**y + 1

13.2.7 NCToRule

NCToRule[exp, vars] converts the NC polynomial exp into a rule a -> b in which a is the leading monomial according to the ordering implied by vars.

For instance:

NCToRule[x**y**y - x**y + 1, {x,y}]


x**y**y -> x**y - 1

NOTE: This command is not efficient. If you need to sort polynomials you should consider using NCPoly directly.

See also: NCToNCPoly

13.2.8 NCReduce

NCReduce[polys, rules, vars, options] reduces the list of polynomials in polys by the list of polynomials in rules in the variables vars. The substitutions implied by rules are applied repeatedly to the polynomials in the polys until no further reduction occurs.

Note that the exact meaning of rules depends on the polynomial ordering implied by the vars. For example, if

polys = x^3 + x ** y
rules = x^2 - x ** y


NCReduce[polys, rules, {y, x}]


x ** y + x ** y ** x

because x^2 - x ** y is interpreted as x^2 -> x ** y, while

NCReduce[polys, rules, {x, y}]


x^2 + x^3

because x^2 - x ** y is interpreted as x ** y -> x^2.

By default, NCReduce only reduces the leading monomial in the current order. Use the optional boolean flag Complete to completely reduce all monomials. For example,

NCReduce[polys, rules, Complete -> True]
NCReduce[polys, Complete -> True]

See NCPolyReduce for a complete list of options.

NCReduce[polys, vars, options] reduces each polynomial in the list of NCPolys polys with respect to the remaining elements of the list of polyomials polys. It traverses the list of polys just once. Use NCReduceRepeated to continue applying NCReduce until no further reduction occurs.

NCReduce converts polys and rules to NCPoly polynomials and apply NCPolyReduce.

See also: NCReduceRepeated, NCPolyReduce.

13.2.9 NCReduceRepeated

NCReduceRepeated[polys, vars] applies NCReduce successively to the list of polys in variables vars until the remainder does not change.

See also: NCReduce, NCPolyReduceRepeated.

13.2.10 NCMonomialList

NCMonomialList[poly, vars] gives the list of all monomials in the polynomial poly in variables vars.

For example:

vars = {x, y}
expr = B + A y ** x ** y - 2 x
NCMonomialList[expr, vars]


{1, x, y ** x ** y}

See also: NCCoefficientRules, NCCoefficientList, NCVariables.

13.2.11 NCCoefficientRules

NCCoefficientRules[poly, vars] gives a list of rules between all the monomials polynomial poly in variables vars.

For example:

vars = {x, y}
expr = B + A y ** x ** y - 2 x
NCCoefficientRules[expr, vars]


{1 -> B, x -> -2, y ** x ** y -> A}

See also: NCMonomialList, NCCoefficientRules, NCVariables.

13.2.12 NCCoefficientList

NCCoefficientList[poly, vars] gives the list of all coefficients in the polynomial poly in variables vars.

For example:

vars = {x, y}
expr = B + A y ** x ** y - 2 x
NCCoefficientList[expr, vars]


{B, -2, A}

See also: NCMonomialList, NCCoefficientRules, NCVariables.

13.2.13 NCCoefficientQ

NCCoefficientQ[expr] returns True if expr is a valid polynomial coefficient.

For example:

NCCoefficientQ[2 A]

all return True and


all return False.

IMPORTANT: NCCoefficientQ[expr] does not expand expr. This means that NCCoefficientQ[2 (A + 1)] will return False.

See also: NCMonomialQ, NCPolynomialQ

13.2.14 NCMonomialQ

NCCoefficientQ[expr] returns True if expr is an nc monomial.

For example:

NCMonomialQ[A x ** y]
NCMonomialQ[2 A x ** y ** x]

all return True and

NCMonomialQ[x + x ** y]

returns False.

IMPORTANT: NCMonomialQ[expr] does not expand expr. This means that NCMonomialQ[2 (A + 1) x**x] will return False.

See also: NCCoefficientQ, NCPolynomialQ

13.2.15 NCPolynomialQ

NCPolynomialQ[expr] returns True if expr is an nc polynomial with commutative coefficients.

For example:

NCPolynomialQ[A x ** y]

all return True and

NCMonomialQ[x + x ** y]

returns False.

IMPORTANT: NCPolynomialQ[expr] does expand expr. This means that NCPolynomialQ[(x + y)^3] will return True.

See also: NCCoefficientQ, NCMonomialQ

13.3 NCPolynomial

13.3.1 Efficient storage of NC polynomials with nc coefficients

This package contains functionality to convert an nc polynomial expression into an expanded efficient representation that can have commutative or noncommutative coefficients.

For example the polynomial

exp = a**x**b - 2 x**y**c**x + a**c

in variables x and y can be converted into an NCPolynomial using

p = NCToNCPolynomial[exp, {x,y}]

which returns

p = NCPolynomial[a**c, <|{x}->{{1,a,b}},{x**y,x}->{{2,1,c,1}}|>, {x,y}]

Members are:

13.3.2 Ways to represent NC polynomials NCPolynomial

NCPolynomial[indep,rules,vars] is an expanded efficient representation for an nc polynomial in vars which can have commutative or noncommutative coefficients.

The nc expression indep collects all terms that are independent of the letters in vars.

The Association rules stores terms in the following format:

{mon1, ..., monN} -> {scalar, term1, ..., termN+1}


vars is a list of Symbols.

For example the polynomial

a**x**b - 2 x**y**c**x + a**c

in variables x and y is stored as:

NCPolynomial[a**c, <|{x}->{{1,a,b}},{x**y,x}->{{2,1,c,1}}|>, {x,y}]

NCPolynomial specific functions are prefixed with NCP, e.g. NCPDegree.

See also: NCToNCPolynomial, NCPolynomialToNC, NCPTermsToNC. NCToNCPolynomial

NCToNCPolynomial[p, vars] generates a representation of the noncommutative polynomial p in vars which can have commutative or noncommutative coefficients.

NCToNCPolynomial[p] generates an NCPolynomial in all nc variables appearing in p.


exp = a**x**b - 2 x**y**c**x + a**c
p = NCToNCPolynomial[exp, {x,y}]


NCPolynomial[a**c, <|{x}->{{1,a,b}},{x**y,x}->{{2,1,c,1}}|>, {x,y}]

See also: NCPolynomial, NCPolynomialToNC. NCPolynomialToNC

NCPolynomialToNC[p] converts the NCPolynomial p back into a regular nc polynomial.

See also: NCPolynomial, NCToNCPolynomial. NCRationalToNCPolynomial

NCRationalToNCPolynomial[r, vars] generates a representation of the noncommutative rational expression r in vars which can have commutative or noncommutative coefficients.

NCRationalToNCPolynomial[r] generates an NCPolynomial in all nc variables appearing in r.

NCRationalToNCPolynomial creates one variable for each inv expression in vars appearing in the rational expression r. It returns a list of three elements:

For example:

exp = a**inv[x]**y**b - 2 x**y**c**x + a**c
{p,rvars,rules} = NCRationalToNCPolynomial[exp, {x,y}]


p = NCPolynomial[a**c, <|{rat1**y}->{{1,a,b}},{x**y,x}->{{2,1,c,1}}|>, {x,y,rat1}]
rvars = {rat1}
rules = {rat1->inv[x]}

See also: NCToNCPolynomial, NCPolynomialToNC.

13.3.3 Grouping terms by degree NCPTermsOfDegree

NCPTermsOfDegree[p,deg] gives all terms of the NCPolynomial p of degree deg.

The degree deg is a list with the degree of each symbol.

For example:

p = NCPolynomial[0, <|{x,y}->{{2,a,b,c}},
                      {x**x}->{{-1,a,b}}|>, {x,y}]
NCPTermsOfDegree[p, {1,1}]




NCPTermsOfDegree[p, {2,0}]


<|{x,x}->{{1,a,b,c}}, {x**x}->{{-1,a,b}}|>

See also: NCPTermsOfTotalDegree,NCPTermsToNC. NCPTermsOfTotalDegree

NCPTermsOfDegree[p,deg] gives all terms of the NCPolynomial p of total degree deg.

The degree deg is the total degree.

For example:

p = NCPolynomial[0, <|{x,y}->{{2,a,b,c}},
                      {x**x}->{{-1,a,b}}|>, {x,y}]
NCPTermsOfDegree[p, 2]



See also: NCPTermsOfDegree,NCPTermsToNC. NCPTermsToNC

NCPTermsToNC gives a nc expression corresponding to terms produced by NCPTermsOfDegree or NCPTermsOfTotalDegree.

For example:

terms = <|{x,x}->{{1,a,b,c}}, {x**x}->{{-1,a,b}}|>



See also: NCPTermsOfDegree,NCPTermsOfTotalDegree.

13.3.4 Utilities NCPDegree

NCPDegree[p] gives the degree of the NCPolynomial p.

See also: NCPMonomialDegree. NCPMonomialDegree

NCPMonomialDegree[p] gives the degree of each monomial in the NCPolynomial p.

See also: NCDegree. NCPCoefficients

NCPCoefficients[p, m] gives all coefficients of the NCPolynomial p in the monomial m.

For example:

exp = a**x**b - 2 x**y**c**x + a**c + d**x
p = NCToNCPolynomial[exp, {x, y}]
NCPCoefficients[p, {x}]


{{1, d, 1}, {1, a, b}}


NCPCoefficients[p, {x**y, x}]


{{-2, 1, c, 1}}

See also: NCPTermsToNC. NCPLinearQ

NCPLinearQ[p] gives True if the NCPolynomial p is linear.

See also: NCPQuadraticQ. NCPQuadraticQ

NCPQuadraticQ[p] gives True if the NCPolynomial p is quadratic.

See also: NCPLinearQ. NCPCompatibleQ

NCPCompatibleQ[p1,p2,...] returns True if the polynomials p1,p2,… have the same variables and dimensions.

See also: NCPSameVariablesQ, NCPMatrixQ. NCPSameVariablesQ

NCPSameVariablesQ[p1,p2,...] returns True if the polynomials p1,p2,… have the same variables.

See also: NCPCompatibleQ, NCPMatrixQ. NCPMatrixQ

NCMatrixQ[p] returns True if the polynomial p is a matrix polynomial.

See also: NCPCompatibleQ. NCPNormalize

NCPNormalizes[p] gives a normalized version of NCPolynomial p where all factors that have free commutative products are collectd in the scalar.

This function is intended to be used mostly by developers.

See also: NCPolynomial

13.3.5 Operations on NC polynomials NCPPlus

NCPPlus[p1,p2,...] gives the sum of the nc polynomials p1,p2,… . NCPTimes

NCPTimes[s,p] gives the product of a commutative s times the nc polynomial p. NCPDot

NCPDot[p1,p2,...] gives the product of the nc polynomials p1,p2,… . NCPSort

NCPSort[p] gives a list of elements of the NCPolynomial p in which monomials are sorted first according to their degree then by Mathematica’s implicit ordering.

For example

NCPSort[NCToNCPolynomial[c + x**x - 2 y, {x,y}]]

will produce the list

{c, -2 y, x**x}

See also: NCPDecompose, NCDecompose, NCCompose. NCPDecompose

NCPDecompose[p] gives an association of elements of the NCPolynomial p in which elements of the same order are collected together.

For example

NCPDecompose[NCToNCPolynomial[a**x**b+c+d**x**e+a**x**e**x**b+a**x**y, {x,y}]]

will produce the Association

<|{1,0}->a**x**b + d**x**e, {1,1}->a**x**y, {2,0}->a**x**e**x**b, {0,0}->c|>

See also: NCPSort, NCDecompose, NCCompose.

13.4 NCQuadratic

NCQuadratic is a package that provides functionality to handle quadratic polynomials in NC variables.

Members are:

13.4.1 NCToNCQuadratic

NCToNCQuadratic[p, vars] is shorthand for

NCPToNCQuadratic[NCToNCPolynomial[p, vars]]

See also: NCToNCQuadratic,NCToNCPolynomial.

13.4.2 NCPToNCQuadratic

NCPToNCQuadratic[p] gives an expanded representation for the quadratic NCPolynomial p.

NCPToNCQuadratic returns a list with four elements:


exp = d + x + x**x + x**a**x + x**e**x + x**b**y**d + d**y**c**y**d;
vars = {x,y};
p = NCToNCPolynomial[exp, vars];
{p0,sylv,left,middle,right} = NCPToNCQuadratic[p];


p0 = d
sylv = <|x->{{1},{1},SparseArray[{{1}}]}, y->{{},{},{}}|>
left =  {x,d**y}
middle = SparseArray[{{1+a+e,b},{0,c}}]
right = {x,y**d}

See also: NCSylvester,NCQuadraticToNCPolynomial,NCPolynomial.

13.4.3 NCQuadraticToNC

NCQuadraticToNC[{const, lin, left, middle, right}] is shorthand for

NCPolynomialToNC[NCQuadraticToNCPolynomial[{const, lin, left, middle, right}]]

See also: NCQuadraticToNCPolynomial,NCPolynomialToNC.

13.4.4 NCQuadraticToNCPolynomial

NCQuadraticToNCPolynomial[rep] takes the list rep produced by NCPToNCQuadratic and converts it back to an NCPolynomial.

NCQuadraticToNCPolynomial[rep,options] uses options.

The following options can be given:

See also: NCPToNCQuadratic, NCPolynomial.

13.4.5 NCMatrixOfQuadratic

NCMatrixOfQuadratic[p, vars] gives a factorization of the symmetric quadratic function p in noncommutative variables vars and their transposes.

NCMatrixOfQuadratic checks for symmetry and automatically sets variables to be symmetric if possible.

Internally it uses NCPToNCQuadratic and NCQuadraticMakeSymmetric.

It returns a list of three elements:

For example:

expr = x**y**x + z**x**x**z;
{left,middle,right}=NCMatrixOfQuadratics[expr, {x}];


left={x, z**x}

The answer from NCMatrixOfQuadratics always satisfies p = NCDot[left,middle,right].

See also: NCPToNCQuadratic, NCQuadraticMakeSymmetric.

13.4.6 NCQuadraticMakeSymmetric

NCQuadraticMakeSymmetric[{p0, sylv, left, middle, right}] takes the output of NCPToNCQuadratic and produces, if possible, an equivalent symmetric representation in which Map[tp, left] = right and middle is a symmetric matrix.

See also: NCPToNCQuadratic.

13.5 NCSylvester

NCSylvester is a package that provides functionality to handle linear polynomials in NC variables.

Members are:

13.5.1 NCToNCSylvester

NCToNCSylvester[p, vars] is shorthand for

NCPToNCSylvester[NCToNCPolynomial[p, vars]]

See also: NCToNCSylvester, NCToNCPolynomial.

13.5.2 NCPToNCSylvester

NCPToNCSylvester[p] gives an expanded representation for the linear NCPolynomial p.

NCPToNCSylvester returns a list with two elements:


p = NCToNCPolynomial[2 + a**x**b + c**x**d + y, {x,y}];
{p0,sylv} = NCPolynomialToNCSylvester[p]


p0 = 2
sylv = <|x->{{a,c},{b,d},SparseArray[{{1,0},{0,1}}]}, 

See also: NCSylvesterToNCPolynomial, NCSylvesterToNC, NCToNCSylvester, NCPolynomial.

13.5.3 NCSylvesterToNC

NCSylvesterToNC[{const, lin}] is shorthand for

NCPolynomialToNC[NCSylvesterToNCPolynomial[{const, lin}]]

See also: NCSylvesterToNCPolynomial, NCPolynomialToNC.

13.5.4 NCSylvesterToNCPolynomial

NCSylvesterToNCPolynomial[rep] takes the list rep produced by NCPToNCSylvester and converts it back to an NCPolynomial.

NCSylvesterToNCPolynomial[rep,options] uses options.

The following options can be given: * Collect (True): controls whether the coefficients of the resulting NCPolynomial are collected to produce the minimal possible number of terms.

See also: NCPToNCSylvester, NCToNCSylvester, NCPolynomial.

14 Noncommutative Gröbner Bases Algorithms

14.1 NCGBX

This is an interface to a Gröebner Bases code that runs purely under Mathematica. The actual algorithm is implemented in the package NCPolyGroebner. Its function names, inputs and outputs are very similar (but not always exactly the same) to the ones provided in the legacy package NCGB, which requires both Mathematica and auxiliary executables compiled from C++ to run. NCGBX may run slower on some medium size problems but will succeed on large size problems which might fail under NCGB.

Members are:

14.1.1 SetMonomialOrder

SetMonomialOrder[var1, var2, ...] sets the current monomial order.

For example


sets the lex order \(a \ll b \ll c\).

If one uses a list of variables rather than a single variable as one of the arguments, then multigraded lex order is used. For example


sets the graded lex order \(a < b < c\).

Another example:

SetMonomialOrder[{{a, b}, {c}}]


SetMonomialOrder[{a, b}, c]

set the multigraded lex order \(a < b \ll c\).


SetMonomialOrder[{a,b}, {c}, {d}]


SetMonomialOrder[{a,b}, c, d]

is equivalent to the following two commands


There is also an older syntax which is still supported:

SetMonomialOrder[{a, b, c}, n]

sets the order of monomials to be \(a < b < c\) and assigns them grading level n.

SetMonomialOrder[{a, b, c}, 1]

is equivalent to SetMonomialOrder[{a, b, c}]. When using this older syntax the user is responsible for calling ClearMonomialOrder to make sure that the current order is empty before starting.

In Version 6, SetMonomialOrder uses NCMonomialOrder, and NCMonomialOrderQ.

See also: ClearMonomialOrder, GetMonomialOrder, PrintMonomialOrder, SetKnowns, SetUnknowns, NCMonomialOrder, NCMonomialOrderQ.

14.1.2 SetKnowns

SetKnowns[var1, var2, ...] records the variables var1, var2, … to be corresponding to known quantities.

SetUnknowns and Setknowns prescribe a monomial order with the knowns at the the bottom and the unknowns at the top.

For example


is equivalent to

SetMonomialOrder[{a,b}, {c}, {d}]

which corresponds to the order \(a < b \ll c \ll d\) and


is equivalent to

SetMonomialOrder[{a,b}, {c, d}]

which corresponds to the order \(a < b \ll c < d\).

Note that SetKnowns flattens grading so that




result both in the order \(a < b\).

Successive calls to SetUnknowns and SetKnowns overwrite the previous knowns and unknowns. For example


results in an ordering \(c < d \ll a \ll b\).

See also: SetUnknowns, SetMonomialOrder.

14.1.3 SetUnknowns

SetUnknowns[var1, var2, ...] records the variables var1, var2, … to be corresponding to unknown quantities.

SetUnknowns and SetKnowns prescribe a monomial order with the knowns at the the bottom and the unknowns at the top.

For example


is equivalent to

SetMonomialOrder[{a,b}, {c}, {d}]

which corresponds to the order \(a < b \ll c \ll d\) and


is equivalent to

SetMonomialOrder[{a,b}, {c, d}]

which corresponds to the order \(a < b \ll c < d\).

Note that SetKnowns flattens grading so that




result both in the order \(a < b\).

Successive calls to SetUnknowns and SetKnowns overwrite the previous knowns and unknowns. For example


results in an ordering \(c < d \ll a \ll b\).

See also: SetKnowns, SetMonomialOrder.

14.1.4 ClearMonomialOrder

ClearMonomialOrder[] clear the current monomial ordering.

It is only necessary to use ClearMonomialOrder if using the indexed version of SetMonomialOrder.

See also: SetKnowns, SetUnknowns, SetMonomialOrder, ClearMonomialOrder, PrintMonomialOrder.

14.1.5 GetMonomialOrder

GetMonomialOrder[] returns the current monomial ordering in the form of a list.

For example

SetMonomialOrder[{a,b}, {c}, {d}]
order = GetMonomialOrder[]


order = {{a,b},{c},{d}}

See also: SetKnowns, SetUnknowns, SetMonomialOrder, ClearMonomialOrder, PrintMonomialOrder.

14.1.6 PrintMonomialOrder

PrintMonomialOrder[] prints the current monomial ordering.

For example

SetMonomialOrder[{a,b}, {c}, {d}]

print \(a < b \ll c \ll d\).

See also: SetKnowns, SetUnknowns, SetMonomialOrder, ClearMonomialOrder, PrintMonomialOrder.

14.1.7 NCMakeGB

NCMakeGB[{poly1, poly2, ...}, k] attempts to produces a nc Gröbner Basis (GB) associated with the list of nc polynomials {poly1, poly2, ...}. The GB algorithm proceeds through at most k iterations until a Gröbner basis is found for the given list of polynomials with respect to the order imposed by SetMonomialOrder.

If NCMakeGB terminates before finding a GB the message NCMakeGB::Interrupted is issued.

The output of NCMakeGB is a list of rules with left side of the rule being the leading monomial of the polynomials in the GB.

For example:

gb = NCMakeGB[{x^2 - 1, x^3 - 1}, 20]


gb = {x -> 1}

that corresponds to the polynomial \(x - 1\), which is the nc Gröbner basis for the ideal generated by \(x^2-1\) and \(x^3-1\).

NCMakeGB[{poly1, poly2, ...}, k, options] uses options.

For example

gb = NCMakeGB[{x^2 - 1, x^3 - 1}, 20, RedudeBasis -> True]

runs the Gröbner basis algortihm and completely reduces the output set of polynomials.

The following options can be given:

NCMakeGB makes use of the algorithm NCPolyGroebner implemented in NCPolyGroebner.

In Version 6, NCMakeGB uses NCRationalToNCPoly to add additional relations involving rational variables and rational terms.

See also: NCRationalToNCPoly, NCReduce, ClearMonomialOrder, GetMonomialOrder, PrintMonomialOrder, SetKnowns, SetUnknowns, NCPolyGroebner.

14.1.8 NCProcess

NCProcess[{poly1, poly2, ...}, k] finds a new generating set for the ideal generated by {poly1, poly2, ...} using NCMakeGB then produces an summary report on the findings.

Not all features of NCProcess in the old NCGB C++ version are supported yet.

See also: NCMakeGB.

14.1.9 NCGBSimplifyRational

NCGBSimplifyRational[expr] creates a set of relations for each rational expression and sub-expression found in expr which are used to produce simplification rules using NCMakeGB then replaced using NCReduce.

For example:

expr = x ** inv[1 - x] - inv[1 - x] ** x


expr = inv[1 - x - y ** inv[1 - x] ** y] - 1/2 (inv[1 - x + y] + inv[1 - x - y])

both result in 0.

See also: NCMakeGB, NCReduce.

14.2 NCPolyGroebner

This packages implements a Gröebner Bases algorithm that runs purely under Mathematica. This algorithm is the one called by the user-friendly functions in the package NCGBX.

Members are:

14.2.1 NCPolyGroebner

NCPolyGroebner[G, iter] computes the noncommutative Groebner basis of the list of NCPoly polynomials G. The algorithm either converges before or is interrupted when the number of iterations reach iter.

NCPolyGroebner[G, iter, options] uses options.

The following options can be given:

The algorithm is based on (Mora 1994) and uses the terminology there.

See also: NCPoly.

14.3 NCGB

Starting with version 6.0.0 our legacy Gröebner Bases algorithm that requires both Mathematica and auxiliary executables compiled from C++ to run has been completely replaced by NCGBX.

See older versions of the NC documentation for a complete description of the legacy C++ code functionality.

15 Semidefinite Programming Algorithms

15.1 NCSDP

NCSDP is a package that allows the symbolic manipulation and numeric solution of semidefinite programs.

Members are:

15.1.1 NCSDP

NCSDP[inequalities,vars,obj,data] converts the list of NC polynomials and NC matrices of polynomials inequalities that are linear in the unknowns listed in vars into the semidefinite program with linear objective obj. The semidefinite program (SDP) should be given in the following canonical form:

max  <obj, vars>  s.t.  inequalities <= 0.

It returns a list with two entries:

Both entries should be supplied to SDPSolve in order to numerically solve the semidefinite program. For example:

{abc, rules} = NCSDP[inequalities, vars, obj, data];

generates an instance of SDPSylvester that can be solved using:

<< SDPSylvester`
{Y, X, S, flags} = SDPSolve[abc, rules];

NCSDP uses the user supplied rules in data to set up the problem data.

NCSDP[inequalities,vars,data] converts problem into a feasibility semidefinite program.

NCSDP[inequalities,vars,obj,data,options] uses options.

The following options can be given:

See also: NCSDPForm, NCSDPDual, SDPSolve.

15.1.2 NCSDPForm

NCSDPForm[[inequalities,vars,obj] prints out a pretty formatted version of the SDP expressed by the list of NC polynomials and NC matrices of polynomials inequalities that are linear in the unknowns listed in vars.

See also: NCSDP, NCSDPDualForm.

15.1.3 NCSDPDual

{dInequalities, dVars, dObj} = NCSDPDual[inequalities,vars,obj] calculates the symbolic dual of the SDP expressed by the list of NC polynomials and NC matrices of polynomials inequalities that are linear in the unknowns listed in vars with linear objective obj into a dual semidefinite in the following canonical form:

max <dObj, dVars>  s.t.  dInequalities == 0,   dVars >= 0.

{dInequalities, dVars, dObj} = NCSDPDual[inequalities,vars,obj,dualVars] uses the symbols in dualVars as dVars.

NCSDPDual[inequalities,vars,...,options] uses options.

The following options can be given:

See also: NCSDPDualForm, NCSDP.

15.1.4 NCSDPDualForm

NCSDPForm[[dInequalities,dVars,dObj] prints out a pretty formatted version of the dual SDP expressed by the list of NC polynomials and NC matrices of polynomials dInequalities that are linear in the unknowns listed in dVars with linear objective dObj.

See also: NCSDPDual, NCSDPForm.

15.2 SDP

SDP is a package that provides data structures for the numeric solution of semidefinite programs of the form: \[ \begin{aligned} \max_{y, S} \quad & b^T y \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & A y + S = c \\ & S \succeq 0 \end{aligned} \] where \(S\) is a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix and \(y\) is a vector of decision variables.

See the package SDP for a potentially more efficient alternative to the basic implementation provided by this package.

Members are:

15.2.1 SDPMatrices

SDPMatrices[f, G, y] converts the symbolic linear functions f, G in the variables y associated to the semidefinite program:

\[ \begin{aligned} \min_y \quad & f(y), \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & G(y) \succeq 0 \end{aligned} \]

into numerical data that can be used to solve an SDP in the form:

\[ \begin{aligned} \max_{y, S} \quad & b^T y \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & A y + S = c \\ & S \succeq 0 \end{aligned} \]

SDPMatrices returns a list with three entries:

For example:

f = -x
G = {{1, x}, {x, 1}}
vars = {x}
{A,b,c} = SDPMatrices[f, G, vars]

results in

A = {{{{0, -1}, {-1, 0}}}}
b = {{{1}}}
c = {{{1, 0}, {0, 1}}}

All data is stored as SparseArrays.

See also: SDPSolve.

15.2.2 SDPSolve

SDPSolve[{A,b,c}] solves an SDP in the form:

\[ \begin{aligned} \max_{y, S} \quad & b^T y \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & A y + S = c \\ & S \succeq 0 \end{aligned} \]

SDPSolve returns a list with four entries:

For example:

{Y, X, S, flags} = SDPSolve[abc]

solves the SDP abc.

SDPSolve[{A,b,c}, options] uses options.

options are those of PrimalDual.

See also: SDPMatrices.

15.2.3 SDPEval

SDPEval[A, y] evaluates the linear function \(A y\) in an SDP.

This is a convenient replacement for SDPPrimalEval in which the list y can be used directly.

See also: SDPPrimalEval, SDPDualEval, SDPSolve, SDPMatrices.

15.2.4 SDPPrimalEval

SDPPrimalEval[A, {{y}}] evaluates the linear function \(A y\) in an SDP.

See SDPEval for a convenient replacement for SDPPrimalEval in which the list y can be used directly.

See also: SDPEval, SDPDualEval, SDPSolve, SDPMatrices.

15.2.5 SDPDualEval

SDPDualEval[A, X] evaluates the linear function \(A^* X\) in an SDP.

See also: SDPPrimalEval, SDPSolve, SDPMatrices.

15.2.6 SDPSylvesterEval

SDPSylvesterEval[a, W] returns a matrix representation of the Sylvester mapping \(A^* (W A (\Delta_y) W)\) when applied to the scaling W.

SDPSylvesterEval[a, Wl, Wr] returns a matrix representation of the Sylvester mapping \(A^* (W_l A (\Delta_y) W_r)\) when applied to the left- and right-scalings Wl and Wr.

See also: SDPPrimalEval, SDPDualEval.

15.3 SDPFlat

SDPFlat is a package that provides data structures for the numeric solution of semidefinite programs of the form: \[ \begin{aligned} \max_{y, S} \quad & b^T y \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & A y + S = c \\ & S \succeq 0 \end{aligned} \] where \(S\) is a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix and \(y\) is a vector of decision variables.

It is a potentially more efficient alternative to the basic implementation provided by the package SDP.

Members are:

15.3.1 SDPFlatData

SDPFlatData[{a,b,c}] converts the triplet {a,b,c} from the format of the package SDP to the SDPFlat format.

It returns a list with four entries:

See also: SDP.

15.3.2 SDPFlatPrimalEval

SDPFlatPrimalEval[aFlat, y] evaluates the linear function \(A y\) in an SDPFlat.

See also: SDPFlatDualEval, SDPFlatSylvesterEval.

15.3.3 SDPFlatDualEval

SDPFlatDualEval[aFlat, X] evaluates the linear function \(A^* X\) in an SDPFlat.

See also: SDPFlatPrimalEval, SDPFlatSylvesterEval.

15.3.4 SDPFlatSylvesterEval

SDPFlatSylvesterEval[a, aFlat, W] returns a matrix representation of the Sylvester mapping \(A^* (W A (\Delta_y) W)\) when applied to the scaling W.

SDPFlatSylvesterEval[a, aFlat, Wl, Wr] returns a matrix representation of the Sylvester mapping \(A^* (W_l A (\Delta_y) W_r)\) when applied to the left- and right-scalings Wl and Wr.

See also: SDPFlatPrimalEval, SDPFlatDualEval.

15.4 SDPSylvester

SDPSylvester is a package that provides data structures for the numeric solution of semidefinite programs of the form: \[ \begin{aligned} \max_{y, S} \quad & \sum_i \operatorname{trace}(b_i^T y_i) \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & A y + S = \frac{1}{2} \sum_i a_i y_i b_i + (a_i y_i b_i)^T + S = C \\ & S \succeq 0 \end{aligned} \] where \(S\) is a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix and \(y = \{ y_1, \ldots, y_n \}\) is a list of matrix decision variables.

Members are:

15.4.1 SDPEval

SDPEval[A, y] evaluates the linear function \(A y = \frac{1}{2} \sum_i a_i y_i b_i + (a_i y_i b_i)^T\) in an SDPSylvester.

This is a convenient replacement for SDPSylvesterPrimalEval in which the list y can be used directly.

See also: SDPSylvesterPrimalEval, SDPSylvesterDualEval.

15.4.2 SDPSylvesterPrimalEval

SDPSylvesterPrimalEval[a, y] evaluates the linear function \(A y = \frac{1}{2} \sum_i a_i y_i b_i + (a_i y_i b_i)^T\) in an SDPSylvester.

See SDPSylvesterEval for a convenient replacement for SDPPrimalEval in which the list y can be used directly.

See also: SDPSylvesterDualEval, SDPSylvesterSylvesterEval.

15.4.3 SDPSylvesterDualEval

SDPSylvesterDualEval[A, X] evaluates the linear function \(A^* X = \{ b_1 X a_1, \cdots, b_n X a_n \}\) in an SDPSylvester.

For example

See also: SDPSylvesterPrimalEval, SDPSylvesterSylvesterEval.

15.4.4 SDPSylvesterSylvesterEval

SDPSylvesterEval[a, W] returns a matrix representation of the Sylvester mapping \(A^* (W A (\Delta_y) W)\) when applied to the scaling W.

SDPSylvesterEval[a, Wl, Wr] returns a matrix representation of the Sylvester mapping \(A^* (W_l A (\Delta_y) W_r)\) when applied to the left- and right-scalings Wl and Wr.

See also: SDPSylvesterPrimalEval, SDPSylvesterDualEval.

15.5 PrimalDual

PrimalDual provides an algorithm for solving a pair of primal-dual semidefinite programs in the form \[ \tag{Primal} \begin{aligned} \min_{X} \quad & \operatorname{trace}(c X) \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & A^*(X) = b \\ & X \succeq 0 \end{aligned} \] \[ \tag{Dual} \begin{aligned} \max_{y, S} \quad & b^T y \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & A(y) + S = c \\ & S \succeq 0 \end{aligned} \] where \(X\) is the primal variable and \((y,S)\) are the dual variables.

The algorithm is parametrized and users should provide their own means of evaluating the mappings \(A\), \(A^*\) and also the Sylvester mapping \[ A^*(W_l A(\Delta_y) W_r) \] used to solve the least-square subproblem.

Users can develop custom algorithms that can take advantage of special structure, as done for instance in NCSDP.

The algorithm constructs a feasible solution using the Self-Dual Embedding of [].

Members are:

15.5.1 PrimalDual

PrimalDual[PrimalEval,DualEval,SylvesterEval,b,c] solves the semidefinite program using a primal dual method.

PrimalEval should return the primal mapping \(A^*(X)\) when applied to the current primal variable X as in PrimalEval @@ X.

DualEval should return the dual mapping \(A(y)\) when applied to the current dual variable y as in DualEval @@ y.

SylvesterVecEval should return a matrix representation of the Sylvester mapping \(A^* (W_l A (\Delta_y) W_r)\) when applied to the left- and right-scalings Wl and Wr as in SylvesterVecEval @@ {Wl, Wr}.

PrimalDual[PrimalEval,DualEval,SylvesterEval,b,c,options] uses options.

The following options can be given:

15.6 NCPolySOS

Members are:

15.6.1 NCPolySOS

NCPolySOS[degree, var] returns an NCPoly with symbolic coefficients on the variable var corresponding to a possible Gram representation of an noncommutative SOS polynomial of degree degree and its corresponding Gram matrix.

NCPolySOS[poly, var] uses NCPolyQuadraticChipset to generate a sparse Gram representation of the noncommutative polynomial poly.

NCPolySOS[degree] and NCPolySOS[p] returns the answer in terms of a newly created unique symbol.

For example,

{q,Q,x} = NCPolySOS[4];

returns the symbolic SOS NCPoly q and its Gram matrix Q expressed in terms of the variable x, and

{q,Q,x,chipset} = NCPolySOS[poly];

returns the symbolic NCPoly q and its Gram matrix Q corresponding to terms in the quadratic chipset expressed in terms of the variable x.

See also: NCPolySOSToSDP, NCPolyQuadraticChipset

15.6.2 NCPolySOSToSDP

{sdp, vars, sol, solQ} = NCPolySOSToSDP[ps, Qs, var] returns a semidefinite constraint sdp in the variables vars and the rules sol and solQ that can be used to solve for variables in the list of SOS NCPoly ps and the list of Gram matrices Qs.

For example,

{q, Q, $, chipset} = NCPolySOS[poly, q]; {sdp, vars, sol, solQ} = NCPolySOSToSDP[{poly - q}, {Q}, z];

generate the semidefinite constraints spd in the variables vars which are feasible if and only if the NCPoly poly is SOS.

See also: NCPolySOS.

16 Work in Progress

Sections in this chapter describe experimental packages which are still under development.

16.1 NCRational

This package contains functionality to convert an nc rational expression into a descriptor representation.

For example the rational

exp = 1 + inv[1 + x]

in variables x and y can be converted into an NCPolynomial using

p = NCToNCPolynomial[exp, {x,y}]

which returns

p = NCPolynomial[a**c, <|{x}->{{1,a,b}},{x**y,x}->{{2,1,c,1}}|>, {x,y}]

Members are:

16.1.1 State-space realizations for NC rationals NCRational

NCRational::usage NCToNCRational

NCToNCRational::usage NCRationalToNC

NCRationalToNC::usage NCRationalToCanonical

NCRationalToCanonical::usage CanonicalToNCRational


16.1.2 Utilities NCROrder

NCROrder::usage NCRLinearQ

NCRLinearQ::usage NCRStrictlyProperQ


16.1.3 Operations on NC rationals NCRPlus

NCRPlus::usage NCRTimes

NCRTimes::usage NCRTranspose

NCRTranspose::usage NCRInverse


16.1.4 Minimal realizations NCRControllableRealization

NCRControllableRealization::usage NCRControllableSubspace

NCRControllableSubspace::usage NCRObservableRealization

NCRObservableRealization::usage NCRMinimalRealization


16.2 NCRealization


The package NCRealization implements an algorithm due to N. Slinglend for producing minimal realizations of nc rational functions in many nc variables. See “Toward Making LMIs Automatically”.

It actually computes formulas similar to those used in the paper “Noncommutative Convexity Arises From Linear Matrix Inequalities” by J William Helton, Scott A. McCullough, and Victor Vinnikov. In particular, there are functions for calculating (symmetric) minimal descriptor realizations of nc (symmetric) rational functions, and determinantal representations of polynomials.

Members are:

16.2.1 NCDescriptorRealization

NCDescriptorRealization[RationalExpression,UnknownVariables] returns a list of 3 matrices {C,G,B} such that \(C G^{-1} B\) is the given RationalExpression. i.e. NCDot[C,NCInverse[G],B] === RationalExpression.

C and B do not contain any UnknownsVariables and G has linear entries in the UnknownVariables.

16.2.2 NCDeterminantalRepresentationReciprocal

NCDeterminantalRepresentationReciprocal[Polynomial,Unknowns] returns a linear pencil matrix whose determinant equals Constant * CommuteEverything[Polynomial]. This uses the reciprocal algorithm: find a minimal descriptor realization of inv[Polynomial], so Polynomial must be nonzero at the origin.

16.2.3 NCMatrixDescriptorRealization

NCMatrixDescriptorRealization[RationalMatrix,UnknownVariables] is similar to NCDescriptorRealization except it takes a Matrix with rational function entries and returns a matrix of lists of the vectors/matrix {C,G,B}. A different {C,G,B} for each entry.

16.2.4 NCMinimalDescriptorRealization

NCMinimalDescriptorRealization[RationalFunction,UnknownVariables] returns {C,G,B} where NCDot[C,NCInverse[G],B] == RationalFunction, G is linear in the UnknownVariables, and the realization is minimal (may be pinned).

16.2.5 NCSymmetricDescriptorRealization

NCSymmetricDescriptorRealization[RationalSymmetricFunction, Unknowns] combines two steps: NCSymmetrizeMinimalDescriptorRealization[NCMinimalDescriptorRealization[RationalSymmetricFunction, Unknowns]].

16.2.6 NCSymmetricDeterminantalRepresentationDirect

NCSymmetricDeterminantalRepresentationDirect[SymmetricPolynomial,Unknowns] returns a linear pencil matrix whose determinant equals Constant * CommuteEverything[SymmetricPolynomial]. This uses the direct algorithm: Find a realization of 1 - NCSymmetricPolynomial,…

16.2.7 NCSymmetricDeterminantalRepresentationReciprocal

NCSymmetricDeterminantalRepresentationReciprocal[SymmetricPolynomial,Unknowns] returns a linear pencil matrix whose determinant equals Constant * CommuteEverything[NCSymmetricPolynomial]. This uses the reciprocal algorithm: find a symmetric minimal descriptor realization of inv[NCSymmetricPolynomial], so NCSymmetricPolynomial must be nonzero at the origin.

16.2.8 NCSymmetrizeMinimalDescriptorRealization

NCSymmetrizeMinimalDescriptorRealization[{C,G,B},Unknowns] symmetrizes the minimal realization {C,G,B} (such as output from NCMinimalRealization) and outputs {Ctilda,Gtilda} corresponding to the realization {Ctilda, Gtilda,Transpose[Ctilda]}.

WARNING: May produces errors if the realization doesn’t correspond to a symmetric rational function.

16.2.9 NonCommutativeLift

NonCommutativeLift[Rational] returns a noncommutative symmetric lift of Rational.

16.2.10 SignatureOfAffineTerm

SignatureOfAffineTerm[Pencil,Unknowns] returns a list of the number of positive, negative and zero eigenvalues in the affine part of Pencil.

16.2.11 TestDescriptorRealization

TestDescriptorRealization[Rat,{C,G,B},Unknowns] checks if Rat equals \(C G^{-1} B\) by substituting random 2-by-2 matrices in for the unknowns. TestDescriptorRealization[Rat,{C,G,B},Unknowns,NumberOfTests] can be used to specify the NumberOfTests, the default being 5.

16.2.12 PinnedQ

PinnedQ[Pencil_,Unknowns_] is True or False.

16.2.13 PinningSpace

PinningSpace[Pencil_,Unknowns_] returns a matrix whose columns span the pinning space of Pencil. Generally, either an empty matrix or a d-by-1 matrix (vector).


Camino, Juan F., John William Helton, Robert E. Skelton, and Jieping Ye. 2003. Matrix Inequalities: a Symbolic Procedure to Determine Convexity Automatically.” Integral Equation and Operator Theory 46 (4): 399–454.
Mora, Teo. 1994. “An Introduction to Commutative and Noncommutative Groebner Bases.” Theoretical Computer Science 134: 131–73.
Oliveira, Mauricio C. de. 2012. Simplification of symbolic polynomials on non-commutative variables.” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 437 (7): 1734–48.

  1. The transpose of the gradient of the nc expression expr is the derivative with respect to the direction h of the trace of the directional derivative of expr in the direction h.↩︎

  2. Contrary to what happens with symbolic inversion of matrices with commutative entries, there exist multiple formulas for the symbolic inverse of a matrix with noncommutative entries. Furthermore, it may be possible that none of such formulas is “correct”. Indeed, it is easy to construct a matrix m with block structure as shown that is invertible but for which none of the blocks a, b, c, and d are invertible. In this case no correct formula exists for the calculation of the inverse of m.↩︎

  3. This is in contrast with the commutative \(x^4\) which is convex everywhere. See (Camino et al. 2003) for details.↩︎

  4. The reason is that making an operator Flat is a convenience that comes with a price: lack of control over execution and evaluation. Since NCAlgebra has to operate at a very low level this lack of control over evaluation is fatal. Indeed, making NonCommutativeMultiply have an attribute Flat will throw Mathematica into infinite loops in seemingly trivial noncommutative expressions. Hey, email us if you find a way around that :)↩︎

  5. One might have encountered this difficulty when trying to match a product of commutative variables in a commutative monomial such as x y^2 /. x y -> z which fails to match x y^2 even though x y^2 is equal to (x y) y.↩︎

  6. The actual rule in this case is the more complicated a^n:_Integer?Positive:1**c**b^m:_Integer?Positive:1 -> a^(n-1)**d**b^(m-1) with additional checks that prevent the rule from working with negative powers.↩︎

  7. By the way, I find that behavior of Mathematica’s Module questionable, since something like

    F[exp_] := Module[{aa, bb},
      SetNonCommutative[aa, bb];

    would not fail to treat aa and bb locally. It is their appearance in a rule that triggers the mostly odd behavior.↩︎

  8. Formerly MatMult[m1,m2].↩︎